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3 Votes

Pub items (we need to see) WIP

October 21, 2013 by saifthedestroyer
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saifthedestroyer (6) | October 25, 2013 11:34am
TY wulfstan :3 yeah i will correct them and the carry items are SO hard O_O
Wulfstan (77) | October 25, 2013 9:02am
I suggest you corect all the gramatical mistakes and a bit more detail about all the carry items and adding some items that you did not mention (like Eye of Skadi)
saifthedestroyer (6) | October 21, 2013 5:49am
thanks for the remarks really appreciate it :D. Im working on the carry items ATM (i usually write or type out my guides before hand) and i have written down a few ideas which will make it a bit more "explanatory". give a +1 if you think its nice :)
Demus | October 21, 2013 5:05am
Ok, a few comments.

First of all, the first sections are great. Pubs would become so much less of a hassle if all teams pick up courier and a set of wards at the beginning and maintain warding throughout the game.

1 Mek, 1 urn, 1 drums, 1 vlads, 1 AC per team (AC could be debatable, rest aren't). Mek heals don't stack, aura's don't stack, only 1 urn gets filled per kill. Only reason why AC is debatable is because in some cases, the effects on your hero alone are worth it (had a game as tiny where a tide on my team rushed AC, i still picked it up myself as well since i needed the attack speed and the armor, as most strenght carries do). This part you already highlighted quite well in the guide. Maybe add that teams should communicate about who gets what item, either by simply calling it or discussing who should get what.

Your carry items i feel could use a bit more explaining.
For one, a 1 position carry should (almost) always get a BKB. In the late stages it isn't even about the magic damage anymore, it's about the lockdown. It doesn't matter how many damage items you have if you just get chainstunned for 10 seconds straight. Linkens sorta fits in the same category, depends if you need the stats other than strenght and damage, and if the other team has a lot of single target disables which hold you down even through bkb (roar, lasso, fiends grip etc.). Some weavers even build both bkb and linkens, even though i wouldn't recommend that unless you really know when you should be getting what item (in which case you wouldn't be reading this guide anyway).
Battlefury is a pure farming item. As such, it's mostly situational (unless, say, on a AM, but that's purely because he farms so damn fast with his blink). Getting a BF on a void, PA or even alch isn't always the way to go, since you won't be ready to teamfight for another 10-15 minutes at least. Get a BF if you're the sole key farmer on the team, and the rest of your team won't need your help for a while. If you've got a composition that needs you to be active and in teamfights before the 30 minute mark, i'd rather build items like shadow blade, basher, vlads, MoM etc. (depending on the hero) which allow you to be active earlier.
Same goes for radiance to some extent, but then earlier: farming the relic is an incredible pain unless you get (relative) free farm. Meaning you sit in lane and farm, while the rest of your team keeps the opposing team occupied. Dying during this stage sets you back several minutes, and can be gamechanging. Also good on weaver by the way.
Butterfly: get it on almost all agi hard carries, UNLESS the main carry on the opposing team is very likely to build a mkb anyway (hello, gyro).
Heart isn't a main carry item for strenght heroes imo. It's an item that offers a ton of survivability, but strenght heroes already have a lot of HP gain and would benefit more from an AC, which compensates the lack of agility stats. I'd rather get heart on agi heroes, the ones that already have a preferred orb effect that's not lifesteal (AM, PL etc.). If your carry would go lifesteal (gyro, luna, PA...), a satanic offers more.
You're right that scythe shouldn't be a goal for the hard support heroes. It's a very good item, but very expensive. Typically bought either by a number 2 or 3 int hero (nature's profit is an obvious one, or an int mid like puck, prophet or qop). Even if you've suddenly got 2k gold because of kills as a hard support, rather get either a blink or a forcestaff, which allow you to help your team immediately and don't require you to farm for a few minutes (downtime on supports can be killing).

The guide is a good idea, and very useful for newer players, but do beware that a lot of (higher cost) items are situational, and require a few seconds of thought before purchase :))
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