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8 Votes

Slice you Nice!

October 27, 2015 by KoDyAbAbA
Comments: 30    |    Views: 66941    |   

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Fighter Naga

DotA2 Hero: Naga Siren

Hero Skills

Eelskin (Innate)

Mirror Image

4 9 10 12


1 8 13 14

Rip Tide

2 3 5 7

Song of the Siren

6 11 16


15 17 18


Hello guys, and welcome to my guide to Naga Siren!

My Name is KoDyAbAbA, I am 18 years old and have been playing DoTA before you were born.Jokes apart, i have been playing DoTA 2 for about 2 years now, and i love making guides,so, Yay!

This guide is not concise.

Slithice, The Naga Siren

Among the high-sworn of the Slithereen Guard there is a solemn vow oft repeated before battle: No Slithereen may fail. In truth, these words are equal parts oath and enforceable covenant, for those who fall short of their duty are banished from the order. To fail is to be other than Slithereen.

Once most highly esteemed of her race, Slithice for many years commanded a battalion of her fellows, using her formidable voice as her greatest weapon. Powerful, sinuous, serpentine, she led her deadly Guard in defense of the Deep Ones, and the great wealth of the sunken cities. But in the final battle of Crey, her forces were driven back by a marauding army of levianths intent on finding tribute for their god Maelrawn. After the long and bloody onslaught, as the bodies were cleared from the sunken halls, a single jeweled chalice was found missing from the trove. Of her hundred Guard, only a handful survived, but their bravery and sacrifice were of little consequence. What mattered was that treasure was taken. Honor destroyed. And so Naga Siren was cast out. Banished to search for the stolen chalice. Though she might add a hundred times her weight to the golden trove, she is doomed to live apart until that day she returns that which was taken. For no amount of gold is equal in honor to the honor she lost.

So yeah,basically, Naga Siren is an outcast Phantom Lancer.Characterized by an amazing stat gain,high starting armor,high movement speed and a very powerful skill-set, Naga Siren is considered to be one of the hardest carries in the game, and not without good reason.A hero capable of dealing humongous amounts of damage to towers and heroes alike, Naga Siren is not a hero to be underestimated at any point in the game.


One Skill to rule them all.

This is Naga Siren's skill that makes her such a beast in the late game.This skill creates 3 illusions with a duration of 30 seconds.This is huge!This is what enables Naga Siren to become the queen of all rats.With such a large duration, you can simultaneously farm 4 neutral camps at once.This is one of the main reasons that you often see a Naga Siren going 1/5 and still having a 14 minute radiance and then stomping the enemy's face.

This skill also functions as a Manta Style-esque escape skill as it makes Naga Siren invulnerable during cast,enabling her to dodge many skill shots.Also dispels any slows or other debuffs that may be afflicting naga.

With a duration of 30 seconds and a cooldown of 40, Mirror Image enables you to have illusions almost all the game, something that is unheard of anywhere in DoTA (other than cancer of course).

A detailed list of all skills that can be disjointed by using mirror image is given Here.

Number of Illusions: 3
Illusion Damage Dealt: 20%/25%/30%/35%
Illusion Damage Taken: 600%/500%/400%/300%
Illusion Duration: 30
Cooldown: 40
Mana Cost:70/80/90/100

Is the skill that makes escaping Naga Siren a futile task.Let's just make a short list of the things it does:
  • Goes through magic immunity.
  • Disables all blinking abilities.
  • prevents units from becoming invisible.
  • interrupts all channeling spells.
yes,it does all that.All on a 14 second cooldown.This is what makes Naga Siren so irritating to deal want to kill her, so you make Black King Bar to bypass her ultimate, and then the ***** casts Ensnare on you and calmly teleports out of the mess.Wasting 5 seconds of somebody's Black King Bar is no joke.

Ensnare's duration when maxed, is 5 seconds.This is HUGE.This more than 90% of all stuns in the game and the longest root in the game.This skill is also one of the main reasons that Naga Siren support is so famous.

Cast Range: 650
Duration: 2/3/4/5
Cool Down:14
Mana Cost:90/100/110/120

Rip Tide is Naga Siren's signature nuke.It deals moderate damage on a low cooldown. But this is not what sets this skill apart.This skill also reduces armor.This is a very underestimated part of Rip Tide.People remember that armor is important, but they don't know how important.

Think of it like this; if normal damage takes away a flat amount of the enemy's health, armor reduction takes away a percentage of the enemy's health.It is THAT effective!The effect of this is explained by the diagram below:

For example, if the enemy has 8 armor, and is hit with a maxed-out Rip Tide, the target will have lost 17% of his effective physical health!.One more example on this topic, if an enemy has 5 armor and is hit with a maxed Rip Tide, the target will lose 23% of his effective physical health!

Amazing isn't it? but the sad truth is, the effectiveness of armor reduction goes on reducing as the game goes on.This phenomenon is very clearly shown in the diagram below.

Radius: 320
Damage: 130/160/190/220
Armor Reduction: 2/3/4/5
Duration: 8
Cool Down:10
Mana Cost:80/90/100/110

Song of the Siren is considered to be one of the most powerful ultimates in the game.This skill puts every enemy creep and enemy hero in a radius of 1250 units to sleep for 7 seconds.

To simplify, let me out it this way; Song of the Siren is a chronosphere, but has a bigger radius, allows allies to walk in it and prevents any damage from happening in that duration.It is a pure initiation/escape skill.More-over, it is basically a free get-out ticket for Naga Siren as nobody can do anything to you in that duration, guaranteeing a safe teleport out.

There are a lot of things that can be done with this versatile AoE slow.
  • Initiation onto the enemy, giving alies time for perfect positioning.
  • Counter-initiation, for when they blink in and try to do stuff.
  • Split pushing like hell, then using this skill and teleporting out.
  • Roshan fights.
  • Base defence; buying your team time.
  • Perfect ghost ships and Epicenters.

Note:This skill prevents any damage from being dealt to your enemies, so be careful when using it as a set-up for big team-fight ultimates.

Process:set-up for teamfight ultimates

> Use ultimate when enemies are near each other.
> Wait for allied skill to channel.
> Deactivate Song of the Siren as soon as channeling ends.
> Watch as enemies are ripped apart by perfect Epicenters and Elder Titan combos.

Cast Time:0.8
Radius: 1250
Duration: 7
Cool down:180/120/60
Mana Cost:100

Item Choices-Fighter Naga.

Starting Items

We start with a Quelling Blade to help with last hits and to make good routes out of the jungle for easy gank routes for the mid laner as well as good escape routes.

Stout shield is purchased to further reduce the harass meted out to our frail little gal, and it also makes into Poor Man's Shield, which gives you one armor.

Tangoes are our choice of regeneration as they do not interrupt with our last hitting routine and heal more than a Healing Salve.They can also be used in conjunction with Quelling Blade to rapidly carve out routes from the jungle.

Early Game

The first item we make is Poor Man's Shield as it more or less makes enemy support harass almost negligible in nature.Also, the agility boost grants you 1 armor and helps in early jungle farming.

Boots of Speed are made because,when coupled up with your natural 320 movement speed, it makes Naga Siren zoom through lanes and the jungle at incredible speeds,facilitating escapes and ganks alike.

Core Items

Power Treads are our boots of choice on Naga Siren as they give her a attack-speed as well as a versatile stat bonus which can be changed according to her needs.
  • Agility= as an agility farming carry, this is your preferred form of Power grants you 1 armor,38 attack speed and 8 attack damage.This is great as it greatly accelerates your farm while giving you some form of survivability.
  • Strength=the only time you might want to consider switching your treads to strength is when you are retreating and when you are in the middle of a fight as it gives you 152 health, which is great considering that Vitality Booster gives you only 250 health.
  • Intelligence=This is my second most used tread more,the first being agility.This is because if you are being forced to spam your spells to farm/deny farm,the extra mana comes in handy.

When playing Naga Siren against a team that specializes in putting pressure early-on, it is advisable to forgo Radiance to rush Diffusal Blade, an item which is arguably just as good as Radiance.The only difference in farming is thet, with Radiance, you farm creeps, and with diffusal blade], you farm heroes.This items increases your DPS by so much it's not even funny.It straight out burns 100 mana per hit if all illusions hit the same target, which, while not being as (conditionally)big as that of [[phantom lancer, is pretty ******* huge as you will be hitting the target for 100 damage too, which is great!

drum of endurance?what?wait!let me explain.First, let us see what the Drum of Endurance gives us:
  • 9 agility=1.2 armor, 9 attack speed and 12 damage
  • 9 strength=171 health and 0.2 health regen
  • 9 intelligence=119 mana and 0.36 health regen
  • Passive aura=5 attack speed and 5% movement speed (18.5 for naga siren)
  • Active aura=10 attack speed and 15%(total) movement speed (55.5 for naga)
It gives Naga Siren everything she needs.Now, she can catch up to the enemies faster and destroy any chances the enemy has to get away with Ensnare and Diffusal Blade.

This is our choice of life-steal for Naga Siren.Why? because of it's scalability and the ability to add another unit to your entourage.Also, the bonus damage is great as you are focussed on killing people anyways.The armor takes your total tally to ridiculous amounts, making you unkillable in the mid-game.

Preferred creeps

centaur conquerer
This is the best neutral creep that you can dominate.With a naturally high health pool and the bonus health from domination,centaur conquerer has a total hp of 1600.This monstrous health, combined with his natural 4 armor, makes him one tanky **********er.Also, the stun is amazing in combination with Naga Siren as it gets the perfect set up when used in conjunction with Ensnare.Also, you can build a situational Ring of Aquila for 2 extra armor >:{D.

alpha wolf
The alpha wolf is also a very good creep for Naga Siren due to it's percentage based damage aura that benefits her illusions as well as herself.Also has 1100 health after domination, so that's good.

satyr banisher
YES.This creep is AMAZING for Naga Siren.why? because when used in conjunction with the purge from Diffusal Blade, you can permanently slow the enemy down!Also becomes pretty difficult to kill with 800 health.

wildwing ripper
Another top class creep for domination.Why? because this creep has the highest EHP of all creeps.Yes.Starting with a monster 4 armor, supplemented by 3 from the aura and 2 from Ring of Aquila, the wildwing ripper has 9 armor and 1450 health, making him the tankiest of all creeps in the game.

Armlet is a situational core item which is made if you think that putting insane amounts of pressure in the mid game will be enough to shut down the enemy carries,notable examples being Faceless Void and Spectre who can't farm as effectively as others when at an disadvantage.
Let us see what armlet provides when it is activated(passive bonuses included):
  • 25 strength which is 475 health.
  • 7.75 health regeneration.
  • 5 armor.
  • 25 attack speed.
  • 40 attack damage.
Now you might say,"why do i make this item when i clearly don't need many of those stats?"

Agreed, you don't exactly beg for attack damage or health regeneration, but your illusions really appreciate the health and armor boosts, making them insanely tanky and annoying to deal with.

All you need to do is turn on armlet, make illusions and turn it off again to get insanely tanky illusions while minimizing the damage taken by you.This is a very viable tactic as it aids your pushing prowess while making you a lot more tough to deal with.

This item can also be used in conjunction with radiance for amazing results if you got your radiance and then farming your heart of terrace became difficult (for some inane reason).

Late Game

The Manta is your your first choice as an extension item due to it's amazing synergy with Diffusal Blade and the fact that that it makes you go even faster and that it gives you another way of juking skill-shots.

The all-round stat gain also benefit's Naga Siren's illusions a lot, and this, when coupled up with Diffusal Blade's mana burn, increases naga's DPS by a lot.

This item is purchased mainly to put additional amounts of pressure on the enemy team as well as helping you scale into the late game.The burn from this item enables each and every one of your illusions to clear one camp by itself, enabling you to clear every camp in one side of a jungle in 20 seconds.This accelerates your farm quite a bit, enabling you to still be a monster at 50 minutes in.

[{Radiance]] is also useful in pushing out lanes with ease, putting enormous amounts of pressure on the enemy team as an unattended naga means that all of your towers will be melting in no time.

The heart is one of the classic items on Naga Siren simply because when used in conjunction with Radiance, you can push out lanes without worry as even heroes will find it difficult to take down Naga Siren's illusions as they are so tanky.Gives you a 1000 health, which is nice.

With the monstrous amounts of healing that it provides, Naga Siren herself can lead a pushing wave and tank all the tower damage, meaning that the creeps will not die and the tower will be dealt higher damage.Heart also enables you to jump out of fights, regenerate and jump right in with full health.

Yeah, This item is AMAZING on Naga Siren, almost as good as the Heart of Tarrasque due to the extra armor that it gives, which will be explained in the math section.

It's not the best item to purchase on naga as she is not one to go head-on into a fight in the late game, but if there is some little **** like Troll Warlord, Riki or Phantom Assassin, don't be afraid to pick it up and bash their faces in :D/

Is one of the best items in the game.Period.Good all-round stats help too.Enables you to hit your enemies for a full 3.5 seconds,which is equal to 7 hits.(calculated in the math section)

Is a very good extension item as apart from giving you god-like amounts of heals, it also tanks you up, which is something that an illusion hero like Naga Siren can truly appreciate.
Is very good on naga as it ensures that naga siren gets that guaranteed hit-time, something that naga siren needs to do consistent damage.

Also, the damage boost and strength boost is pretty handy, along with the occasional bashes that keep the enemy in place.

Gameplay-Fighter Naga.

Early Game

As a fighting carry (can be position 2 or 3), the primary objective of a Naga Siren in the early game is to secure enough farm to get your core items and become active in team-fights.We take an early point in Mirror Image because of the Manta Style-esque invulnerability which can totally turn around gank attempts as most early game gankers have projectile stuns/nukes ( Lion,alechemist, Earthshaker, Bounty Hunter, Sven come to mind) which do not deal damage or stun if naga is able to pull Mirror Image off at the right time.Please note that this takes practice to achieve,so don't be disheartened if you are not able to do it on the first go :D.

You may either lane with a support or with your #3, the latter being more-kill and snowball oriented,while the first one is safer and solidifies your mid-game. Naga Siren is a unique hero, one which needs to be understood in order to be played to maximum efficiency. Naga has the ability to get out of many situations due to temporary invulnerability, above average movement speed, innate physical damage resistance and a trusty disable.But beware that she is still vulnerable to instant nukes and the elk as it can't be evaded.

Mid Game

In the mid game, after getting Diffusal Blade and Power Treads, you are good to start ganking and achieving objectives with your team.Do NOT underestimate Naga Siren's power in the mid game.She is a BEAST.Burning a 100 mana per hit, Naga Siren goes through the enemy's mana like a knife through butter, giving them no way to retaliate to the unending onslaught of mana-eating fish-babes.

After you get all of the 3 of the core items in the build,hell even 2, you can start using your illusions to farm the jungle solely or jungle and lane when not ganking/achieving objectives.


  • Create illusions in the jungle. The green dotted position is used when you want to solely farm the jungle, while the red spot denotes the position at which you create your illusions when you want to send illusions in the lane as well as the jungle.
  • Command each and every illusion to start hitting creeps and not just stand there (big starters mistake).
  • When every illusion reaches the correct position, use riptide so as to increase it's effeciency 4-fold.Why?because your illusions cast Rip Tide too, so they will damage creeps around them too.
  • Be careful about your illusions in the lane as they will need more attention than the jungle illusions.This is because the lane will be pushed out and your illusions will be left behind, implying that they will not be doing anything,wasting the remainder of their up-time.
  • Rinse and repeat.

Late Game

In the early stages of the late game (40-45 minutes) you might fall off a bit due to absense of pure late-game items in your inventory, but it is not of much consequence as the carry that you have been creating space for in the mid game,finally comes online with big game-changing items, giving YOU some space to farm items :D.If you can manage to get atleast 2 of the late-game items, (eg. Radiance and Heart of Tarrasque, the possibility of you loosing the game drops astronomically.

In the Late game, Rip Tide falls-off hard due to it's sub-standard damage and the fact that -5 armor 50 minutes into the game just doesn't mean that much.Fortunately, Ensnare remains very very relevant,and becomes more important according to me.Why?because the ability to nullify the enemy carry's now 5-second Black King Bar is ground shattering.This completely removes any need for your team to retreat when the Black King Bar-red Luna comes running into you.Just Ensnare and wait till Black King Bar wears off :D.

Also, remember, that even if you didn't start as a rat, you were destined to be one.

Gameplay- Armlet Naga

I have decided to make a different Section for the naga build including Armlet of Mordiggian because of the several inconsistencies found in the game-play between the fighter and armlet build, which require proper explanation.

General armlet logic :

Early Game

In the early game, your laning strategy is going to be similar to that of generic fighter naga, the only difference being that you are going purchase 2 helm of the iron will.Why? because they give us 10 armor and 6 hp regen, making you fairly tanky, and they also form the basis for two of your core items, Helm of the Dominator and Armlet of Mordiggian.

Your strategy takes a more aggressive turn after the acquisition of two helms as now your are very, very tanky(at level 7, you have 18 armor and 800 health, which is about 51% physical damage reduction.), enabling you to tower dive with lesser risk of dying to tower hits.
A tier one tower does 110 damage at an average, of which only 75% is felt by heroes, which comes to 82.5 damage per hit. 51% of 82.5 is Only 42 damage per hit.

After getting 2 helms, stop.Now start making Diffusal Blade as you need it to deal a major chunk of damage.Also, one must keep in mind that even if your physical EHP is unrivaled at this point in the game, you are still pretty susceptible to nukes, so keep your head low when not ganking.


After getting all of your core items, you really start rolling out of control. You can literally turn the tides of team fights with your insane damage output and reliable tower-pushing ability.

In the mid-game, Naga Siren becomes an annoying hero to deal with simply because of the large amount of things that one can do with her, if played correctly.Your armlet performs a pivotal role in solidifying your position in the mid-game by buffing naga up while giving her some much needed damage and sustain with it's passive regeneration.

In the mid-game, a fighting naga has to keep in mind one and only one thing, Achieving objectives.That's all you need to do.Take towers.Get pick-offs.Pressurize lanes.This why you got all of these items.To do stuff.

If you are 25 minutes into the game and the enemy's T2's are still standing, something has gone terribly wrong.

As a naga siren with an Armlet of Mordiggian and Helm of the Dominator, you can use the armlet to farm the jungle and push lanes much faster without having to worry about health as a considerable chunk of the damage is negated by the regeneration given y the two items (10 to be exact).This, combined with lifesteal pretty much negates all damage done by the armlet pretty efficiently, enabling you to keep the armlet on for extended durations.

late Game

So, yeah! late-game! guess what? armlet is getting redundant, all of your drum charges are gone, you have 1 late-game item only.Sounds bad right?Actually it is quite bad :c
This is because you made that extra investment in the form of Armlet of Mordiggian, which would normally go into the purchase of a Manta Style.

The only way that you can successfully farm up for the late game if your space creation was good enough and your primary carry is farmed enough to hold out until you get 1 or 2 late-game items.

In case your team is winning the game, you should immediately pressure their barracks and try to get at least 2 mega lanes so as to ensure that their gold income reduces to a mere trickle,forcing the supports to further sacrifice their farm to ensure gold for their carries, which weakens the enemy team by a large extent as there is a huge gold difference between the net-worth of both the team's supports.

If the game is going pretty equal (which usually means that you didn't do your job), it's all on your carry.If he/she can hold on until the position 2 (you) secures enough farm, you win.Otherwise, its a one-way ticket to looserville boyz.

Lane Synergy-Figher Naga

and naga siren together are capable of wrecking face starting level 2-3.The synergy is so strong between this duo, that its not even funny.Both have high mobility, one lacks a disable, one lacks damage.It's like when you fit together a jigsaw puzzle on the first try.Without looking at it.****ing with this lane is like ****ing with roshan at level 1 while playing anti-mage; you ain't gonna do **** son.

even the mention of this lane says it all.


Hey hey look who came along the big lane, its the snitch
Looks like you are getting laid all night long,*****.
Yeah, looks like it, you ain't gonna do any ****,
My homie Chaos and i going to commit
To destroying you hypocrites

**** rap off

So yeah.Don't mess with me.I'm not a rapper.
On a more serious note, the sheer killing potential of this lane is so high, that you can literally stop last hitting (joke) and hunt down the heroes of your lane.Stun into ensnare can give us a disable of upto upto 9 seconds,Which is great!

the pain is real my friend.Amazing synergy with insane amounts of lockdown and nuking damage coming out from leshrac and naga.
And Naga Siren are one of the better combinations to try out when playing a fighter naga as juggernaut can do insane amounts of damage in conjunction with naga siren's disable And her physical damage amplification, both of which benefit him.
Note:If you are paired up with a support, the heroes in the rat naga section are applicable. This is the Link to next synergy section.

If you came from the support section,This is the link to go back

Item Choices-Rat Naga

Starting Items

We start with a Quelling Blade to help with last hits and to make good routes out of the jungle for easy gank routes for the mid laner as well as good escape routes.

Stout shield is purchased to further reduce the harass meted out to our frail little gal, and it also makes into Poor Man's Shield, which gives you one armor.

Tangoes are our choice of regeneration as they do not interrupt with our last hitting routine and heal more than a Healing Salve.They can also be used in conjunction with Quelling Blade to rapidly carve out routes from the jungle.

Starting Items #2

Alternatively, you can start with a Poor Man's Shield from the very beginning if you feel that you are going to be met with heavy - resistance from level 1,also, it gives solid boost to agility,increasing your attack damage and speed,which is very good for naga.

For this to work, you have to ask for tangoes to your supports as all of your money will be going into getting an early PMS.

Early Game #3

In this build we start with a Wraith Band and a set of tangoes to rush a Ring of Aquila as it helps with the mana and makes Naga Siren more tanky.

Early Game #1 and #2

The first item we make is Poor Man's Shield as it more or less makes enemy support harass almost negligible in nature.Also, the agility boost grants you 1 armor and helps in early jungle farming.

Boots of Speed are made because,when coupled up with your natural 320 movement speed, it makes Naga Siren zoom through lanes and the jungle at incredible speeds,facilitating escapes and ganks alike.
We make a Bracer in this build as after this item, we are not going to purchase anything other than tp scrolls for a long long time and we need the extra stats to increase our survivability and a small boost to the mana pool.

Early Game #3

We rush a Ring of Aquila as it gives us a tonne of damage, some survivability and a good boost to mana regen and armor, all of which Naga Siren needs.Also, it strengthens your illusions quite a bit, so, Yay!
everybody needs boots. Naga needs them too.More so because with boots she has a 370 movement speed, which is great!
Bracers are cool.They are like "we are cool"bands.Yeah Io, **** have no hands, ***.

core items

These are our preferred choice of boots because of the stats and the attack speed that they give.This is further augmented by its above average versatility.Want some mana?switch to int treads.Going into battle/farming? switch to agility.Being chased? switch to strength.

Also, it is pretty vital to your survivability as you are not going to invest gold into survivability for a long-long time to farm your Radiance.

The infamous Radiance.It's so's prec-
Oh sorry...I get kinda...carried away sometimes. So, Radiance! Amazing item on naga siren.Increases your farm rate by so much it's not even funny.Also, this item transforms you into the rat you truly are.Just the power to single handedly push 2 lanes at once is game-breaking.the only hero that even comes close is a midged named boush.That's boush-****!Also melts squishy heroes,so we've that going on for us :D

Extension items.

The heart is one of the classic items on Naga Siren simply because when used in conjunction with Radiance, you can push out lanes without worry as even heroes will find it difficult to take down Naga Siren's illusions as they are so tanky.Gives you a 1000 health, which is nice.

With the monstrous amounts of healing that it provides, Naga Siren herself can lead a pushing wave and tank all the tower damage, meaning that the creeps will not die and the tower will be dealt higher damage.Heart also enables you to jump out of fights, regenerate and jump right in with full health.

This is often the second item purchased on Naga Siren.A early Radiance + Heart of Tarrasque is almost always a sure win as in the early stages of the game, nobody can handle staying near naga for long due to the burn and her damage output.

The Manta is your your first choice as an extension item due to it's amazing synergy with Diffusal Blade and the fact that that it makes you go even faster and that it gives you another way of juking skill-shots.

The all-round stat gain also benefit's Naga Siren's illusions a lot, and this, when coupled up with Diffusal Blade's mana burn, increases naga's DPS by a lot.

diffusal blade is a very legit extension item on Naga Siren as contrary to popular belief, this item does not lose it's importance in the late game.Losing 300 mana per second 50 minutes into the game is just as devastating as losing 300 mana 20 minutes into the game.

It indirectly gives you armour as well, making your illusions to tank much more.The attack speed is good, but it is the purge that stands out.With the help of purge, naga siren can run down almost every hero in the game with ease and proceed to shred them to pieces.

Yeah, This item is AMAZING on Naga Siren, almost as good as the Heart of Tarrasque due to the extra armor that it gives, which will be explained in the math section.

It's not the best item to purchase on naga as she is not one to go head-on into a fight in the late game, but if there is some little **** like Troll Warlord, Riki or Phantom Assassin, don't be afraid to pick it up and bash their faces in :D.

Is one of the best items in the game.Period.Good all-round stats help too.Enables you to hit your enemies for a full 3.5 seconds,which is equal to 7 hits.(calculated in the math section)

Is a very good extension item as apart from giving you god-like amounts of heals, it also tanks you up, which is something that an illusion hero like Naga Siren can truly appreciate.

Is very good on naga as it ensures that naga siren gets that guaranteed hit-time, something that naga siren needs to do consistent damage.

Also, the damage boost and strength boost is pretty handy, along with the occasional bashes that keep the enemy in place.

Gameplay-Rat Naga

early game

As a ratting Naga Siren, you have to be very careful in the early game because you are almost always going to be top ganking priority for the enemy team.This is normal,because the earlier a naga gets her Radiance, the more devastating it becomes.

We will be taking early points in all of our skills, because all of them are freaking important for surviving and farming the lane to maximum efficiency.As you will be with one or two babysitters in lane, you mustn't have problems in getting the farm you need to get a very early radiance and start farming at crazy speeds.

You cannot afford to venture too far in the early game as your main objective will be to stack enough gold so as to procure Sacred Relic at the earliest possible time because if you die, you will take a considerable amount of gold with you which will really set your Radiance timing back by a lot.

One way you can farm at high speeds is if you can get your supports to stack as many camps as they can.By doing this, you can maximize the effectiveness of Radiance and Rip Tide while minimizing your farm time considerably.

Mid Game

After you get your Radiance, you can safely start farming the lane and the jungle as per the conditions of the game and the statuses of your team.If you think that your team is ahead and can hold out without you, you can continue to safely farm the jungle and get your extension items,while occasionally send an illusion to the lane to push it out and thus keep the pressure up.If you think that your team needs your influence in the game right now, you can unleash your full wrath on the enemy, continually and ruthlessly sending illusions in the lane and pushing down towers in no time.

There are two objectives that every naga should remember 25 minutes into the game:
  • Farm late-game items.

  • Relieve enemy pressure.

The first one is pretty simple, but it is the second one that really counts.

Your team made space for you in the early game so that you could farm your Radiance with ease.Now, since they have been going 4v5 against the enemy for the past 25 minutes, there is a big possibility that 1 or 2 of them are under farmed/under leveled.After having purchased your core item, you must start to leave the jungle for them if you can so that they can farm up their items or levels, whichever is necessary.

By doing this, you ensure that the lanes are pushed out so that your enemies are always under pressure and unable to put the same on you.Another advantage of doing so is that you present your allies with an opportunity to farm up, solidifying their presence in the game with relative ease.

You must take down at least 3 towers before minute 40, otherwise it can be safely assumed that you did not make ample use of your farm.

Late Game

In the late-game, one gets to see the true power of the naga siren.Your pushes are neigh unstoppable, your team-fighting is incomparable and your wrath is limitless.I have personally taken down battlefury-weilding anti mage's and Phantom Assassin's in seconds.You can literally slice through them like butter.

The main objective of playing as a naga in the late game is pushing down towers.Yeah, that's pretty much it.That's all you do.Why?Because you are damn good at it.Nobody pushes better than Naga Siren 50 minutes into the game other than terror-cyka and cancer.Even at that, you will always have a guaranteed escape with Song of the Siren being there to protect you if things go south.

If you choose so,you also function as an amazing team-fighting carry leading the charge with Song of the Siren and disabling key targets with Ensnare.

Lane Synergy-Rat Naga

is an amazing lane partner as naga guarantees cold feet, which is ****ing unfair.As a hero who is dependent on heroes to stay in an area for his ultimate do deal damage to them, naga siren's disable serves as a convenient way to keep the enemy in place with ease.

is another amazing combination as it gives you a good nuking combination and a stun which is guaranteed to land in combination with ensnare.This also ensures a free kill when jak hits level 6 as your macro pyre will deal insane amounts of damage.
is a very good combination with naga siren due to the insane amount of harass she can mete out to the enemies by virtue of her higher range and the fact that naga's and Alina's skill align perfectly with each other.Also has handy nukes which,when used judiciously, can quickly make naga siren wealthy.
is an incredible hero when combined with naga siren simply because of his ability to amplify the damage done to his enemies and the ability to make more illusions for naga which deal **** loads of damage while being reasonably tanky. Also has a purge/nuke which is something naga can use due to her lack of mobility in the form of blinks and such.
If you came from fighter naga section, here is the link to go back.

Item Choices-#5 & #4 support

Starting items

As a number 5 support, you need to take out the animal courier as it is vital to the sucess of your off- and mid- lane.

You are the support.So you buy that ****.No complaints about that.Warding is necessary if you have a vulnerable mid - laner or you are supporting a carry that can't do **** in the first 10 minutes of the game.The amount of ganks that can be prevented with the help of a single ward is astounding.

You need a set of tangoes because of your melee hit range and the fact that your allies may need them in emergencies.

Early Game

With the above average movement speed, naga siren can weave through creeps and heroes alike to land those clutch Ensnares and pull creeps with ease while swiftly warding without having to leave the carry vulnerable for long durations of time.

You need to upgrade flying courier immediately after cooldown, often being your first purchase.This is because it gives the courier the advantages of flying (effective phase) as well as a permanent movement speed buff and a burst speed ability.

Core Items

As a position 5 support, you are going to have to spam your skills a lot due to the sheer utility that they provide.You can use Mirror Image to scout runes,give vision of enemy jungle and block enemy paths. Rip Tide is a handy nuke with a damage amp. Ensnare is ****ing amazing.You can't run away from a team that has naga on it.
Also helps the team, so, yay!

Force staff is considered core on naga siren as it gives her somewhat of an escape.It also serves as a very effective positioning/disruption item as you can push enemies towards your team or push your initiator in their direction, changing the tides of any battle.It can also be used in dire situations to push your carry to safety.

The Mek enhances your utility as a team fighter and a pusher.You can literally wade into enemy territory, cast song and save your allies and then heal him to prevent him from dying from some annoying AoE piece of ****.Also gives your whole team a passive armor boost and HP regen boost, which is nice too.

Extension items

blink dagger turns naga siren into an insanely strong initiator in conjunction with Song of the Siren. It also aids in landing some sick Ensnare's, giving your team opportunities to pick-offs enemy heroes without risking a chase.

Euls is amazing on naga siren as it adds to her already insane movement speed,gives handy mana regen and adds a purge/semi-disable to naga's already deadly kit.It can be used to evade every skill in the game and prevent enemy heroes from running away from you.When used in conjunction with Blink Dagger, nobody in the ****ing game can run away from you.

It's the best item in the game boyz.what more do you want?

The medallion gives us a handy mana ragen as well as armor and an active that reduces enemy armor.When used in conjunction with a maxed Rip Tide, It reduces enemy armor by 12.yay!

A good strength boost enhanced by evasion as well as a super effective disarm and a powerful bkb-piercing slow.What's not to like?

[linkin's sphere size=100]
This item is for when you are filthy rich and want to initiate into the enemy team without being silenced or stunned first.The reason we do not make Black King Bar is that you can use the buff from linken's on allies too.And you are a support.So you thou shalt not buy bkb!

Gameplay- #4 & #5 support

Early Game

Yeah, you picked naga first and then they conveniently picked 2 other hard carries after you.What do you do? you support!It's pretty simple to support as a Naga Siren.A support naga siren is basically played very aggressively in the early game along with early game damage dealers like Juggernaut or Ursa, usually heroes who lack disables to lay down their insane amounts of damage. Naga's disable is not the only reason that she is played aggressively.She also has high early armor values and a damage amplification, which makes her ideal for early game ganks.

Due to her insane kill-potential in lane, she is often played in a tri-lane with a reliable stun to basically guarantee kills in the lane. ( Naga Siren + Ancient Apparition + Gyrocopter = killing frenzy.)
Given below is a diagram that shows the decision making flowchart for a support:

As a number #4 support, naga can be played as a very efficient roaming ganker with her naturally high MS and a super-reliable disable.This can help in giving naga some farm to get that early Blink Dagger.

Mid Game

In the mid game, you must have at least your Force Staff so that you can start taking part in team-fights.You are invaluable in this part of the game because your Ensnare comes into the picture as a game-breaker.Wasting the enemy's Black King Bar for 5 seconds is nothing to scoff at.

You are also incredibly relevant thanks to your insane initiation/counter-initiation ultimate, by whose virtue you can single handedly **** the other team up by negating any damage that they were going to do or by making their escape impossible.Also, you can scout with the help of your illusions, making way for incredibly easy and risk free ganks and scouting as at most, they will find out the illusion and kill it.pfft.

Late Game

As with every Black King Bar piercing disabler in the game, naga remains incredibly relevant as a support even 50 minutes into the game.Even at that, it has one of the biggest durations of them all and a filthy low cooldown, making you much more important than say, a Bane or something.

If you can farm up at least 2 of your extensions by this point in the game, you can safely be considered to be a high - level threat to the enemy and may result in you being prioritized in team-fights and pick-offs alike.This is the reason we make Blink Dagger and Force Staff so that one can easily initiate and disable from long distances.

DO NOT head a high-ground invasion into the enemy territory.Why?

because it counts as an invasion of privacy(sorry for implied punz).

But seriously, you don't want to go in first when pushing as a support because you will die and won't be able to spam disables later.The only case in which you can go ahead is when you have Song of the Siren ready.

Lane synergy - #5 & #4 support

The lane synergies that apply to you as a fighter naga still apply to the support naga as your functions are going to be somewhat similar. Link to go to synergy section.

He tosses, you Ensnare.He tosses, you sing the Song of the Siren.He tosses, well you get the idea.Also gives him time to deal his damage (he is slow, for those who don't know) and those massive hits count when you are missing 5 armour :D.
.You and dazzle make an amazing tri-laning combo as naga can pull and dazzle can babysit the carry in lane.Also, you can use Song of the Siren followed up by Weave to start a team-fight at a huge advantage as any heroes under the influence of weave and song together will have lost a large portion of their armour, which will be further reduced with the usage of Rip Tide.Win win!

General Synergy.

Skills that have a cast time.

| | |
The logic is simple,
  • You initiate with Song of the Siren.
  • they start channeling their spells.
  • As the channeling ends, you deactivate Song of the Siren so that all the enemies in the area are damaged/disabled by the skill.
  • ?????
  • Profit!

Skills that need positioning.

| | |
So, the concept remains the same, but only that you just wait until they can reach your position, wherein you can stop the song and let the fight begin!

People who are douche-bags

yeah, he needs a special mention. He is an *******,Please find out where he lives and take away his wrenches or something.

Welcome to the Magic Show!

Alright guys, the first calculation we will be doing is about Naga Siren's armor reduction's effectiveness.Here is a simple graph depicting Naga Siren's armor reduction effects.

The red and the green lines represent the percentage increase in EHP, red being the original increase and green being the EHP increase after Rip Tide debuff is applied.

The blue and the yellow lines represent the armor values before and after the armor debuff is applied.
Detailed information is given here.

As you can very evidently see by the reducing distance between the red and the green lines, the effects of armor reduction go on reducing with increase in armor, meaning that it's effect goes on reducing was the game progresses.

DPS calculation

Fighter Naga
This calculation is done considering that all core items in the fighter naga build have been procured by level 16.
Items: Power Treads, Diffusal Blade, Drum of Endurance, Helm of the Dominator, Poor Man's Shield.

Naga's total agility : 21(starting) + 2.75 * 16 (level gain) +
So, total basic IAS (increased attack speed) = 65
The Increase in IAS from Power Treads is = 38
The increase in IAS from Diffusal Blade = 35
The increase in IAS from Drum of Endurance= 24 (maximum possible value)
The increase in IAS from Poor Man's Shield= 6
Total increase in IAS from all sources =168
Naga Siren's Base attack time = 1.7

Therefore, attacks per second =1 + 1.68/1.7 = 1.5 times a second.
Spoiler: Click to view

Now, onto the damage,
Naga Siren's average damage at level 16 = 88
Damage from Power Treads=8
Damage from Diffusal Blade=60 (including 25 mana burn)
Damage from Drum of Endurance=12
Damage from Helm of the Dominator=20
Total = 188 damage per hit from the main hero
Illusion's damage = 35% of main naga siren's damage (excluding 25 from mana burn)

35% of 163(mana burn not included)=57 + 25 from mana burn = 83 damage per hit from the illusions

83 * 3 = 249.

Therefore, the total damage dealt by
Naga Siren with her illusions per hit = 249 + 188 = 437 damage per hit

Now for the sake of simplicity, we consider total DPS dealt in 1.20 seconds is equal to that dealt in 1 second. (see spoiler above, beware of calculations)
So, Naga Siren's total DPS per second = 437 * 2 = 874 Damage per second

Yeah, its that much damage.A full slotted Dragon Knight for instance does 1200 DPS when 6 slotted :D.
Maximum damage calculation
We consider that Naga Siren has the following Items:

Build 1

Radiance, Power Treads, Diffusal Blade, Butterfly, Eye of Skadi, Daedalus.

naga's total IAS at level 25 = 21 (starting) + 2.75 * 25 + 9
Total natural IAS at level 25=98.75
IAS from Power Treads = 38
IAS from Diffusal Blade=35
IAS from Butterfly=60
IAS from Eye of Skadi=25
Total IAS for naga = 256.5
naga's Base attack time=1.7

Attacks per second= 1 + 2.565/1.7=2 attacks per second

Now, onto the damage part,
Naga Siren's average damage at level 25 = 131
Damage from Diffusal Blade = 35
Damage from Radiance = 65
Damage from Butterfly= 60
Damage from Eye of Skadi=25
Damage from Daedalus=81
Total Damage=362 + 35% of 362 as a bonus from Daedalus's critical damage.
Total damage=362+ 126.7=488.7 + 25 (mana burn
Total damage=513.7 damage per hit

Total DPS= 513.7 * 2 = 1077 Damage per second(adding radiance burn)

But wait! this is only the damage from the main hero(HUE HUE HUE)

Now, for damage from the illusions we reduce 25 of mana burn as it is not reduced by illusions, nor can it crit.

total damage=513.7

As an illusion, 65% will be lost, so total damage from each illusion = 35% of 488.7
Total damage per illusion = 171 damage per hit + 25 from mana burn
Total DPS= 196 * 2 = 392 Damage per second
Therefore, total DPS from illusions= 392 * 3 = 1176 damage per second

Total DPS from naga and her illusions= 1077 + 1176 = 2253 damage per second

Yeah, she's powerful man!

Any more calculations you might want for your own guides or just from curiosity, PM me or add it in your comments :D

Photo Album :D

Rip Tide in action

Ensnare works on magic immune enemies

Beware of random ChuaN's in your game

What a competitive #RoadtoTi5 level Song of the Siren looks like

What a scrub level "REPORT ME"-screaming song looks like


What naga siren looks like

To Do

  • Add foes sectionerino.
  • Flame scrubs.
  • argue with people.


Hey guys! I hope you liked my guide to warrior fish chick.I hope that this guide will receive a positive feed-back and that you guys will finally learn how to play this babe.

For more guides by the master(that's me :{D) press here!

Till the next guide, Keep Pwning!

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