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King of the Jungle...and the Void - UPDATED 11/27/13

November 27, 2013 by Kingkiron
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Kingkiron | March 23, 2013 11:51am
BKB is gotten almost every game, blink dagger is gotten really fast, like 11 mins. You wont be able to get into a good position for black hole without it.
Foritifier | March 23, 2013 10:43am
I agree with most of what he said in this tutorial. But I suggest that a Black King Bar is more mandatory than a Blink Dagger. If you use your BKB before using your Black Hole, there's no way the enemy team can stop it unless Naga Siren is able to use her Song Of The Siren. If you get a Blink Dagger first, you're more prone to getting stunned, killed and losing a huge chance for you team to kill the enemy.
Wulfstan (77) | February 24, 2013 12:19am

It works, but you don't really get the Soul Ring before since you need the courier (which delays it by half a minute or so if it's not flying). With the recipe, instead, you can grab it from the side lane shop. Also, I don't think you need so many regeneration items: if you have proper warding, you should never get damaged in jungle.

Its only one of the salve or tango.The point is to tank at level 1 a high tier camp(except ursa's)so you can get the eidolons split up and get level 2 really quick.Its usually tangoes.
Peppo_oPaccio (70) | February 23, 2013 10:49am
Wulfstan wrote:

Peppo,never start out with the recipe[...]

Well, I prefer to start with a recipe and take the rest of the items from the side lane shop instead of borrowing the Courier when the mid laner needs a fast Bottle or the carry is taking the final item for his Ring of Aquila/ Magic Wand/ Tranquil Boots/whatever.

Wulfstan wrote:
Instead,go for: Sage's Mask,2-3 Clarityes and a Healing Salve/ Tango.Much more cost efficient,and you get the Soul Ring up faster.You can even solo roshan with Enigma,at level 7.

It works, but you don't really get the Soul Ring before since you need the courier (which delays it by half a minute or so if it's not flying). With the recipe, instead, you can grab it from the side lane shop. Also, I don't think you need so many regeneration items: if you have proper warding, you should never get damaged in jungle.
Kingkiron | February 23, 2013 7:16am
Will add Scythe, and explain luxury section. Played with soul ring yesterday and I see why you guys put more points in demonic conversion with it, because you lack the armor basilius gives, which with 1 point in demonic conversion and basilius you can clear two camps while your eidolons are active. Might add some good jungling replays. I just can't climb aboard the soul ring train that seems to have the station lol.
Wulfstan (77) | February 23, 2013 5:29am

Can I give you a few tips I learned while playing with Enigma? Don't take them too seriously though, I'm not a professional player:

  • I like to start with two Clarity potions, two Iron Branches and a Soul Ring recipe: you save some money for getting a quicker ring, but you can spend them on an Animal Courier and other Clarities if your team needs so.

  • I like to buy either Mekansm + Blink Dagger/ Black King Bar or Blink Dagger + Black King Bar, depending on my team's needs: in my opinion, if you want a Mekansm you should buy it as soon as possible; I've seen many competitive players doing so, too. On the other hand, if someone on your team is already buying one you should go for a quick Blink Dagger and then a BKB, which gives you a bit of survivability and the immunity to magical damage.

  • I usually play this Hero with just Boots of Speed: if you have a Soul Ring and a Blink Dagger you don't need the movement speed and their benefits at all. I usually buy Power Treads/ Boots of Travel after my second expensive item, anyway.

  • Talking about the luxury items, I see no point in getting a Radiance: it's a farming item, and you don't really need more farm after your ~4000-5000 gold worth of items. Using it in conjunction with Black Hole isn't that advantageous either, as you spend a huge amount of gold for it. Plus, the ones dealing damage into your ultimate should be your teammates (especially your carry): the damage you deal by yourself is more "icing on the cake" in my opinion.

About the skill build, I think that Demonic Conversion is your first priority, followed by Malefice. Nonetheless, one thing that I really like is the fact that you put Black Hole at levels 6, 15 and 16: getting it at 11 is very useless, it becomes too mana-intensive for a little improvement.

Peppo,never start out with the recipe,it gives absolutely no bonuses.Instead,go for: Sage's Mask,2-3 Clarityes and a Healing Salve/ Tango.Much more cost efficient,and you get the Soul Ring up faster.You can even solo roshan with Enigma,at level 7.

About the guide,its good,but you can add Scythe of Vyse as a luxury. Rod of Atos is decent too if they have something like Nyx Assassin on the other team. Ghost Scepter against hard right clicks like Clinkz.
Peppo_oPaccio (70) | February 23, 2013 3:42am
Can I give you a few tips I learned while playing with Enigma? Don't take them too seriously though, I'm not a professional player:

  • I like to start with two Clarity potions, two Iron Branches and a Soul Ring recipe: you save some money for getting a quicker ring, but you can spend them on an Animal Courier and other Clarities if your team needs so.

  • I like to buy either Mekansm + Blink Dagger/ Black King Bar or Blink Dagger + Black King Bar, depending on my team's needs: in my opinion, if you want a Mekansm you should buy it as soon as possible; I've seen many competitive players doing so, too. On the other hand, if someone on your team is already buying one you should go for a quick Blink Dagger and then a BKB, which gives you a bit of survivability and the immunity to magical damage.

  • I usually play this Hero with just Boots of Speed: if you have a Soul Ring and a Blink Dagger you don't need the movement speed and their benefits at all. I usually buy Power Treads/ Boots of Travel after my second expensive item, anyway.

  • Talking about the luxury items, I see no point in getting a Radiance: it's a farming item, and you don't really need more farm after your ~4000-5000 gold worth of items. Using it in conjunction with Black Hole isn't that advantageous either, as you spend a huge amount of gold for it. Plus, the ones dealing damage into your ultimate should be your teammates (especially your carry): the damage you deal by yourself is more "icing on the cake" in my opinion.

About the skill build, I think that Demonic Conversion is your first priority, followed by Malefice. Nonetheless, one thing that I really like is the fact that you put Black Hole at levels 6, 15 and 16: getting it at 11 is very useless, it becomes too mana-intensive for a little improvement.
xCO2 (72) | February 22, 2013 5:34pm
Kingkiron wrote:

I will attempt tonite, I think it can be done. Oh, yea, took you guys suggestions and facified, thanks.

Don't forget that you can have multiple builds, and that Scythe of Vyse is a good luxury.

Kingkiron | February 22, 2013 5:08pm
I will attempt tonite, I think it can be done. Oh, yea, took you guys suggestions and facified, thanks.
xCO2 (72) | February 22, 2013 1:11pm
Kingkiron wrote:

Yea, I will try soul ring out again. I tried it out when I first started playing him but will try again. The thing is though I try to leave jungle as soon as I can and that would make me stay there and farm more. Also, I'm actually thinking about not putting more than 1 point in demonic conversion early and grab midight pulse for lane harrasment, sorta like Alchemist. The 1 point with good micro is generally good enough to clear the jungle.

You won't be able to clear anything higher then a medium camp, besides that, I prefer to quickly farm my Blink Dagger and then pressure lanes. With Eidolons maxed you should be able to clear two camps before they disappear.
Kingkiron | February 22, 2013 1:07pm
Yea, I will try soul ring out again. I tried it out when I first started playing him but will try again. The thing is though I try to leave jungle as soon as I can and that would make me stay there and farm more. Also, I'm actually thinking about not putting more than 1 point in demonic conversion early and grab midight pulse for lane harrasment, sorta like Alchemist. The 1 point with good micro is generally good enough to clear the jungle.
Sando (118) | February 22, 2013 12:27pm
You've got a nice writing style, but yeah the guide could do with a little brightening up - have a look at the formatting guide - it's pretty easy to make it look nice.

On the actual guide itself, Soul Ring is considered a core item on Enigma until pretty well into the late game (I usually replace it with a Perseverance if the game goes that long) - 110 mana back from Arcane Boots every 55 seconds isn't really enough to keep such a mana driven hero going. Then again, I can see why you're going with the Claritys to try and save cash. Personally I go Power Treads, Ring of Aquila and Soul Ring thou.

Your build is pretty gank orientated - maxing Malefice early can be good if you're got a very gankable lane, but it will slow down your jungling speed otherwise (higher level Eidolons provide bonus damage, armour and HP amongst other things).

Like your mention of the Ring of Aquila though - it's not a common pickup for him, but I think the stats it provides for the money (plus taking up no space) is useful. You could even consider Vladimir's Offering if your team is heavy on melee, though this after Blink Dagger.
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