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Tresdin, the Legion Commander is a very powerful snowball type of hero. While she is effective in most part of the game, a well farmed legion commander with a good amount of duels won is almost unstoppable, and can manfight almost any hero and beat very hard carries like
Anti-Mage and
Phantom Lancer for example.
With her unique skillset, Tresdin will be able to turn their numbers against them, contribute to the team and be able to take a fight all by herself.
Currently in Dota Buff she has a winrate of 47.96% which is not as bad as other heroes but its not that good. What made me write this guide is the current idea of her jungling and the main skill build used on her, which in my opinion, its not that good. So, I hope you can understand my ideas and please let me know any grammar mistakes or typos since English is not my main language, I'm from Mexico :D
A good song to get you started fighting the evil from the Abyss.
The skills are pretty well explained in the icons, I will go on how to do use them on different situations.
Overwhelming Odds Is your premier laning skill, and why I think jungle Legion Commander is just not worth it, because you leave this skill without levels, which are great early game and fall off late game. This ability got nerfed on the 6.82 patch, which makes me think it was too stronk. This skill lets you control the creepwave, a big harass for enemy melee offlaners, like
Clockwerk or
Timbersaw. This is meant to be used against a big number or enemy units, so you can punish early pushers like
Nature's Prophet or
Enigma. Considering level 1, with first creep wave, 4 creeps (3 melee and 1 ranged) and enemy offlaner, the total damage of the nuke (after 6.82 ;_;) is 116 magical damage.
The objective with this skill is to use them on as many units as possible early on; think of Phantom Lancer illusions,
Meepo clones,
Enigma's Demonic conversion eidolons,
Naga Siren illusions, and such, think of it as a less powerful spammable
Echo Slam.
On top of the nuking power it offers, it yet grants you bonus movement speed, which is crucial when chasing and picking off weak heroes with your Duel, and thats why
Phase Boots are not that much needed on her since she can chase just fine. So, considering an early push consisting of
Nature's Prophet, his treants, another hero and a 5 creep creepwave, casting Overwhelming Odds on them will do a total damage of 490 magical damage (correct my math if I'm wrong) and grant you a big % of movement speed (which I'm too dumb to calculate, dear readers, help me) coupled with Tresdin's innate high movement speed. Coupled with another good counterpusher like your mid
Torrent (or even better Ghost Ship) can be devastating to those pesky rats, and then procceed to
Duel that poor hurt hero with your blinding speed, and win it with little effort. EZ stacks=Ez game.
Press the Attack is your steroid and a sustain ability. This is to be cast after
Overwhelming Odds while chasing and standing next to the hero you are going to duel, in order to try to finish the duel as fast as you can (If you are alone). This was nerfed too in 6.82 patch, now the mana cost is always 110. This is why I think
Soul Ring is good on Tresdin, she has a spammable AoE (Area of Effect) nuke which helps farm faster, and this skill's regen makes up for the lost health while other heroes cant just spam Soul ring, like
Dragon Knight´s
Breathe Fire or
Wraith King´s
Wraithfire Blast since they slowly regen lost health.
This is also for LEGION IS KREDIT TO TEAM! since it also removes debuffs and offers regen, which might save your poor ally from that douche Viper's
Viper Strike.
When you've acquired some attack speed items and later on a Basher, you may use this to defy the odds, cast it on yourself, Blink Dagger next to your lone victim, and start bashing his face (Much like
Ursa's blink dagger strategy) while you win more duels for more damage.
Moment of Courage is what makes people think Legion commander works in the jungle. It might work but you are relying on a RNG proc (Much like
Counter Helix) to farm the jungle and a high early game mana cost pseudo regen.
Moreover, the effectiveness of this passive is based on how much damage you deal. Early game you won´t have much damage for a tiny 16% chance proc of 20% lifesteal on 57 damage =11.4 hp from lifesteal. This is why we max this skill last, will work better the more damage you have got through the game, say late game you have over 150 extra damage for a total 250 right click damage, if you proc you will regain 200 hp just by being there taking damage.
IMPORTANT NOTE: You must target the unit you are attacking in order to use Moment of Courage, it is a short second buff. (You can use this to your advantage, you can target the lower armor enemy in order to deal more damage, and thus, regaining more HP). Great huh? Now go there and keep winning your
Duels, private!
Duel, the mighty Duel. This is why you picked The Legion Commander. I can not think of a manliest skill than this one and
Berserker's Call and it is essentially a big single target Berserker's Call.
Faceless Void? Come out of your
Chronosphere and fight like a man!
Wraith King?
Sven? Ok enough. A well played Legion Commander can stomp all these kids by brute force. But this skill is a double edged sword, and if not executed properly, can backfire terribly on you and on your team.
Duel should be used everytime its off cooldown, but this does not mean spamming it and failing at killing the victim, or even worse, giving that Phantom Assassin even more damage. This leads to "Report legion noop ajaja asco xD" and in my opinion is worse than intentional feeding. In order to become the monster we want to be, first we have to win some Duels. Use it while in ganks with your team, when it's a guaranteed kill, and be aware of the duration of your duel, which at level 1 is 4 seconds.
Your main targets early on are really tough guys like Crystal Maiden,
Techies and other glass fragile heroes.
You don't want to duel very tanky heroes or those who can obliterate you before you can, like Axe (he might just spin you away),
Troll Warlord,
Ursa (
Overpower OP) and the like, or tanks like
Abaddon (Please, just ignore him), or
Tidehunter. Be careful of
Tiny and his
Craggy Exterior!
Do not engage with a full hp enemy hero early on, I've seen tons of Legion Commanders failing terribly to end the duel and thus losing the oportunity to earn more damage. In fights, start chiping health away with your very good nuke and catch those off position heroes, in your duel, even if they are 2HP away, Duel them, its either a kill (or assist) and the vital damage you will need to become relevant in the game. It's also a very useful disable, since its one of the few "mute" status abilities, the other being Doom(This was nerfed) and
Aghanim's Scepter
Static Storm for example.
Starting items
Tresdin, the Legion Commander is a very fun hero to play. All heroes take skill, and she is no exception. Playing her to her strengths shall lead you to victory.
Communication is key when playing her. Implicitly, while playing her, you are developing leadership skills. Be kind, forgiving and patient. After all, in order to win the war, a commander won't do it alone without her legion, her team.
Be wise, Dueling is a serious business. Play every minute the hardest you can, be your team's inspiration. Don't react to aggression, and always be thankful to those who help you. (Even if they're in the other team). This my friends, was my advice on how to command a legion, and I think its the way to play any hero in this fantastic game we all like, Dota 2.
"Duelling, though barbarous in civilized, is a highly civilized institution among barbarous people, and when compared to assassination, is a prodigious victory gained over human passions."
- Sydney Smith
Credits to Dr. D for his amazing guide which helped me write mine: Dr. D's Guide to Formatting
Thanks for reading!
-Going to add mid lane build.
-Will add friends and enemies chapter.
-Will add Summary as soon as I manage to understand how to do so.
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