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8 Votes

Slice you Nice!

October 27, 2015 by KoDyAbAbA
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KoDyAbAbA (65) | March 20, 2015 11:54am
sure you can tigerre, and i am happy for you, but think of the others :c
Tigerre (4) | March 20, 2015 8:00am
michimatsch wrote:

Hey Steady the buffs!
I just talk a lot. Is that bad?
Why so serious?

I was just curious :V



I can deal with that :P
michimatsch (26) | March 13, 2015 11:29pm
Hey Steady the buffs!
I just talk a lot. Is that bad?
Why so serious?
KoDyAbAbA (65) | March 13, 2015 7:50am
I agree, it almost always is.

but I wrote this guide keeping in mind the players who are going to be looking at this guide, and lets face it, it ain't the good ones.

Going boots > Radiance is amazing, i agree, but it is also relatively difficult to pull off as you are and hit like a paper,have no escape and are not the fastest farmer.
Tigerre (4) | March 13, 2015 7:23am
michimatsch wrote:

Aww I must say that I love Radiance on Naga in any part of the game because you can splitpush like hell. Dam didn't you read the guide? Fullfill your destiny. Well or you can just kill the emperor with your Abyssal Blade instead of ratting his Deathstar but....where was I? Oh ye Radiance can always be good on Naga if you want to splitpush

You don't happen to have ADHD do you good sir? That sort of "Blah Blah Blah" in one direction then suddenly going off track then changing back against is classic ADHD :D


When going Radiance on Naga Siren you should ALWAYS rush it off Boots of Speed, Bottle and Ring of Aquila and maybe the occasional Drums of Endurance if you're a bit behind or need the tankiness. After going Radiance you generally go for the Boots of Travel so you can actually start doing **** around the map. You then go Manta Style- Heart of Tarrasque- Diffusal Blade here if you're going to get it- Butterfly- Eye of Skadi if you didn't go Diffusal Blade earlier. That is almost always the correct build on a safe-lane Naga Siren(Or mid as most pros do)
KoDyAbAbA (65) | March 8, 2015 12:56pm
^ exactly what I want to say.

Let's face it, the time for early rat doto is dead as it is. but late rats are still very much "in" and Naga Siren cannot effectively rat without Radiance. I know it is not the best way to build her, but it is the only alternative we have.
michimatsch (26) | March 6, 2015 6:39pm
Aww I must say that I love Radiance on Naga in any part of the game because you can splitpush like hell. Dam didn't you read the guide? Fullfill your destiny. Well or you can just kill the emperor with your Abyssal Blade instead of ratting his Deathstar but....where was I? Oh ye Radiance can always be good on Naga if you want to splitpush
famasofwar (4) | January 28, 2015 9:27am
Radiance is a farming and pushing item. You don't get it late game, you get it earlier in the game to get gold more quickly and deal more damage. Late game the damage is worthless except for the melee damage which isn't even that high.
Kyphoid returns (42) | January 27, 2015 10:58pm
Heart butterfly, linkens.

You typically have them in late game.

If you are me, you have a manta style as well.

With this set, i rather find it ez to push without a radiance. Of course, i wont sell a radiance until its very late and i rather have a skadi or aegis. But i wont buy it late game if i didnt buy it early game.

Dont you build radiance on tb. If naga's Rip tide was taken away i would stop building radiance.
QB + yasha + boots of travel >>>>>>>radiance tb
Throw in a drums and it still isnt the cost of radiance and boots alone. Not to mention, TB is squishy,if there were even one more item slot available for TB and i would sell that radiance for a second skadi or a second butterfly

Even then, you have your demon form that gives about 48 damage to illusions. TB dont farm no creeps, TB farm them towers. TB happy with those towers. Occasionally some ancients. /cheap chinese accent off

Whats the use of radiance when by the time you get it, you can have :
Boots of Travel
Manta Style
Drum of Endurance
Ring of Aquila.
Possibly, a HoTD

I wont argue that radiance cant work.
It can. Some say that radiance is better in certain conditions. I haven't been acquainted with those conditions is all. For now, i will say it is a personal choice and i will respect yours.

I'd rather build armlet on him.
If you have some problems:
Unscathed (47) | January 27, 2015 4:17pm
4 viewers received a prize for witnessing a double post!p
KoDyAbAbA (65) | January 27, 2015 4:11pm
2.I really think that radiance kind of defines naga siren at any point of the game because she is one of the 2 heroes that can effectively use radiance right now, naga and terror and i think that wasting all that pushing power would be a inefficient thing to do.
KoDyAbAbA (65) | January 27, 2015 3:55pm

looks into the far horizon....

This guide.... shall be transformed....Everything....shall be changed...with great power....comes great...


The real reason why i went to the beach
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