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I came in like a wrecking ball. By Moodkill [6.82]

October 22, 2014 by Moodkill
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Moodkill (9) | April 9, 2014 8:01am
I apologize for the broken images, but I currently have no time to fix them as I have reached the bandwidth cap for photobucket. I'm actually happy that there was google+ *le lol
Moodkill (9) | March 4, 2014 2:04pm
Timminatorr wrote:

I think we have different definitions of the word carry.
You can play him as a mid or offlaner but isnt a carry in the same sense that clockwerk isnt a (semi)carry.

True, but I'll still keep the semi carry as the title. JerAx went crazy w/ earth spirit and made me **** bricks
Timminatorr (57) | March 4, 2014 1:06pm
Moodkill wrote:

Ya I agree about vanguard but the semi carry for earth spirit is only in times when your team has something like a dazzle, wisp, crystal maiden, lion and you have to carry the team. ( My opinion )

I think we have different definitions of the word carry.
You can play him as a mid or offlaner but isnt a carry in the same sense that clockwerk isnt a (semi)carry.
Moodkill (9) | March 4, 2014 6:23am
Timminatorr wrote:

I wouldnt call him a semi carry in any way, he falls off pretty steep eventually.

And there isnt really a reason to get a vanguard on him as long as mekanism exists.

Ya I agree about vanguard but the semi carry for earth spirit is only in times when your team has something like a dazzle, wisp, crystal maiden, lion and you have to carry the team. ( My opinion )
Timminatorr (57) | March 3, 2014 2:48pm
I wouldnt call him a semi carry in any way, he falls off pretty steep eventually.

And there isnt really a reason to get a vanguard on him as long as mekanism exists.
Moodkill (9) | March 3, 2014 9:47am

I like it, it's better now. :D I'd still put the Drum of Endurance in the "Situational" list, but it's fine if you're playing a utility role.

Haha thanks :D for everything.
Peppo_oPaccio (70) | March 3, 2014 9:21am
I like it, it's better now. :D I'd still put the Drum of Endurance in the "Situational" list, but it's fine if you're playing a utility role.
Moodkill (9) | March 3, 2014 8:50am
Updated skill build and item build, feel free to give your opinions.
Moodkill (9) | March 3, 2014 8:30am

Nah, he's not that bad: they're just complaining because he was previously overpowered and now is balanced. I think the same is going to happen to Slark, Bristleback and maybe the QW Invoker in the next patch.

Anyway, about the build: I think you should max out Geomagnetic Grip as soon as possible, because now Boulder Smash isn't a nuke anymore and the damage from the Grip is too good to leave it last. Also, I'd probably leave the Rolling Boulder last: getting one point at 3-4 and maxing it out at 13-14-15 is better as you need both the extra damage and silence from your third skill and the extra stun duration from the first skill. This way by level 11, if you can land a succesful Boulder Smash, you can roll on the enemy and pull a teammate to help in ganking.

Also, I think a Blink Dagger is more or less mandatory: the usual combo was Geomagnetic Grip --> Rolling Boulder --> Boulder Smash on the enemies but, now that the Grip doesn't stun anymore and you need the Smash to kick the enemy back, going Geomagnetic Grip --> Blink Dagger --> Boulder Smash is the only way to make that combo possible. Or you can try landing a Rolling Boulder and, if you hit the enemy, kick him back to your teammates/tower.

Lastly, you should add armor-based items to your late game section, especially Shiva's Guard and Assault Cuirass.

Thx for the reply, will keep in mind :)
Peppo_oPaccio (70) | March 3, 2014 8:21am
Nah, he's not that bad: they're just complaining because he was previously overpowered and now is balanced. I think the same is going to happen to Slark, Bristleback and maybe the QW Invoker in the next patch.

Anyway, about the build: I think you should max out Geomagnetic Grip as soon as possible, because now Boulder Smash isn't a nuke anymore and the damage from the Grip is too good to leave it last. Also, I'd probably leave the Rolling Boulder last: getting one point at 3-4 and maxing it out at 13-14-15 is better as you need both the extra damage and silence from your third skill and the extra stun duration from the first skill. This way by level 11, if you can land a succesful Boulder Smash, you can roll on the enemy and pull a teammate to help in ganking.

Also, I think a Blink Dagger is more or less mandatory: the usual combo was Geomagnetic Grip --> Rolling Boulder --> Boulder Smash on the enemies but, now that the Grip doesn't stun anymore and you need the Smash to kick the enemy back, going Geomagnetic Grip --> Blink Dagger --> Boulder Smash is the only way to make that combo possible. Or you can try landing a Rolling Boulder and, if you hit the enemy, kick him back to your teammates/tower.

Lastly, you should add armor-based items to your late game section, especially Shiva's Guard and Assault Cuirass.
Moodkill (9) | March 3, 2014 6:08am
F.E.A.R.0 wrote:

The hero is useless, because low pub players asking for nerfs.

Is he really that bad? Cuz he's my fav hero >.<.
F.E.A.R.0 (38) | March 2, 2014 8:55pm
KoDyAbAbA wrote:

dude.good guide.useless hero.

The hero is useless, because low pub players asking for nerfs.
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