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Earth Spirit also known as Kaolin is quite a hard hero to play but REALLY fun to play once you get used to his mechanics and thus he became my favourite hero. Kaolin is a very flexible hero, he has almost all the roles such as nuker, ganker, escape, initiator, support, lane support and perhaps in some situations a semi-carry not only that his health is pretty high so he can take lots of hits. In short, he is VERY versatile.
This build is mainly focused on an initiator and support Kaolin.
Note: This is my first guide I ever written so please be nice and feel free to point anything out.
Excellent early and mid game
Low cooldown escape ability
Quite tanky
Fun to play when winning
Saving teammates like a baws
That hero icon is so fabulous
All skills destroys trees ( Good for messing up enemy jukkes )
Do you even lift?
Empty mana pool would kill you.
Stone Remnant has a long recharge time.
Boulder Smash needs practice.
All skills must be understood well before playing him.
Not inside the captain's draft hero pool
I'll try my best to explain what this ability is about, all your skills use Stone Remnant for example when using Boulder Smash it stuns the enemy and also travels a longer distance.
So be careful when using this, don't just drop it anywhere you please as Stone Remnant has a 30 second recharge time and that is not short. There might be a time where you need it badly so seriously don't just drop it for a Rolling Boulder just because you're lazy to walk. If you're in a teamfight without a Stone Remnant it's almost like you're out of ammo in a counter strike gunfight and all you have is a knife which is like your right click. I also often see Earth Spirit players drop a Stone Remnant before using skills, it might get you more stones ready but the enemy will be prepared for it compared to dropping a Stone Remnant when you need it.
More info on Stone Remnant mechanics will be explained below.
Earth Spirit smashes the target enemy, ally, or Stone Remnant, knocking it back in the direction he is facing. The knocked back target deals damage to all units it hits. If the target was a Stone Remnant the travel distance is improved.
Range: 150
Radius: 200
Slam Distance: 500 / 600 / 700 / 800 (2000 when using a Stone Remnant)
Slam Speed: 1200
Damage: 125
Stun Duration: 0.75 / 1.25 / 1.75 / 2.25 seconds (When using a Stone Remnant)
Mana Cost: 100 Cooldown Time: 22 / 18 / 14 / 10
This skill is your bread and butter, with this ability you can either kick your enemies to your team to get a safe kill, use this ability like a Force Staff to kick teammates to safety and use this ability to stun the enemy and start the fight.
As said above, you only get the stun when you kick a Stone Remnant and it hits the enemy. Kinda like sniping.
This skill should be maxed earlier than Rolling Boulder so that your ganks wouldn't fail ( Probably )
Note: Practice lots with this skill as it might not go how you wanted it to, so keep calm and aim properly.
Distance traveled when kicking a Stone Remnant :
Distance traveled when kicking anything else eg: creeps or heroes :
After a 0.6s delay, Earth Spirit becomes a boulder, rolling in the direction he is facing and damaging enemy units, stopping if he collides with an enemy hero or is stunned. If the boulder rolls over a Stone Remnant, the Stone Remnant is consumed and travel distance and speed are improved, and impacted enemies have their movement and attack speed slowed.
Range: 800 (1600 when using a Stone Remnant)
Radius: 150
Damage: 90 / 120 / 150 / 180 (135 / 180 / 225 / 270 when using a Stone Remnant)
Movement and Attack Speed Slow: 80% for 2 seconds (Only when using a Stone Remnant)
Mana Cost: 50 Cooldown Time: 16 / 12 / 8 / 4
My favourite ability, allows you to escape from a fight or make the enemy pee their pants when you suddenly pop up from nowhere.
When using this skill, rolling in-front of a Stone Remnant would make the travel distance farther. Don't waste a stone remnant just because you're lazy to walk only use it when escaping, ganking or you're not in a teamfight you're supposed to be in.
Note: Don't rush into a 3-5 man army alone with this skill unless you want to save someone. "There's a fine line between bravery and stupidity", Juggernaut.
Screenshots for comparison right below:
Without adding a Stone Remnant
Rolling Boulder with a Stone Remnant
Earth Spirit pulls the target allied unit or Stone Remnant to his location. Enemies struck by the flying target will be silenced, and take damage if the flying target is a Stone Remnant.
Range: 1100
Radius: 180
Pull Speed: 1000
Silence Duration: 2 / 3 / 4 / 5
Stone Remnant Damage: 100 / 150 / 200 / 250
Mana Cost: 75 Cooldown Time: 13
This skill can silence the enemy and deal a quite high damage when you pull a unit that goes through the pulled units' path and is a great teammate saving skill. It will only deal damage IF the pulled unit is a Stone Remnant.
Use this to either finish off an enemy, save your allies or (I haven't tried this yet) pull in your team AOE stunner such as Slardar or Tidehunter to start the fight.
Also remember to beware of who you pull eg pulling a teammate under Rupture.
Magnetizes units in a small nearby area, causing them to take damage over time for a short duration. Any magnetized heroes cause nearby Stone Remnants to become energized and explode, applying/refreshing the magnetize debuff on all units near the Stone Remnant. This process can repeat multiple times. Stone Remnants are destroyed in this process. If an enemy hero is affected by silence or slows as a result of Rolling Boulder or Boulder Smash, all magnetized heroes share the effects.
Cast Radius: 300
Search Radius: 300
Explosion Radius: 600
Duration: 6
Damage per Second: 50 / 75 / 100
Mana Cost: 100 Cooldown Time: 80
Ahh your ultimate, with this killing heroes would be a snap.
This ability is a damage over time thing and when you place a Stone Remnant, guess what? IT FREAKIN REFRESHES. What I mean is whenever a Stone Remnant is place on an enemy affected with your ult, the debuff repeats again and continues to whack 'em. The short cooldown of this high-damage ultimate is what makes Earth Spirit feared, a good skill combo would be with blackhole or Reverse Polarity
Don't hesitate to use this against one enemy, a kill can change the whole game.
Screenshot for more info :
The zap thingy occurs when a Stone Remnant is place near the enemy effected by Magnetize
Early game
At the early game, just sit there and let the carry farm. Take as many ganking opportunities if possible, as you know time and Tidehunter wait for no man ( See what I did there ). If the gank fails be sure to pull your teammate to safety.
Taking the mid lane is good if your teammates don't want to. Get some last hits and once you hit lvl6, start ganking people with your insane long range stun, but choose which lane you want to gank wisely.
You should have your Arcane Boots and Buckler by this stage.
Ok this is the hard part so here goes
1)Start off with a Rolling Boulder and use your Boulder Smash to kick the enemy to your team and let them do all the work( Don't forget to use Geomagnetic Grip if the enemy has an escape skill ).
This item is placed as core because it can help you and your team survive longer even if you're playing as a Semi-carry, though it can be skipped for a Vanguard or a Heart of Tarrasque if needed. P
This is also your core because since most your abilities are magical damage, it helps boost your damage by a lot and also helps if the game drags out for too long.
Great movespeed, Great attack speed and great stats, I don't see why this shouldn't be considered unless some terrible thing happens which I have yet to encounter. If you want you can skip it as this item would be more important if you're playing as a support. Either get Mekansm or this unless you plan to get both which is fine too.
When to pick
-Your team is in need of a disabler/nuker hero.
-Enemy team has a Pudge. Pudge hooks your teammate then you "hook" them back, very fun :D.
-Epic long range stuns.
-Team full of over aggressive, tower diving noobs that need you to save them.
-When you feel like it.
-You just bought a cosmetic set for Kaolin and you want to show it off.
- Boulder Smash does not interrupt channeling abilities or casting times. The knocked back unit can take actions normally during the knockback.
-Casting Boulder Smash on a unit that finished casting a teleport spell during the knockback will not disrupt the ability, don't be the guy that kicks the enemy away that almost got killed.
- Using Boulder Smash on a Stone Remnant or a random unit will hit invisible units.
-When using Rolling Boulder you can cast spells excpet Blink Dagger, it also makes him stuck on the area he casted Rolling Boulder so you can't just move away to cancel the spell.
- Rolling Boulder hits invisible units which is insane.
- Rolling Boulder can be interrupted at the beginning of the spell, so it isn't a 100% escape and enemies can always blink in front of you anyway.
- Using Geomagnetic Grip on an ally does not interrupt channeling abilities ( really crazy ) or casting times.
- Invisible units are not affected by the start of Magnetize. Units becoming invisible when under Magnetize cannot interact with a Stone Remnant, so you can't place a Stone Remnant on an invisible unit expecting Magnetize to rebuff.
Remember this is my first guide, I don't even know how to add links properly so forgive me.
Also remember to comment about anything I wrote wrongly. Your opinion is also appreciated.
I'll update this build soon with pics and perhaps vids, I can't do it often as I'm currently studying.
I also apologize if the colours(BRITISH ENGLISH FTW) in the text hurt your eyes, but if it does you should probably get off the screen for a while :P
And also good luck and have fun, hope you pubstomp those noobs well. drunken haze *Cheers
And also finally earth spirit gets a buff at 6.81, huzzah
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