Overwhelming Odds
Overwhelming Odds should absolutely be leveled at level 1 if you are planning to lane, this spell is one of the best nukes in the game that you can start with, it deals more damage if there are more units and heroes within its radius. I don't usually start spamming it until it's level 2 in lane because the base damage is doubled from 40-80.
If you're planning to spam this then you should buy some mana regen items at the start of the match.
There are lots of times when you can get first blood with this spell, you might not be able to kill with it but the move speed it gives allows you to chase people down and harass them out of lane and even kill them, they won't come anywhere near the creep wave or else they'll take massive damage from
Overwhelming Odds giving Legion absolute lane dominance versus most heroes.
Never use this spell in the early game when there are no enemy creeps nearby to amp the damage and move speed, unless it'll get a kill for you.
The only problem with
Overwhelming Odds, other than its dumb high mana cost, is that it pushes the creep wave which isn't
bad for a Legion but you might want to know how to pull the small camp (stack this camp first before pulling) or hard camp if you don't already have a support doing that, because the closer you are to your tower the safer you'll be and the worse of a time your enemy laners will have!
PLEASE look up how to do this if you don't already know how because everyone should know how to stack camps and support. :)
Press the Attack
Press the Attack is one of the best buffs and purges in the game, giving attack speed and health regen. It can save allies, giving Legion a role as being more of a utility to the team. At level 3 it gives 50 hp/sec, which is the same as
Chemical Rage at level 1.
Always use this before a
Duel, unless you don't have enough mana to
Duel after
Press the Attack, in which case you may not want to
Duel at all.
This spell is so good, it can purge people out of stuns like
Dismember and other stuns and disables, you're able to purge
Bounty Hunter's
Track and
Slardar's Amplify Damage, and many other debuffs.
Moment of Courage
Level this passive at level 1 if you are taking jungle, max this last if you are laning. It is a
VERY strong passive at level 4 giving you 85% life steal if you were hit and get a
Moment of Courage. This gives you sustainability in pushing, which gets rid of the need of building a life steal item usually.
There is a 25% chance for it to proc if you were attacked, so if there are more units attacking you the better chances of proccing it there are, assuming you aren't stunned, this will give you some survivability if you are in the unfortunate position of initiating in teamfights.
There are tons of times where you see a Legion getting attacked at low HP and she kills the squishy support before going down because of
Moment of Courage procs.
85% life steal is a
LOT at level 4, if you have around 100-200
Duel Damage at this point and you are pushing towers and lost some HP, you can just go into jungle and farm a camp to
GAIN HP because of your high damage from a single
Moment of Courage.
I don't usually put levels in it in lane because it does mess up your last hits sometimes.
Duel is the reason everyone
Legion Commander, it's what gets her to scale into the late game, it's what gets you a kill a
SUPER farmed carry when you're 50 minutes into the match.
Dueling, knowing when to pick
Duels and so on is a skill that someone just learns as they play Legion. But I'll try to give my best advice on
Dueling and knowing when to
The second Legion is level 6 you should have a
Town Portal Scroll ready if you didn't already. Watch the lanes for the enemy if they're tower diving, so you can TP and
Duel them under the tower and save your teammate(s). Another item you should consider is
Smoke of Deceit, using it and ganking a lane for early
Duel Damage is important for you and the team if you want to be relevant later on as a carry.
Usually you should only
Duel in the first 15 or so minutes if there's a teammate nearby or the enemy is low HP. However if you think that you can get them to low enough HP to kill them after the
Duel it's worth it for the kill. In summary however early on don't
Duel alone.
Don't try to be the initiator for your team, you can't be the initiator until you have something like 200
Duel Damage, when you have that amount you can very easily use
Blink Dagger or Shadowblade on their
Tidehunter or
Enigma and kill them in a couple hits. Just try not to get stunned and just win the

Items on Legion is something that changes from game to game, moreso than other heroes, if their team doesn't have a high damage carry at the moment,
Blade Mail might not be a great option, you may want to build a more aggressive item like
Sange and Yasha, giving strength and agility for damage, HP, armor, and attack speed, it also comes with 16% movespeed increase and a slow that also reduces attack speed, it's a great item on Legion and almost any melee strength or agility carry. This is just an example of what you might want to build on Legion.
Duel Items
Blink Dagger and/or
Shadow Blade should be built every game, how else will you be able to sneak up on people and kill them! If the enemy is placing very good vision and you can't seem to manage to pick people off because of it,
Shadow Blade is an option, however
Blink Dagger is a much more of a core item because it allows you to dodge their skill shots, escape more easily.
Sometimes you don't have to surprise the enemy, you can literally sit in lane and blink +
Duel them if they're not careful and they're away from their tower or team, they'll just die.
If you're
interested in taking high ground objectives a
Blink Dagger is much more useful, the tower has true sight, you want to be able to quickly blink and get a pick off on their important hero before the real teamfight starts.
Blink Dagger is usually just more effective in general. Having both is an option in some games however.
Early Game
With the mana problems you have the entire game you might want to get a
Ring of Basilius and build it into a
Ring of Aquila, it's meant mostly for agility carries, but the
Ring of Aquila gives ok stats and damage and an aura, so it's not a bad item for the slight pushing power that the aura gives.
I still don't build it super often because you want to get that early
Blink Dagger, and ~900 gold is a bit much.
Stout Shield is a pretty important early game item because when you exchange autoattacks with the enemy after you throw down
Overwhelming Odds you don't want the lane creeps to be hitting you for that much damage, and the
Stout Shield helps with blocking some of that.
Quelling Blade will let you last hit more easily and navigate the jungle more quickly, so be sure to grab one at the side shop along with your
Power Treads,
Blink Dagger and
Town Portal Scrolls.
Phase Boots aren't terrible on Legion as you do have
Press the Attack, making the Glove of Haste inside the
Power Treads less useful, however Legion really benefits from the stats and Tread switching for when you cast any of your three spells. The
Phase Boots are good early game when you have no
Blink Dagger as it offers more move speed, and it's active which gives a % move speed buff
AND the ability to walk through units, however, Legion should have
Blink Dagger which should have all the move speed and chasing potential that Legion would probably need to get a duel, I also try not do build a lot of damage items on Legion most games as you should be just getting almost all of your damage from
Duels and not items, however this is situational. Getting
Phase Boots is mostly preferential. Build survivability on Legion almost every game and not just damage.
Soul Ring isn't a bad purchase on Legion if you get it quickly enough, just look at the spells she has
Press the Attack which will heal more than how much was taken away by the
Soul Ring active, and
Overwhelming Odds which will help against zoning people out of the lane, so if you have a really sucky lane you might want to build the
Soul Ring to help stay in lane and help keep them away from your farm. The HP regen and % mana regen from the
Sage's Mask also really helps with your mana problems early on.
Mid Game
Blade Mail is a must most games, as you can easily kill their enemy carry even if you only have 10-20
Duel Damage. For example,
Phantom Assassin is an easy target if you have
Blade Mail, you wouldn't even need a
Monkey King Bar.
Armor reduction items are in the list of items that I build almost every game, you can kill enemies even faster, if their team is mostly composed of agility heroes,
Desolator is a
GREAT item, because of all the agility they have, they will be gaining a lot of armor.
Desolator is also useful for pushing towers, as it reduces the armor of structures as well as heroes.
An absolutely
CORE item on Legion is an
Assault Cuirass, this is an item I get every game, attack speed, armor aura, attack speed aura, armor reduction aura, giving legion plenty of damage and more survivability. The armor reduction aura effects enemy structures and creeps making pushing easier.
If you don't have any sort of carry like the ones I talked about in the introduction, and maybe your lanes aren't doing too great, you might want to sit tight for the late game and just build a
Hand of Midas, but this is usually pretty rare, because you want to be rushing
Blink Dagger which gives you huge synergy with
Drums of Endurance are a good item on Legion now after this recent nerf to them in 6.87, a lot of carries like
Invoker, and even
Spectre have built a Drum in the past, but now they offer less stats and damage overall except for int, which Legion could really find useful, also, as said before it offers an aura which is useful for pushing and just offering utility to your team, the extra move speed and attack speed the active offers really helps with chasing down opponents or backdooring one of their towers as a team, you may want to build it some games as it isn't too much of an expensive item.
Late Game
Boots of Travel are
FANTASTIC on Legion, she doesn't really need the attack speed
Power Treads offer later on because of
Press the Attack, and the
Boots of Travel frees a slot so you don't need to carry a
Town Portal Scroll anymore, so you can TP to a creep wave, and exterminate rats like
Nature's Prophet,
Tinker, or
Ember Spirit or anyone who might be in the lane, some matches I skip
Power Treads altogether and go
Boots of Travel.
If the enemy is building
Linken's Spheres to counter you, you may want to consider building an
Abyssal Blade, this will break the
Linken's Sphere and let you to duel them if you're fast enough, however you should at least have an
Assault Cuirass,
Power Treads,
Blade Mail, and
Blink Dagger before you buy an
Abyssal Blade.
With the buffs that
Abyssal Blade got in 6.87, lower cooldown on its active, lower cost to build, and it building from
Vanguard, I would say it would be a good option if you're headed into late game.
Most heroes that do build Linken's have quick escapes so when someone jumps them and the Spell Block is broken, they run away and come back once it's up again. So the
Abyssal Blade strategy isn't super viable for most
Linken's Sphere carriers.
As said before
Sange and Yasha is a great item to get instead of
Blade Mail, giving Legion stats that give HP, armor, attack speed, damage. As a bonus it gives 16℅ more move speed, and a chance to slow and reduce the attack speed of heroes and creeps.
If you already have a 1st position carry and him/her or some other hero on your team hasn't already built it, a
Vladmir's Offering is a good item for the life steal aura, mana regen, and health regen, the main benefit is that Legion gets the mana regen and life steal, it's another good tool for pushing supplementing the
Assault Cuirass and/or
As a side note, building a
Helm of the Dominator or
Satanic is something that I don't do often and in general don't recommend as you have
Moment of Courage which gives great life steal already.
Mjollnir is an item I don't often build on Legion, however it's a great item as it gives damage and attack speed, and attack speed later on just gives huge DPS because you'll have a lot of
Duel Damage,
I recommend
Mjollnir in a game against a
Nature's Prophet, or some other very good pusher like
Invoker, or
Tinker. The active on
Mjollnir is very good too, allowing you to finish
Duels even more quickly.
Moon Shard is one of the best items on Legion, I recommend it over a
Mjollnir in most games because its pure attack speed, which again is one of the
REALLY important things to have on Legion in the late game.
Black King Bar is something I build a lot of matches, I don't need to list all of the stuns and disables and magical damage that's in Dota, but if you're running into problems surviving all of it, this is the item for you. It gives damage and strength (damage) so it's not half bad for stats even when it's 5 seconda long.
Remember to
Press the Attack yourself before you use
Black King Bar, as
Press the Attack doesn't pierce spell immunity, but it isn't purged by
Black King Bar.
Monkey King Bar for that squishy
Phantom Assassin or that
Terrorblade or countless other agility carries that build a dumb
Heart of Tarrasque is
SUCH a good item on Legion, the strength gives more HP and damage and you can sustain pushes for basically forever if you have enough mana, it is absolutely needed if you have
Blade Mail and the enemy team is just focusing you down before you can kill any of them, do not confuse this item as a replacement for
Black King Bar as you should have enough sustain in fighting enemies while you have
Black King Bar up with
Moment of Courage, getting rid of you probably wanting the Heart, regardless it's not bad to have a 4k HP Legion if you have enough
Duel Damage to be useful.
I personally have never built a crit on Legion, meaning a Daedulus or
Crystalys, but in general I try not to build only damage items as that's the whole point of
Duel anyways, but you may want to build it some games if you simply just need more damage to kill them and you don't have enough
]DON'T build
Battle Fury on Legion, she shouldn't be afk farming, she doesn't benefit from a
Battle Fury at all. She is more useful making space for carry or midlaner and roaming for a
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