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how to play versatile Brewmaster

May 13, 2014 by vagnox
Comments: 24    |    Views: 8576    |   

Build 1
Build 2


DotA2 Hero: Brewmaster

Hero Skills

Belligerent (Innate)

Thunder Clap

1 3 5 7

Cinder Brew

2 4 8 9

Drunken Brawler

10 12 13 14

Primal Split

6 11 16


15 17 18

how to play versatile Brewmaster

May 13, 2014

Item Explanation

this item build will

starting items

starting item for semi-carry

this is actually my personal preferences pick a set of Tango get one Healing Salve pick two of Iron Branch then get a pair of Clarity this is actually pretty standard item build for any hero if you have no idea what to buy, almost can never go wrong with this
in my opinion you must pick two of this Tango and Healing Salve not one of them, the rest really up to you, you can pick Circlet Stout Shield Quelling Blade or whatever you think please don't go to lane with a set of Tango and Bracer/ Magic Wand that was really bad item of choice

starting item for intiator, semi-support, and utility build

Then /
now start with pick a set of Tango then Healing Salve now pick two of Iron Branch since it gives you +1 all attribute, you can build it to Magic Wand later or just sell it later, after that pick Animal Courier or Observer Ward. as an starting item don't pick both of them, since you are melee hero you will take more harassment than ranged one

okay I already have them now what ???

Okay now you already have your starting item, time to add some things you may need to drove your enemy out of the lane , or staying longer in lane

initiator, semi-carry needs

depend on the situation in the lane you may want to pick one or two of this item, if you got lot of harassment get Stout Shield, get lots of free farm pick Quelling Blade for maximizing last hit count, enemy hero got lot of spammable spells with lot's of Clarity pick one of these Magic Stick this things such an honor for 200 gold, lastly if you run out of regen's and no gank from any lane at all you may pick Ring of Health

initiator, semi-support, and utility needs

now the next things you want to buy is really optional but at least buy one of these Observer Ward, every team need this. Sentry Ward is next on the list to make sure invisible hero keep in check, Flying Courier you may want to upgraded if someone love to send their every small item and risk the courier dies in the process, Smoke of Deceit now this is important you may want to take this to set up gank since you will not be revealed unless you are in radius 1000 AOE from enemy hero or tower pretty useful. Public games really need to learn to use this.

early game

just for extra information early game here refer to end of laning phase around 8-10 mins, where most of the hero already reach level 6. In here i will most likely chose some item that worthwhile to invest, where ever you gain FARM or NOT
early game item for semi-carry

Boots of Speed basic brown boots give you +50 movement speed, pretty much all hero need this, next on the list is Bracer let's do some basic calculation what does this thing give to you first +6 strength = 6 * 19 HP = 114 Health point and +6 damage, next is +3 Intelligence = 3 * 13MP = 39 MP aldo +3 raw damage. if you do the math investing to three bracers will give you roughly 342 HP, 117 MP , and around 27 damage. I'm not telling you to invest to three Bracer though i just give some basic explanation why bracer is good, and easy component to build.
Next on the list is Town Portal Scroll pretty self explanatory, avoid gank, help team to gank, and defending tower. And of course last is Quelling Blade i suggest you invest to this since Thunder Clap and plus a few hits, you will get a flash farm from medium or small camps

early game item for initiator, semi-support, and utility build

Boots of Speed the mother of all boots, seriously you need at least this if you don't have any escape mechanism, Magic Wand the enemy team will like ... look at that poor panda have no item buying ward and else, he must be easy to kill and then right when they think they can finish you with their spells and auto attack you pop up you charges and hide behind your tower once again, remember to use magic wand charges unpredictable since it can help you avoid death, Bottle need to recharge before battle finish of the rest of you Bottle charges and get free refill with runes, remember now you can give your Bottle charge without giving them your bottle just press CTRL+hotkey then click to allied hero. Town Portal Scroll preferably just use TP where ever you need to defend tower, or possible team fights , even for ganking possibilities. BUT please don't use it to teleport just to farm, just go and roam safe it for other ocassions so you will not have any regret

Core items

core item for semi-carry

Honestly i'have been thinking should i put Drum of Endurance as an core, after think back game to game playing Brewmaster as semi-carry, the asnwer is YES. why ?? as semi-carry your main job is not to farm farm and farm , i do not say don't need farm you need to farm fair amount of gold to be effective BUT your main source of gold is KILL, so i think Drum of Endurance really give you the cutting edge to finish of your enemies, that will lead to extra gold for an fair price since Battle Fury component is not exactly cheap. But you always can hold on to that Bracer and not upgrade it if you have gain fair amount of advantage

core item for initiator, semi-support, and utility build
my personal preferences as initiator, semi-support, and utility is make them; as cheap as possible, as efficient as possible, and make sure it does not lose anything, for health and mana pool we have Arcane Boots and Drum of Endurance, for health and mana regeneration we have Bottle and Arcane Boots, initiation tool Blink Dagger. And i think for quite reasonable price this build really good contender for mid game clash

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