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Forgive me for lacking knowledge at English language,
Legion Commander needs a lot of mana if you are considering this Overhelming Odds is a must in early game.
I had to tested this Rod of Atos over Blink Dagger against rookie players. And also Urn of Shadows over Soul Ring too. It was very effective.
Rod of Atos benefits:
- 25 int
- 350 hp
Active: Cripple
- cast range: 1200
- move speed slow: 60%
- duration: only 4 seconds
The problem is that I can NOT test this Rod of Atos against experienced and / or expert players because I'm new in DOTA 2. So to speak it, I'm old school player in DOTA 1.
As I mentioned this Urn of Shadows...
I don't recommend you to use this Soul Ring. Urn of Shadows can be used on your opponent before you go blink and duel. That is very effective to finish your opponent as fast as possible.
My conclusion:
I don't advise you to use this Rod of Atos over Blink in every game. Blink Dagger is far important than Rod of Atos is.
~ RWalker
The plot thickens
He states a point . Then he refutes it himself.
Would we say its a classic????
Legion Commander needs a lot of mana if you are considering this Overhelming Odds is a must in early game.
I had to tested this Rod of Atos over Blink Dagger against rookie players. And also Urn of Shadows over Soul Ring too. It was very effective.
Rod of Atos benefits:
- 25 int
- 350 hp
Active: Cripple
- cast range: 1200
- move speed slow: 60%
- duration: only 4 seconds
The problem is that I can NOT test this Rod of Atos against experienced and / or expert players because I'm new in DOTA 2. So to speak it, I'm old school player in DOTA 1.
As I mentioned this Urn of Shadows...
I don't recommend you to use this Soul Ring. Urn of Shadows can be used on your opponent before you go blink and duel. That is very effective to finish your opponent as fast as possible.
My conclusion:
I don't advise you to use this Rod of Atos over Blink in every game. Blink Dagger is far important than Rod of Atos is.
~ RWalker
Thanks for your DotaBuff! I can learn even more from there.
I don't say
Everyone plays heroes with their own personal style, so I am sure some people will disagree with some of your tactics but its still well thought out overall. Nice job!
My personal difference of opinion would be with blade mail. It does 2 things for legion very well.
1) Wins easy duals against hard right clickers i.e. Ursa or Huskar.
2) In late game (after legion is a bit more tanky), people trying to interfere with your dual nuke themselves. I can't tell you how many times Lina tried to Ult me during a dual with my blade mail on and she killed herself. Again, after tanky items like Heart or Satanic, when Legion can take a Lina or Lion Ult in the face and keep going, blade mail becomes huge.
Of course, it's also good against pesky range right clickers like sniper or drow. It makes them stop shooting you completely.
Just my 2 cents, but overall a great guide.
P.S. after 6.82, getting Daedalus with Hyperstone is NASTY in a dual.
I think that
Enemy has 2 or more squishy but fast heroes? I think solid choice would be
But I agree with you that
Facing some hard hitting carries who can deal good amount of damage in the early-mid game?
And against 2 or more disablers
You're doing really well in the early game and have lots of gold? Rush
As for the late game,
Noooo! Metabee, what are u doing? I only like 2items in this game
There is a reason why armlet is in all guides, it is a great, very cost efficient item: gives you +5 armor, +65 damage aand +25 attack speed, that you love so much, for only 2600 gold and it can save you life after a
Una cervesa por favor!
Thank you, will consider it. It's just my humble opinion on the item, and thanks for positive feedback :D
FINALLY somebody read the formatting guide before starting a guide, i'm tired of seeing those long and tedious walls of text that hurt my eyes when i try to decipher the important points in a mass of words. Here is an upvote for you sir +1
Your guide is pretty decent, but there is room for improvement. I feel like lots of guide jsut want to jump the item choice section without explaining gameplay. Do i farm with
Thanks for positive feedback, will work on that :D
There is a reason why armlet is in all guides, it is a great, very cost efficient item: gives you +5 armor, +65 damage aand +25 attack speed, that you love so much, for only 2600 gold and it can save you life after a
And some scientist in switzerland have proven that Facelss fckin Void's
Una cervesa por favor!
I agree with Assault Cuirr*** over
Not sure about
I think you should be clearer on
Decent guide overall! +1