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how to play versatile Brewmaster

May 13, 2014 by vagnox
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vagnox | May 14, 2014 8:44pm
Blubbles wrote:

Regarding the Skill Build, I find that If you alternate between Thunder Clap and stats, he scales much better. Then pick up his other skills. But hey if it works you you thats great.

that was quite a good idea but i think you should at least take one level of drunken haze at level 2 maybe, since 45% chance to miss debuff is really good. feel free if you want to pick status in where ever you may think it suits
Blubbles (13) | May 14, 2014 7:42pm
Regarding the Skill Build, I find that If you alternate between Thunder Clap and stats, he scales much better. Then pick up his other skills. But hey if it works you you thats great.
vagnox | May 14, 2014 10:11am
Allegiance wrote:

Timmi is right with pretty much everything and you get mad, because he gives you some advice.
Sorry pal, but there are so many things wrong with this guide, I literally don't have the time to point everything out...

But overall, you seem to have no idea at all, how good Panda actually is in the mid lane.
Against Pudge mid is a freewin with brewmaster.
And if you think puck owns Panda, you mabye should start using drunken haze and something very useful called 'animation cancelling'. It's not like thunder clap has a projectile puck can dodge after you actually reached your cast point, like he can with qop's shadow strike...

i'm sorry sire , maybe that was a good idea to use that 'animation canceling' but basically, he have that advantage by having silences which have the same 400 radius as our lovely Thunder Clap, you maybe can pull that once or twice. Also he have really short animation that was 0.1 and brewmaster have 0.4 . that mean even by natural assume you both have the same good reflex, he will still land his silences first. Excuse me but i really pick most of the best middle laner , to see a good comparison why he was a good middle lane hero. With some skill brewmaster would be at least 2nd tier as middle laner

also here some link :
you can see that was not a single things mention about Brewmaster
you see other than pudge other midle laner hero that mentioned in that build have so many ways to harass and defend their self from initiating or getting killed
Magnus for example he can skewer in worst case he got out of position and can farm with shock wave
Dragon Knight he can harass and farm with breathe fire , in worst case he can have solid 2,5 stun that give him time to use at least one charge of bottle that can avoid death.
[night stalker]] he can silences enemies for avoiding enemy use that full combo - minus ulti
Nyx Assassin even better first he have ranged stun that also work as harassing tool, second Spiked Carapace make you can't randomly initate on him ,and if that not good enough several mana burn can really mess up your plan to get a full combo on him due lacks of mana.
Pudge is a special mention, since his best way to kill you early on is to hook you to his tower and slow you with rot

let me ask you one thing did Brewmaster at least have one, a reliable way to escape in case of the worst ??? most of these hero can do, slow doesn't silences them they can still finish you off with their spells

of course you can still mid, but pick your enemy carefully. you are not even on the 2nd tier In My Opinion. Ah ... lastly feel free to get middle lane if there are no good enemy middle laner, example : Ember Spirit, maybe Gyrocopter used to be popular in middle lane,maybe you can do fine with Beastmaster but don't hope to much unless you can get him out of position since he got scout hawk to see even you are in highground. Mirana probably going to win if he initiate 1st, if you initiate 1st probably he will just leap out.

At least i hope you see my point he is 3rd rate hero for middle lane hero, oh if you want to refers to another pro players play him as middle hero please take a note most of them have early gank, from side-lane hero or jungling hero. which is less likely to happen in public games
vagnox | May 14, 2014 9:31am
Eheroduelist wrote:

It's less of a concern what primary stat you are as much as what role you play.
If you are playing the role of hard support, your job is to be constantly buying wards, contributing what you can to the team and to purchase other consumables whenever needed (salve for carry, smoke for ganks/5 man roams/etc).
If the hard support is struggling the roaming support can pitch in and pick up a set of wards to maintain vision and/or deward.

It is very rare to see a time when a carry of any of the carry roles (1,2,3) be required to pick up support items like wards/etc. for any other reason than their team is getting absolutely stomped because a lack thereof.
It is a tad cynical to assume your supports aren't going to support. If your supports forget to do something according to their role (I've had game where I'm so focused on protecting my carry from aggressive lanes (Bristleback solo off being aggressive vs. underfarmed Faceless Void + Rubick) that I forget to place/purchase wards and sometimes I have to be reminded that our wards are about to drop and/or new wards are needed in general).

totally not saying he should be played as hard support, i mean as a ganker don't be stingy. Sometimes our support fall a little bit behind. and since you are ganker you are no good if all your team mate die blindly. sometimes just spent that little bit of extra gold to buy smoke, or sentry to set up a perfect gank, it is hard for those support to gain a decent gold with those greedy carry that buy Quelling Blade and farming inside and outside lane non-stop, also that greedy nuker that will wipe-out the whole creep wave, without even get all of it. As what i want to point out is, as an ganker be helpfull in time the of need , also the tittle of that is "got some extra gold to spent"

Also I'm very sorry this build wasn't intended to publish out in public, i was planning to build this from bit to bit inside forum, but my lack of understanding about this forum make it published to the front page i'm sorry =__=
can anyone point me out how did make a guide that not published in public or WIP so only the people inside forum can see it, and not be pointed as complete guide ??
vagnox | May 14, 2014 9:21am
also if you don't have anyone to follow up your blink ult's combo. The enemy team can fall back far enough to get a better positioning than the rest of your heroes. and do you think you can really catch up fast enough to cyclone them initiator/support that is commonly build Force Staff. they really can turn the whole team-fight with this blink ult's combo, from the advantage you say so to totally disadvantage to your team.
vagnox | May 14, 2014 9:15am
Eheroduelist wrote:

Unless your opponents are so farmed that you're being a moron for initiating, you're not a glass cannon. You can typically survive hostile situations like a silence without too much of a struggle, and worst case scenario at the end of the silence you can pop your ult, leave your fire spirit + storm spirit to fight while Earth Spirit runs to safety.

Also, you're an initiator- meaning that even if your initiation isn't flawless your team will still need to show up to make your blink-initiation worthwhile, even if you don't as an individual.

of course brewmaster not a glass cannon but minumum getting 3 second silenced, have already good chance of you being finished off you are between 5 hero at all
Eheroduelist (2) | May 14, 2014 9:07am
vagnox wrote:

really you want to risk that one extra Thunder Clap for the risk of getting silenced, sorry mate doesn't seems like a good idea, unless you put Black King Bar 1st before Aghanim's Scepter as an core

Unless your opponents are so farmed that you're being a moron for initiating, you're not a glass cannon. You can typically survive hostile situations like a silence without too much of a struggle, and worst case scenario at the end of the silence you can pop your ult, leave your fire spirit + storm spirit to fight while Earth Spirit runs to safety.

Also, you're an initiator- meaning that even if your initiation isn't flawless your team will still need to show up to make your blink-initiation worthwhile, even if you don't as an individual.
Eheroduelist (2) | May 14, 2014 9:03am
vagnox wrote:

sorry that come out really bad, i mean some times, in not so good day in public games, you will see some good support's like Windranger neglect her duty as support's , but the most and at the least most of INT hero, have a little bit duty to spent on wards. Since they will fall off in mid-late game without extraordinary farm. We can have some expectation on someone like outworld devourer, Invoker, and strom spirit. but if you say they should not buy ward just because they snowballing really hard. that was not excusable and Lina should buy ward up to mid-game at least because sooner or later he will fall off. And for ask the statement "Sorry, but are you trying to say every INT hero is a warder?" the answer is NO "but most of the INT hero can at least buy Observer Ward " to avoid most of the basic gank.

P.S : i think what you refer as and warder is hard-support (some support that can do good even without very decent item at all), and yes Brewmaster it not one of those warder, but at least you can buy little bit of that to sustain your middle game performance. I'm not saying you should spent every single gold on every of that item, Brewmaster really a little bit of that farm too =(

It's less of a concern what primary stat you are as much as what role you play.
If you are playing the role of hard support, your job is to be constantly buying wards, contributing what you can to the team and to purchase other consumables whenever needed (salve for carry, smoke for ganks/5 man roams/etc).
If the hard support is struggling the roaming support can pitch in and pick up a set of wards to maintain vision and/or deward.

It is very rare to see a time when a carry of any of the carry roles (1,2,3) be required to pick up support items like wards/etc. for any other reason than their team is getting absolutely stomped because a lack thereof.
It is a tad cynical to assume your supports aren't going to support. If your supports forget to do something according to their role (I've had game where I'm so focused on protecting my carry from aggressive lanes (Bristleback solo off being aggressive vs. underfarmed Faceless Void + Rubick) that I forget to place/purchase wards and sometimes I have to be reminded that our wards are about to drop and/or new wards are needed in general).
vagnox | May 14, 2014 8:56am
Eheroduelist wrote:

his damage output in teamfights comes from being able to Thunder Clap twice in teamfights with Aghs. It's a decent nuke and being able to optimize your damage output and your team's output with the double slow holding the enemy team relatively close to where they were for your Position 1 ( Sven, Phantom Assassin, etc) to play whack-a-mole with their faces.

And arguing that the counter to a spellcaster is a silence is kindof obvious- on top of the fact that if your argument is that because a caster can be silenced, the caster is useless, is ignoring that damage potential of any spell.
Also, Black King Bar. Nuff said.

The critical strike on your auto-attack is more a bonus than a core aspect of the character, especially when he has such a strong kit.

really you want to risk that one extra Thunder Clap for the risk of getting silenced, sorry mate doesn't seems like a good idea, maybe straight ult's will give you less chance to get silenced or hexed, unless you put Black King Bar 1st before Aghanim's Scepter as an core.
let me explain you one thing, casting Thunder Clap, will give them enough time to land any targeted silences like Bloodrage, Doom, Ancient Seal , and Orchid Malevolence that have easy build up. There is so many people that capable of silences if you land that Thunder Clap
in conclusion you will most likely only have one Thunder Clap, unless they aren't countering you well
vagnox | May 14, 2014 8:52am
ThreadOfFate wrote:

Sorry, but are you trying to say every INT hero is a warder?

In any event, i agree with timminator about this guide, really.

sorry that come out really bad, i mean some times, in not so good day in public games, you will see some good support's like Windranger neglect her duty as support's , but the most and at the least most of INT hero, have a little bit duty to spent on wards. Since they will fall off in mid-late game without extraordinary farm. We can have some expectation on someone like outworld devourer, Invoker, and strom spirit. but if you say they should not buy ward just because they snowballing really hard. that was not excusable and Lina should buy ward up to mid-game at least because sooner or later he will fall off. And for ask the statement "Sorry, but are you trying to say every INT hero is a warder?" the answer is NO "but most of the INT hero can at least buy Observer Ward " to avoid most of the basic gank.

P.S : i think what you refer as and warder is hard-support (some support that can do good even without very decent item at all), and yes Brewmaster it not one of those warder, but at least you can buy little bit of that to sustain your middle game performance. I'm not saying you should spent every single gold on every of that item, Brewmaster really a little bit of that farm too =(
Eheroduelist (2) | May 14, 2014 8:45am
vagnox wrote:

i'm sorry i am overlook that OD explanation, and that lina **** yeah that was little bit over exaggerating.

second never said that i was disagree with Blink Dagger i'm also agree that was a fantastic item on brewmaster. i'm just arguing that maybe we should put Aghanim's Scepter on the list of situational item.
I mean it is little bit over exaggerated, even though 100 second CD is really awesome for this kind of hero. And correct me if i'm wrong adding Aghanim's Scepter, early on will not reduce it is cool down on any level to 100 second right ? i mean this brewmaster ultimate is awesome, but does that mean when that 140/120/100 second cooldown he just jump use all his skill and try to bail out alive ? c'mon he deserve more than that, he didn't get +2,9 strength for nothing every level, i think he have a good DPS potential more than just his ultimate. even though i agree he should start with lock down as much as enemy hero he can.Okay i'm starting to see your point little by little

BRB i will think more about it, can everyone else give more insight in here

his damage output in teamfights comes from being able to Thunder Clap twice in teamfights with Aghs. It's a decent nuke and being able to optimize your damage output and your team's output with the double slow holding the enemy team relatively close to where they were for your Position 1 ( Sven, Phantom Assassin, etc) to play whack-a-mole with their faces.

And arguing that the counter to a spellcaster is a silence is kindof obvious- on top of the fact that if your argument is that because a caster can be silenced, the caster is useless, is ignoring that damage potential of any spell.
Also, Black King Bar. Nuff said.

The critical strike on your auto-attack is more a bonus than a core aspect of the character, especially when he has such a strong kit.
vagnox | May 14, 2014 8:34am
i'm sorry i am overlook that OD explanation, and that lina **** yeah that was little bit over exaggerating.

second never said that i was disagree with Blink Dagger i'm also agree that was a fantastic item on brewmaster. i'm just arguing that maybe we should put Aghanim's Scepter on the list of situational item.
I mean it is little bit over exaggerated, even though 100 second CD is really awesome for this kind of hero. And correct me if i'm wrong adding Aghanim's Scepter, early on will not reduce it is cool down on any level to 100 second right ? i mean this brewmaster ultimate is awesome, but does that mean when that 140/120/100 second cooldown he just jump use all his skill and try to bail out alive ? c'mon he deserve more than that, he didn't get +2,9 strength for nothing every level, i think he have a good DPS potential more than just his ultimate. even though i agree he should start with lock down as much as enemy hero he can.Okay i'm starting to see your point little by little

BRB i will think more about it, can everyone else give more insight in here
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