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8 Votes

Legion Commander [6.87] - "This Land Will Burn!"

May 31, 2016 by Quad_4
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Prezombie (1) | January 14, 2017 1:36pm
An early Basi is useful if you're going to offlane, but it's far from enough mana to properly harass. Ideally you should dismantle it and make a soul ring ASAP. OO and PTA every wave can make the opposing carry feel very stressed over getting CS.

Medallion is AMAZING on LC. I often go brown boots, medallion, blink when in lane, it's really that good. It gives her a large chunk of armor to deal with harass, she's a rather armor-weak hero. It's basically like a cheap desolator during duels. Desolator offers a nice chunk of damage, but that quickly falls off during the midgame once you have a few duels won. Medallion's benefits never wear down. Even if you skip it for a faster blink, buying medallion after that instead of an early blademail can be really effective considering how blademail is better the more armor you have and the more damage they have. Plus, she can use it to jungle faster, and once she has AC medallion gets even more effective.

Really the only reason you should consider Desolator would be if you're behind and no one else is going to build one, it's a popular item for many right clickers, and they're all better carriers than you for it. Better to let someone who needs the raw damage buy it, then follow them around to gank and push.

Assault Cuirass is better than Deso in so many ways. It gives armor and armor reduction Auras, plus an attack speed aura, making it great for teamfights. LC wants Attack Speed and Armor reduction, she's arguably the best carrier for the item in the entire game. While the buildup is a little more expensive, it's far more effective. Consider the parts of AC, bought without the recipe. You have 55 attack speed and 15 armor. That's huge, so much better than the +55 damage of Desolator. Once AC is up, Pushes become super powerful due to the aura buffing creeps and weakening towers, and jungling is so much faster.

Bloodthorn is an amazing late game item. Daedalus is basically a flat 39% multiplier of your dps. Bloodthorn when used is an 81% multiplier during the five second silence, with a cooldown of only 11 seconds (8.25 with the cooldown talent). MKB's main boon for LC is the true strike. Bloodthorn gives that. Linken's Sphere is annoying as heck to LC, but Bloodthorn offers a spammable long range pop, perfect to drop before blink duelling.
The white wolf | August 18, 2016 12:52am
wow good job that looks very nice
Zlomkomputerowy | May 15, 2016 8:55am
Very good guide +1
I will appriciate the section about positioning. It will help many people who have troubles with flanking the enemy and catching disablers off guard. It is very important to know the good way and good moment to jump on the hero that is defenceless. For example pugna and dazzle players tend to stay away from frontline. If you catch them u not only get easy duel but also you exclude important enemy support. Say something about wind lance and medalion of courage. Infused raindrops can be also very important (poor mans bkb). Dedalus iż must have lategame it ampliefies your rapier-like damage to the sky.
Zetsuna (1) | May 7, 2016 5:56pm
Well nice guide you've done, I got some question bout why u dont take at least 1 level of Moment of Courage before six and I think you forgot about the majestic Oracle can do a **** to you due his False Promise. I dont agree with Abyssal Blade build right now due low dmg output and well its ****ed up bro better buying Butterfly for evasion or Heart of Tarrasque for tankier and more dmg and maybe buy a Sacred Relic in case of iceberg. Also please use name item or hero <- Bracket formatting to ease the reader :D
Janitsu (74) | May 7, 2016 2:54am
Neat guide you have there! May I suggest that you use bracket coding (e.g. Anti-Mage) instead of colours, because that's very disturbing and might make reading harder for others?
Quad_4 | May 8, 2016 2:49pm
Zetsuna wrote:
Well nice guide you've done, I got some question bout why u dont take at least 1 level of Moment of Courage before six and I think you forgot about the majestic Oracle can do a **** to you due his False Promise. I dont agree with Abyssal Blade build right now due low dmg output and well its ****ed up bro better buying Butterfly for evasion or Heart of Tarrasque for tankier and more dmg and maybe buy a Sacred Relic in case of iceberg. Also please use name item or hero <- Bracket formatting to ease the reader :D

Hi everyone I fixed a lot of the formatting, did some proof reading and made it a little prettier. Thank you!
michimatsch (26) | May 7, 2016 1:27am
Short and concise guide that covers the most important aspects of Legion Commander. +1 by me.
However there are some small issues I have.
Legion Commander is actually able to solo offlane by maxing Overwhelming Odds. It can be pretty good even more now that offlane also has a jungle camp. However it is quite weak at
level 1 so I can understand you not encouraging players to try it.
Shadow Blade is with 6.87 almost as good as Blink Dagger as the stats are extremely good and it has the potential upgrade of Silver Edge.
Did you ever try Echo Saber? It seems like a really strong item on her to me as you have very high damage and it can even proc twice during level 3 Duel.
Also consider adding Weaver with Aghanim's Scepter to the enemies list as it can easily deny you every kill you try to get by midgmae.

That's way more than I intended to write - sry.
Quad_4 | May 7, 2016 7:27am
I'm personally not a fan of echo sabre on Legion, she does have mana problems and the 75% mana regen helps but building a moonshard, assault cuirass or even just having a casual hyperstone might offer more DPS than an echo sabre.

I think the targeted people for echo sabre are heroes like slardar or tiny who already have pretty terrible attack speed and benefit from both the mana regen and just getting off more attacks in fights. While Legion already has press the attack.
TheGhostReader | May 6, 2016 8:56am
I think you forgot to add Abaddon in the bad versus
Hamstertamer (89) | May 6, 2016 9:12am
Buy Silver Edge to disable Abaddon's passive ulti activation and you can duel him. It's really not that bad.
TheGhostReader | May 6, 2016 10:37pm
Yeah, but i'm talking about in a normal situation. i mean every hero could counter lc if they buy a linken XD
Quad_4 | May 6, 2016 12:22pm
The ultimate orb makes it look much more nice as a buy now.
Quad_4 | May 6, 2016 9:03am
Yes, thank you! :)

I think Wraith King as well, you still get the duel damage even after he resurrects though.
ChiChi (47) | May 6, 2016 2:05am
Hi Quad! Very nice guide, well done! Deserved +1!

Legion +.+ <3
Quad_4 | May 6, 2016 11:47am
Hey thanks! :D
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