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3 Votes

The Black Grimoire: A guide to Warlock

April 28, 2013 by Unorc
Comments: 6    |    Views: 17386    |   

Build 1

DotA2 Hero: Warlock

Hero Skills

Eldritch Summoning (Innate)

Fatal Bonds

1 3 5 7

Shadow Word

2 4 8 9


10 12 13 14

Chaotic Offering

6 11 16


15 17 18

The Black Grimoire: A guide to Warlock

April 28, 2013


Hello and welcome to my guide to Demnok, the Warlock. Warlock is a support who has strong laning and pushing capabilities, with some of the best harassment in the game. Able to heal teammates as well as damage enemies, Warlock also has a powerful AOE slow and a large AOE stun which summons a very powerful golem capable of decimating the enemy team.

As Chief Curator and Head of Acquisitions for the Arcane Archives of the Ultimyr Academy, Demnok Lannik was tireless in his pursuit of lost, rare and forbidden tomes. No cursed temple was so foreboding, no cavern path so treacherous, that any concern for his own survival could dissuade him from entering if rumors hinted that some pamphlet of primordial lore might still survive in its depths. However, so often did his investigations trigger the wrath of protector entities, that he finally found it necessary to master the arts of magic. He bent himself to learning sorcery with the same thorough obsessiveness that marked his quest for incunabula, becoming the most powerful Warlock of the Academy in less time than most practitioners required to complete a course of undergraduate work. Almost as an afterthought, he carved a staff of Dreadwood and summoned into it a captive spirit from the Outer Hells. And anticipating the day when he will have recovered every last lost spellbook, he has commenced writing his own Black Grimoire. It will undoubtedly be instructive.

Pros / Cons

+ Decent Attack Animation
+ Can heal and deal DoT
+ Can damage multiple enemies at once
+ Good initiator

- Low Health
- No escape mechanism
- Uses lots of mana
- 3 minute cooldown on Ulti



Binds several enemy units together, causing 20% of the damage dealt to one of them to be felt by the others.
Cast Range: 800
Radius: 575
Duration: 25
Max Bonded Units: 3 / 4 / 5 / 6

Percent Damage Shared: 20%

Mana Cost: 120 Cooldown Time: 25

Fatal Bonds is a very powerful spell early game for harassing enemies. Once it's cast there's no breaking it until the duration is over. What this means is that you could kill a running enemy by attacking creeps. Also, AOE damage is amplified on each person. If you Chaotic Offering 5 enemies who have Fatal Bonds cast on them, it will Double the Damage!

Demnok whispers an incantation, healing a friendly unit or damaging an enemy unit over time.
Cast Range: 500
Duration: 9
Damage Caused/ Healed Per Second: 15/25/35/45

Mana Cost: 90 / 110 / 130 / 150 Cooldown Time:16

Shadow Word is pretty much an Urn of Shadows. If you cast it on an enemy, they will take Damage over time, and if you cast it on an ally, they will heal over time. This can be used to harass early game and finish off escaping enemies. At max level, this ability heals/damages more than an Urn of Shadows.
A powerful slowing current that grows stronger as it's channelled. Lasts up to 10 seconds, slowing enemies up to 84%. Enemies are slowed for 3 seconds after leaving the area or the spell ends.
Cast Range: 700
Radius: 700
Duration: 10
Slow per Second: 7% / 14% / 21% / 28% (max 84%)

Mana Cost: 100 / 110 / 120 / 130 Cooldown Time:50

It's important to remember this spell is channeled, so use it AFTER the rest of your spells in a teamfight. It has a powerful slow that can cripple an enemy's movement speed and let your golem and/or teammates finish your enemies off. Generally, the warlock casting combo is Fatal Bonds-> Chaotic Offering-> Upheaval.

Summons a Golem from the depths, dealing 100 damage and stunning enemies for one second. The Golem lives 60 seconds, takes reduced damage from spells, has Permanent Immolation and Flaming Fists on attack.
SCEPTER UPGRADABLE: Calls 2 Golems, HP and damage are decreased by 25%, and bounty by 50% per golem.
Cast Range: 1200
Radius: 600
Summon Duration: 60
Stun Duration: 1
Level 1: Summons 1 (2*) Golem(s) with average attack
Level 2: Summons 1 (2*) Golem(s) with powerful attack
Level 3: Summons 1 (2*) Golem(s) with deadly attack

Mana Cost: 200 / 250 / 300 Cooldown Time: 165

Ah yes. In my honest opinion, Chaotic Offering ranks among the most powerful ults in the game. Not only does it stun enemies in an AoE (Remember, it does Double the Damage if you have Fatal Bonds on them!), and to top things off, summons a badass golem that deals and takes tons of damage. It's possible to summon the golem, die, and then get a rampage just from it. Remember though, DON'T WASTE IT, it gives a fair bit of gold when killed and the spell has an almost 3 minute cooldown. Don't use Chaotic Offering just to summon a golem or clear a creep wave. If the teamfight is over and your golem is still alive, push a tower with it. Use your good judgement as to when it's a good idea to use your golem or not.

Why These Items?


Warlock is a HARD SUPPORT. This means when the game starts, you will need to get either an Animal Courier or Observer Ward. Hopefully, you won't have to get both. 2 Iron Branches and a Ring of Protection will keep you alive during laning. Make sure you have the Tangos and Healing Salve; even though your Shadow Word has the same effect, you have a low mana pool and you should save it for when it's absolutely necessary.

Early game, upgrade to a Flying Courier as soon as possible! Remember that as a support, it is YOUR job to put the team first. This means warding as well. ALWAYS HAVE WARDS UP! Get your Boots of Speed ASAP. Ring of Basilius should help with mana problems. Always get a Magic Wand, it's useful on EVERY hero. Finally, a Headdress will give a useful healing aura.

Core/Mid Game

1000 more gold will net you your Arcane Boots and then you can start working on your Mekansm. Now that you're done with your support items, grab an Aghanim's Scepter. Two golems is far superior to one. You can grab a Force Staff to escape. I prefer it over Blink Dagger because you can use it on other targets.

Late Game/Luxury

Choose between a Scythe of Vyse and an Eul's Scepter of Divinity, personally I prefer the sheepstick, but both work. Shiva's Guard is a GREAT item in conjusction with your golem, very useful in teamfights. Casting order with Shiva's is Fatal Bonds then Chaotic Offering then Shiva's Guard, and last but not least Upheaval. Finally, a Necronomicon is useful for more damage while you're using Upheaval and your golem is wreaking havoc. A Refresher Orb is also an excellent item on Warlock if you're in a lot of teamfights. It negates the 3 minute cooldown of your Chaotic Offering, making you more useful.

A Drum of Endurance can be a good team item. It's got nice stats and an active that can help the team. You COULD get Vladimir's Offering if your team is very melee heavy but it is a VERY situational item.


Allies and Enemies


Remember, Fatal Bonds doubles AOE nukes if 5 enemies take the damage.[/b]

Crystal Maiden is one of Warlock's BEST allies. She has not one, but TWO AoE slows that deal plenty of damage. Not only will it be doubled if the enemies have Fatal Bonds on them, it will slow them nicely, allowing your golem and the rest of your team to come in and deal with the enemies.

Gyrocopter's ultimate is a very powerful AoE nuke. It also slows. His other abilities deal lots of damage very quickly, which will be distributed among enemies. He's a very useful teammate.

His Ghost Ship and Torrent are perfect for amplifying, and since his Tidebringer does damage to everyone in a certain radius, they can be taking TWICE the damage of his attacks EVERY 4 SECONDS.

Tiny has an AoE stun which deals tons of damage AND his Toss has a small AoE. If/when he gets his Aghanim's Scepter, he'll be doing cleave damage as well.

Warlock also is an excellent Lane Support Babysitter. He can heal, harass, and doesn't need much farm. Heroes he can lane with include:

- Faceless Void
- Anti-Mage
- Ursa
- Phantom Assassin
- Sniper


Warlock relies on his abilities. Without them he is nothing. He also has a low health pool. Stuns and silences will make him useless and nukes will take him down very quickly.

Death Prophet's silence will make you useless and her ultimate and nuke will kill you VERY quickly.

Doom Bringer
Doom Bringer's ultimate does DoT that can take over 1000 HP AND it completely silences you, meaning you can't use abilities OR items. No TP, no Force Staff escape; you're dead if he targets you.

He has multiple abilities that will silence you, does lots of damage with his autoattack, AND does DoT with some of his abilities. His Global Silence has the same effect as Doom's Ultimate.

Please keep in mind this is my first guide here and any constructive criticism would be appreciated. Thanks for taking the time to read this and I hope it helps.

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