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Pub items (we need to see) WIP

October 21, 2013 by saifthedestroyer
Comments: 4    |    Views: 8400    |   


Hello all this is my second guide on dotafire and it is a bit "unconventional". This is not your typical hero guide but a guide to items you should buy and WHY you should buy them. this is basically kind of like a pub item hand book. This guide was made with all pub players in mind. I hope you guys enjoy :)

What this guide will tell/wont tell

What this guide will tell:

Some good overall item pickups
Item uses
When to use items
Why to use items

What it wont tell:
When to pickup a certain item
What situations should you get an item in
Which heroes its perfect for (some examples tho)

Basic items

Animal Courier: Very important, it makes everyones life easier, please buy at the start of the match.

Flying Courier: Get ASAP it delivers items quicker AND makes the couriers life easier.

Observer Ward: You should try to get this at the beginning as it does a multitude of things SUCH as vision of map, makes carry feel safe, protects from ganks, rune control, ETC
Sentry Ward: "advanced" ward, it gives vision of all invis things in its radius.

Town Portal Scroll: WILL SAVE YOUR LIFE keep one all the time.

Dust of Appearance: Portable sentry ward should keep if they have invis heroes.

Smoke of Deceit: buy for easier and smoother ganks but be aware it gets removed when you are in the 1500 range of a hero or tower, hides from wards.

Kind of "advanced"

Mekansm: it heals your teammates, has burst heal, armour what else do you need from ONE item. Make sure you use it in every teamfight BUT only buy one per team.

Urn of Shadows: good heal for your carries or to finish of those pesky 100HP escape artists.

Pipe of Insight: if they have high magic damage which keeps on wrecking your team GET this.

Medallion of Courage: Its not MANDATORY but its nice on your team as it makes the carries job that much easier.

Drum of Endurance: again EVERY team should have one as it provides a good aura for your team and when the situation gets tense hit the active on it.

Gem of True Sight: when you reach a certain stage dust turns into a hassle so you should get this just make sure you dont give this away.

Vladmir's Offering: if you have a melee carry who isnt building lifesteal this is a very good pickup as not only the lifesteal the other auras are also EPIC for a team in general.

Linken's Sphere: the new active makes this a must buy as you can just use it on the carry or something.

Not bad to see.

Arcane Boots: ALL heros benefit from more mana so supports should really get this.

Assault Cuirass: if your a carry like Alchemist or Lifestealer this is a very good pickup as it gives armour and attack speed to all allies around you how great is that :D.

Black King Bar: if the other team is nuke or magic damage heavy then make SURE you get this.

Blade Mail: if you are a tank and they have a low HP carry going out of control, get this it will actually make them either stop focusing you or kill themselves.

Eul's Scepter of Divinity: if you cant afford anything better like a scythe get this it gives a good disable and makes you faster as well as good mana regen.

Ghost Scepter: if your a poor old support who is getting picked on by monster carries then get this and MAYBE survive :D.

Scythe of Vyse: if you lack a disable or even if you dont this isnt a bad pickup especially on an INT hero. THIS IS NOT AN ITEM WHICH SUPPORTS SHOULD PRIORITIZE

Rod of Atos decent slow and not so hard to make you should pickup if you have a disable but no real slow.

heavens halberd: also a carry countering item so as it disarms the person you use it on AND it goes through BKB :D.

Veil of Discord : it AMPLIFIES the magic dmg of your team so if you have someone like Tidehunter or Sand King then this item is TOTALLY worth it.

Necronomicon: if you lack push then you should consider
picking this up.


Ok so this chapter is about some items that will make you farm faster.

Battle Fury: this item is what we see alot of carries farm for in lane then AFK jungle with it for maximum farm efficiency. the dmg and regen is nice but the main selling point is the cleave as this item will quickly pay off.
Good examples: anti mage, Faceless Void, Alchemist, and Phantom Assassin

Hand of Midas: we all know what it does. only get it if you can before 10 min mark
Good examples: Alchemist, Faceless Void, and natures prophet

Maelstrom: the lighting+plus AS+dmg all help nicely during farming.
Good examples: almost any melee carry

Radiance: this gives you AOE farming capability with a 50 burn dmg get it before 25ish minute mark.
good examples: Phantom Lancer, Naga Siren, and Lone Druid


You can basically read the previous chapter and find almost all "supporting" items. the general idea is making life easier for your team and getting lots of good aura items for example: Drum of Endurance, vladimirs offering, and Mekansm


You need high dmg and or stat benefiting items.

Daedalus: This item basically gives you a crit. NEVER get this as your first damage item though as the crit will not be as good as it should.

Desolator: this item is good in general as it lowers armor and all but remember that it is an orb effect so it wont stack with most other orbs such as Eye of Skadi and all.

Butterfly: this is THE agility carry item. it will turn heroes like anti mage and Faceless Void into monsters.

Heart of Tarrasque: counterpart of butterfly for strength heroes.

Scythe of Vyse for le int heroes :D.

Abyssal Blade/basher: it gives you a decent stun and dmg. while abyssal also gives you a stun which goes through BKB isnt that awesome?

Mjollnir: this item is a WHOLE different class of attack speed. This item is mainly good for strength carries such as Alchemist or Lifestealer.

Shadow Blade: this is a hard to place item as its not ONLY for carries. I would suggest picking this up early on a no escape carry such as Drow Ranger or Alchemist.

Divine Rapier: ahhh the dreaded pub item. The item we would all buy if it didnt drop on death. I suggest getting this in either 2 situations. A: you are winning and are FAR ahead or B: you are BADLY losing. This item can be the definition of comeback for you or the enemy so be careful with it no matter how ahead you are.

Farewell :'(

THANKYOU guys for taking the time to look at my guide. give me suggestions on what items or chapter i should add to this as its no way complete without user feedback and criticism. But plz dont type things like noob guide -1 give me a reason and then -1 (srsly dont). have a good day all waiting for your feedback- mr.mau5

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