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15 Votes

Don't just do it, do it with flare

August 4, 2012 by ERMAC__#172623
Comments: 4    |    Views: 25924    |   

Side lane

DotA2 Hero: Clockwerk

Hero Skills

Armor Power (Innate)

Battery Assault

2 3 5 7

Power Cogs

4 8 9 10

Rocket Flare

1 12 13 14


6 11 16


15 17 18


I play Clockwerk, and now I'm making a guide to clock. Isn't that great?

I'll be updating this guide over time.

About Clockwerk

Clockwerk is a shrimpy little bugger, who's as quirky as he is deadly. He is a ganking initiator, and a fairly tanky one at that in contrast to his small stature. He can deal a high amount of damage to a single target while ruining the positioning of the enemy team. he has long range, and great map control. Plus, he has a funny voice. He's actually adorable in a bad-*** midget kinda way.

Like all heroes, clock has his fair share of problems. His damage is mostly concentrated on one target and while his spells aren't "costly', he tends to use them in combination which can quickly burn up his mana pool. He also needs a decent amount of farm or else he'll drop off late game without items. His stat gain is also somewhat poor.

Pros and Connies

+Very long range initiator
+Great Chaser
+Good map Control
+Has high potential DPS on a single target
+Tankier than your average can of soup
+Is in the Nightmares of anyone who has a channel
+Adorable Voice

-Drops of late game without items
-Can burn through mana fairly quick
-DPS is mostly concentrated on one target
-Initiator is a skillshot that requires good positioning, and non-troll teamates


When it comes to items on clock, I feel there is only one way to go. Getting beefy, and getting speed. Clock needs to be able to take a beating. If he can't take a hit then he can't do his job. He's usually the first one in, and the target of the enemy team. Not that you can blame them, if some midget hooked me and obnoxiously started pooping shrapnel on me or a teammate, I'd focus him too. Speed is also good on clock because he needs to get into position for a hook, which is very position dependent. He also needs it to chase and keep up with people to get the most out of Battery.


There are two clock starters. Preferably, I think starter 1 is more well rounded as two gauntlets may be excessive, but it gives you more survivability. Go with whatever one you'll think you need. With starter 1, you can replace an Iron Branch for a Healing Salve.


Urn of Shadows is a good item on clock. It gives him a good early game strength bonus, mana regen, and health regen which will usually pays off for a ganker like clock.

Really good on any hero, and clock is no exception. Magic Wand is a life saver and can give burst mana and health regen when you need it most. Since clock is usually up in everyone's faces, he should be getting charges like crazy. It's cheap and effective.
Pretty simple, everyone needs boots. Clock already has some pretty good base move speed. With Boots of Speed, you'll outrun a lot of other heroes early game.


Seeing as how clock's an initiator and is seen using his trusty bathook to jump into a party of 5 enemy heroes, you'll want to be able to take a pounding. You need to stay alive so you can at least get most of your Battery Assault out. It won't do you much good if you're dying in 3 seconds. Henceforth, you get Vanguard for added tankiness.
Phase Boots make They give clock an attack bonus which is nice, but the passive and active speed boosts really make clock a speedster. the speed is great for running into position for a hook, chasing down an enemy hero, or trying to get into the middle of that teamfight before laying our your cogs. This is personally my favorite boots for clock as I think it works best for what he tries to do.
A Bracer for raw strength and added endurance.


Personally I REALLY like this item on clock. Not just the extra armor and attack, that's all good. Better yet, the active makes clock ever more dangerous. If you hooks someone and then cog them, the only thing they can do(if they can't Blink) is attack you back. With Blade Mail...if they do this then they'll just die faster, if not...then you're getting free damage unopposed. this works great in teamfights as well since when clock zips in he tends to be a big target. Now anyone who hits you will get that damage returned. Your tanky, you can take it, they might not. If you do die, you're going down dealing damage, and the rest of your team can mop up what is left. The best part? It's cheap.
Usually considered a candy item among heroes, Aghanim's Scepter is a pretty useful item on clock. It gives big stat and vitality boost, and furthermore buffs up your ultimate. It reduces the cooldown time to 15 seconds, and lets you able to hook onto allied units, pretty much giving you a new escape mechanism, or just travel from point A to B without getting an ally to block it and leaving you standing there with your thumb your ***. Personally, I think the cooldown alone is worth it since Hookshot is a big part of clock's game. Why not show it some love?

Some may disagree with this, and that's understandable. One could say "is the 25 second cooldown reduction and the Ally hook worth it"? To that I would say this, one minor problem with clock is that he lacks hard CC, his only hard CC being his hook which at all levels has a noticeable cooldown. If you get Aghanim's, you now basically have a long range stun that had the cooldown of a regular ability. Combined that with he fact that you can travel 3,000 range every 15 seconds makes it worth getting as clock now truly has almost and omnipotent presence across the map. Also, it is a stun that ignores magic immunity which is another thing that hurts clock.
Losing to spell casters and nukers? Hood of Defiance is for you. This is good in conjunction to Vanguard and builds into...
Pipe of Insight is a reaction based item. If you're team is getting hit with some serious magical nukedge, this item can come in real handy during teamfights. it gives you and your team a anti-magical shield and would build from hood if you decide to get it. Still, this is situational. Only get this if your losing in teamfights due to mass nukes.
Shiva's Guard is another tanky teamfight item that gives you more armor, but also an attack slow passive AOE, and a active move slow AOE. This is a decent item for clock to have when he zips in and can fire one of the babies off in the middle of the enemy team.

Pretty much a finisher item on clock, Heart of Tarrasque makes him pretty much hard to kill and allows him to do what he needs to do before dying if he has too.


This is just here to be mentioned. Everyone buys Town Portal Scrolls. These are on a need to buy basis. If you're ganking deep into enemy territory, or need to counter a push you should have these.
I put Arcane Boots in this because a lot of people like to get these boots for clock, and it makes sense. Clock can burn through mana pretty quick. However, I don't like these over Phase Boots because I feel with good mana management, you don't really need these. I think a Magic Wand combined with Urn of Shadows gives you the regen you need. Clock's mana pool isn't that bad and usually you'll have enough to use all your abilities and then some, and by that time the fight or gank should be over.

Still, this can be handy and can work well on clock if your team needs a boots carrier. While I don't think it should be you, it can be you.
Get a Bottle if your team stuck you in the mid lane. If you're not mid, then I feel like a bottle and Urn can overlap each other and since you're on a side lane most of the time you should leave the rune whoring to your mid.

Items to avoid

Now, some of these items seem more or less obvious, but I'll just point them out anyway. These items are generally items you want to avoid on Clock as they don't support his role and are usually just "trololol" items.
This is for carries who need to farm, not you. The cleave is not going to help you, and your paying for a slightly better Perseverance at more than double the price. This is a huge waste of money that clock could have used buying more know...worthwhile items. Hell, Radiance is better than this. If you want survivability, buy Shiva's Guard or Pipe of Insight. Battle Fury's regen won't keep you alive during the fight, only after it.
You are not a Vlad's carrier. There is a laundry list of heroes who are better Vlad carriers than you. Blade Mail gives you the same armor bonus, and it's active will help you out far more than Vlads passive's. Also, how much does clock benefit from lifesteal?
I've seen someone get this, and I felt my heart stop for a few seconds, like I was mini-stunned. Why would you get this? You are an initiator yes...but you have a tool that could hook the moon and go over all impassable terrain. Why waste money on blink with absolutely no stats? You don't need mobility, you got it in Phase Boots and Hookshot. What you need is tankiness and an un-interrupted path.


Battery Assault

Clock's main source of damage, it lasts 10.5 seconds and sends mini-explosions randomly at nearby enemy units. The shrapnel comes out about every .75 seconds. Getting one enemy hit with it over the duration does some pretty insane damage. We're talking 225/525/825/1125 if you get one hero with it. That's a ****on, especially at level 7. It also mini-stuns, so any hero who needs to channel is royally screwed when clockwerk waddles along. Having 10.5 seconds of constant mini-stuns can really interrupt so much ****, not just channeling but characters with slow attack speeds or cast times. This is what makes clock such a scary ganker. Getting tapped in cogs and then getting hit with battery assault is not fun and is hard to fight back eating mini-stun after mini-stun. Combined with your auto-attack, and flare, you can bring the pain. It can save you from getting ganked early game since nobody wants to get close to you when you have BA on. When this is active, it's out. Regardless if you get stun or disabled, the BA still comes out which is why clock is so deadly. Stunning Clock when trapped in his cogs won't do much to save them. The thing with Battery is the more opponents around you, the less effective it is. Do not activate this near creeps, as it will severely chop down your damage output. You want one hero to take the full brunt of you Assault.

Power Cogs

One of clock's main tools for trapping enemy heroes. Power cogs lays out 8 cogs around clockwerk in a square shape with him inside it. Any enemies near clock when he activates will be sucked in with him. Any character without some sort of Blink is basically ****ed, as they are now eating your battery Assault in the face. If enemy heroes get close to the cogs, they get shocked for life and mana and get temporarily disabled and pushed away. The cogs act as impassible terrain and cannot be destroyed by anyone except clock. Hooking someone in the middle of the enemy team and then putting down cogs not only takes someone out of the fight, but ****s up the position of everyone else with it's area CC. This can also save a teammate or you from getting ganked by putting this in a narrow path and then opening a patch on the other side, letting them or you out.

Just a fun fact, towers will actually target your cogs.

Rocket Flare

One of Clock's most practical abilities, and one that you'll be spamming often. It's a global AOE nuke, and is used from farming, to harassing, and scouting. Since it gives vision in the AOE and during travel, it's useful to check if there are enemies lurking about or doing roshan. Early, you can spam this from your fountain to see who's going in which lane...and to be annoying. This works well with your burst and can be used to help push lanes when your across the map. Also pretty fun to finish of fleeing heroes with low health. The damage is pretty small, but its utility more than makes up for it.


"Hello Boys"
Clock's most important skill, this is what allows you to gank effectively and be scary. It is a long range stunning "skillshot" that travels in a straight line in the direction you clicked in. When it hits an enemy, it reels clock in like a bat out of hell. It moves pretty fast, but you'll still have to do some leading in order to hit since it's not instant. The further away they are, the more you'll have to lead. At long ranges you'll may have to do some "reading" (AKA educated guessing) to hook them. Also, neutrals and allied units block your hook, so your teammates can end up pissing you off and then some. Ask them kindly not to stand in ****ing front of you. If you hit somebody with this, the actual impact is an AOE stun, so if you hit an enemy who's standing close to someone else, they both get the stun. Basically, this is your main initiation tool, and this followed by cogs usually leads to successful ganks and initiations. Whether long range, or right in front of you, the stun is always handy and so is the damage. An all around useful tool. Oh, and it still stuns magic immune units. Just make sure you try to hook someone away from creeps, if you get both a creep and an enemy hero stuck in your cogs, one creep can severely screw you over by absorbing Battery Assault.

The Combo

Clock's combo is basically Hookshot+ Battery Assault+ Power Cogs. Now when you hook someone, don't instantly put down cogs. They are stunned and cannot move until you are reeled in, so when hook finishes activate battery and let the the first mini-stun hit before you put down cogs. If you think you know where they'll move you can just stand next to them while they're getting mini-stunned for a second or two and then put down cogs. The idea is that cogs doesn't last as long as Battery, so in order to get the most out of battery you want to put down cogs as late as possible to get as many hits as you can. Just make sure you don't get juked, as cogs has a pretty small suck-in range. they need to be pretty much next to clock or they'll just be put on the outside.

Skill order

So you've seen the skills, but what about the order?

Firstly it's Rocket Flare, because you can spam this from your base and get scouting information and see who's going against who. Also, you can be really annoying. When you hit an enemy, make sure to type "quack".

Then go

2. Battery Assault
3. Battery Assault/ Rocket Flare
4. Power Cogs/ Battery Assault
5. Battery Assault/ Rocket Flare
6. Hookshot
7. Battery Assault/ Rocket Flare
8. Power Cogs/ Battery Assault
9. Power Cogs/ Battery Assault
10. Power Cogs
11. Hookshot
12. Rocket Flare/ Power Cogs
13. Rocket Flare/ Power Cogs
14. Rocket Flare Power Cogs
16. Hookshot

The left Side focuses on Battery Assault and more of a standard build I guess. Since it's a big part of your damage, you'd max it first and can come in handy even without cogs. You'll take one Power Cogs at level four to maximize your battery assault early. You'll take your ultimate whenever you can get it as you really need the cooldown redcution, and take Power Cogs whenever you can't get Battery Assault or Hookshot. This way, you'll be getting your maximum ganking and damage potential out early. As said above, when you start ganking, your going to be dealing 825-1125+ magic damage plus physical damage, so anyone you catch will usually be fish food.

The right side focuses more on a solo lane deal or just a hard lane in general. In this instance maxing out Rocket Flare asap is probably the best choice, since you can last hit better and harass better as well. The other skills won't help you much here. The idea is to be defensive and ground up whatever farm you can. Generally, I wouldn't suggest Clock as a solo-laner unless he's mid against a melee and in that instance I'd still go with the left side. When put on a side lane against two heroes clock can't do much. When maxing Rocket Flare, you'll at least have a low cooldown, low mana harass that is pretty spammable when you have an urn. You should have a roamer or someone help you out once in a while.

Playing as Clockwerk

Early game

Pick a lane, preferably with a range. Use Rocket Flare to scout before you go to see whom on the other team is going where. Shoot flares by tier 3 towers and for mid, just shoot it in a straight line to their base. You'll be able to pick up the color and determine the hero. From this, see who wants to go where, and then go. Clock is best used as a sidelane hero, and can't really mid unless they put a melee hero at mid as well. At this point, basically do what everyone else does, start last hitting. DO NOT AUTO-ATTACK. You want the lane as close your tower as possible. So only attack to last hit or deny. Rocket Flare can really help you last hit here if you're having trouble.You can try to wait until multiple creeps are at low health and than just fire. Don't use Battery Assault to farm early game. It's too random and a waste of mana. The first item I would get would be Urn of Shadows. If gives you strength and mana regen at a cheap price. Magic Wand and boots and (bottle) come next. When you get to level six, you can try to gank your lane or another lane with Hookshot. Whenever you decide to gank, just make sure you initiate second unless they don't have a stun or are ranged. Cogs makes it difficult for close range stunners to stack, so be considerate. Clock doesn't have the best lane control so don't be overly aggressive with clock or you'll get worn down. Once level six hits, you'll be ready for an easy gank if they extend too far from their tower.

Mid Game

You can start roaming now with clock seeing as how you've got both items and the skills to do so. Hookshot becomes very good at this point in the game with it's China sized range. Enemies will never know where clock is lurking and should be afraid to farm. Use flare to find potential victims in the jungle, or just gank a lane. If nobody is getting runes and you purchased a Bottle, you can abuse them and stay roaming for quite a while. Remember to not ignore farming completely, as clock isn't an item independent character. Use Rocket Flare to get some last hits on creep waves if you're away. In this phase you want to be in as many ganks and teamfights as you can. You'll be getting Vanguard, and Phase Boots around this time to be both fast and tanky. You may also want to consider getting a Hood of Defiance here depending on how you're doing and how much magic damage the enemy team has.

Late Game

When it comes to this phase, this is when the teamfights comes out. Your job is to hook a squishy and trap him with Power Cogs. The Cogs will cause a mess with the enemies around clock, and your team should come in to take care of business. Clock is really good for grabbing and isolating a hero, taking him out of the fight. If the enemy decides to focus you, activate Blade Mail. It's better if they then, focus clock. Sometimes clock will have to die to give your team a good initiation, and that's fine. With blade mail and cogs, you'll have already created a mess and your team can sort out who's left. If they don't focus you, then you'll just deal massive damage to whomever is in your trap, and then precede to start killing the other team. After your combo, your presence won't be that big until Battery Assault and Power Cogs come back online.

Make sure your team knows when your going to initiate, because Hooking into five enemies and suiciding yourself for nothing this late could possibly lose you the game. Also, you'll look like a downy. Don't look like a downy, Clock doesn't deserve it.

Whom not to hook

There are certain characters who can get away from clock without being silenced. It's better not to hook someone, then have them jump out an make you look like an idiot, or just kill you and make you look like a bigger idiot. Note, some heroes here can and even should be hooked during specific situations such as low health, CD on skills and whatnot, but this list assumes they're at both full health, mana, and have no CD's on current skills.

-Anyone with a Blink. This includes Anti-Mage, Queen of Pain, Faceless Void, Mirana(unless you know it's on Cooldown), Morphling(whom has 20 escape mechanisms), Sand King ETC.

- Vengeful Spirit. Vengeful can Nether Swap out, but someone has to go back in. Usually, they'll wait till a chunk of your Cog duration is done and then swap themselves in or out for someone else to tank the rest of it. They'll be hurt, but not dead. That person they swap in can also kill you, like Ursa. However, with no heroes around means that she's dead. If your ganking with someone, they better stay the **** back until your damage is dealt, less she Swap in your moronic teammate and go "tee hee hee"" all the way home.

- Ursa. Going one on one with someone who excels at pounding a single target to death really quickly is not the best idea. Especially since you're confined to a tiny space.

- Nature's Prophet. I know what you're thinking. "But why?". NP actually has a trick that if he casts sprout while he is in cogs, the sprout will push him out of your cogs with you staying in. If it weren't for that, he'd basically be food. Then again, he might not know the trick. It's up to you if you want to find out.

- Axe. Axe is really not the best target to trap and hook. He's very tanky and you probably won't kill him, and may actually kill you one on one, but even more important is that there are probably better targets to trap than axe. He is not a priority, so don't bother with him, let your cogs shock him when he tries to blink into your team.

- Huskar. Trying to gank huskar is like flipping a coin, you may win...or you may not. Do not try to gank him alone, ever, unless you know your ahead in farm and items.

- Lifestealer- With magic immunity, and tanky killing power, Nai'x is not your best catch. Throw this one back.

-Invisible Characters. Riki, Bounty Hunter, Weaver, and Clinkz can just go invisible during your battery Assault, then sneak out when Cogs ends. Don't hook these guys without Gem of True Sight or Dust of Appearance.

- Tidehunter. Hooking tide, like Axe, probably won't do **** for you. He can still Ravage your team, and he probably won't die. He'll actually put up a fight with his armor reduction skills.

- Slardar. Unless you want to get permabashed, do not hook slardar. He'll stun you, kill your armor, and then passive stun you for hours at a time. You might as well go to the bathroom while he's bashing you.

- Puck. Puck has like 10 different ways to get out of trouble. If you hook it, then a simple Phase Shift followed by Blink Dagger or Ethereal Jaunt is a free card out.

-Skeleton King. Hooking the Skelly man isn't a well placed shot. He has lifesteal, he's fairly tanky, and he can deal a-lot damage. Also...he has a free aegis. There's no point in ganking someone for them to just come back for round 2 and give you jack **** for your effort.

- Dazzle. Shallow Grave is a *****. Dazzle can cast this on himself or any enemy you have trapped, preventing them from dying for a whole five seconds. If you don't have a ranged stun with you, there is a very good chance of him escaping. He'll probably heal them as well. You'd better save that Rocket Flare when a dazzle is near. It may be the only thing that can salvage the gank while the hero is limping away in the final seconds of Shallow Grave. Or you can just bring an Axe with you. Culling Blade says "Hold that ****''.

- Storm Spirit. He can ulti out. Don't bother.

- Juggernaut. If he has Blade Fury, and Omnislash, it in his favor. If not, it's in yours. Thing is you can't count on him not having unless you see him use it.

- Sven. If he puts up God's Strength, you're in trouble. Sven is also fairly tanky, like you.

- Batrider. Firefly.

- Omniknight. With Repel, and Purification, he's really a tuff nut to crack. He heals your physical damage, blocks your magical damage in Battery Assault. Try to avoid ganking someone near Omni as well, as he can do the same thing to an ally.

- Broodmother. When she's in her webs, the same thing applies other invisible heroes. Being a carry, she also has both high damage and lifesteal with her ultimate. If she doesn't have a web, she can just put another down. Generally, not the best idea without help and some form of true sight.

- Spectre. Spectral Dagger anyone? Also, being as she's one of the better hard carries, going one on one with Desolate and Dispersion means that it's in her favor. Also, Haunt is another free escape.

-Doom Bringer. He has a-lot of health, Scorched Earth's regen, and LVL? Death with bonus damage usually means he wins if he has it. While not that bad if he went for more of a Devour farming build, he's more on the ''look for somebody else'' category.

- Silencer. Silencer can be annoying. If he went with some kind of Last Word build, then it will be impossible to chain cast your abilities, which you need to do. If he ignored it, then it's pretty much a win for you.

- Shadow Shaman. Another surprising one. After thinking about it, I feel like this can end up in a trade most of the time. If he traps you in his Mass Serpent Ward, then you'll probably just trade, as he can Hex you too and delay you from breaking your way out.

- Dragon Knight. Being one of the most durable heroes in the game, you'll probably want to try and kill someone else.

Now sometimes it actually may be a good idea to hook someone and isolate them from the rest of your team even if they're probably going to kill you. Like Ursa, keeping him contained for six seconds while your team wails on him will always be worth it if they don't have another significant carry. That's just one example, and you need to ***es the situations as they come. Still, I feel more times than not, it's better to initiate on someone whom you can kill, or almost kill whom also has some important team fight Witch Doctor.

Whom to hook

And then there are some heroes that make a good afternoon robo snack.

- Enigma is food to you. If you hit him with hook without BKB he's dead, period. He can't Black Hole you, because Battery Assault still comes out and will break it instantly. Best case scenario for him is if he has Black King Bar. Then that just means he'll waste a BKB on one character and "might" escape. Terrrific. Let Enigma try to initiate when your around. You'll have fun shutting him down, seeing as how Hookshot still stuns magic immune units.

- Sniper. Is Food. He cannot do anything to you when he's in Cogs. No Assassinate. No nothing.

- Lich. Is Food. Next.

- Drow Ranger. Early game she is very vulnerable to Clock. If she isn't fed, she'll be easy picking later game too assuming you aren't doing ****ty.

- Tinker. When tinker tries to push, he'll never know if you're in the woods waiting for him. Once he's hooked, he isn't going anywhere. No Rearms, no tps.

- Bloodseeker. BloodSeeker is pretty free to clock assuming you get your spells out before he silences you. Otherwise, all he can do is Rupture you...and you're not moving anywhere. If he does Bloodrage you, he just gave you a damage boost.

- Witch Doctor. Is food. Cannot use Death Ward, cannot do much of anything when he's contained.

- Crystal Maiden. Is food. Same as above.

- Invoker. Due to his large variety of spells, he's a very good target to initiate on before teamfights as getting rid of him will get rid of a ****load of CC and mana burn. He's squishy and pretty free to gank unless he goes Ghost Walk.

- Chen. Is food. Although if you trap somebody near an enemy Chen, he can TP them back to base. So just go for Chen instead. Hand of God is the only way he can save himself. If he doesn't have that, he's dead. Still, it's better have some help to make sure he doesn't escape.

- Shadow Fiend. While Shadow Fiend can dish out serious damage with, he's too squishy to kill you before you kill him. Also, no Requiem of Souls. Not when clock's around.

- Pudge. Ho Ho, now the hook is on the other foot...
Pudge is actually pretty Hookable, he can't Dismember you due to Battery Assault, and Rot kills both him and you. You'll kill him faster than he'll kill you, and with his help. Just make sure he doesn't deny himself, Rocket Flare if you have too.

- Warlock. Is Food. Next.

-Necrolyte. Is Food. Next.

- Venomancer. Is Food. Next.

-Windrunner. The most she can do is Windrun making so you can't auto-attack her for whatever time. Battery Assault will still tear her to shreds.

- Lion. Lion can chain disable you, but with Battery Assault this won't help him much. He actually might get close to trading with Finger of Death, but he's so squishy that it probably won't matter.

- Lina. More or less the same as lion, but slightly more dangerous. Still very squishy.

- Enchantress. Seeing as how you'll be so close to her that it can be considered some form of both bestiality and sexual harassment, Impetus will be pretty much worthless.

- Zeus. Like Leshrac is also squishy. He has a potent burst, but he'll die too fast before it will do him much good.

- Night Stalker. Night stalker is actually a good target to hit in both ganks and to initiate on. He isn't that durable, and you'll usually win if he is munching on Battery Assault.

- Ancient Apparition. Squishy, and all he can do his Cold Feet you.

- Earthshaker. Not too durable himself. He can pose more of a problem if he uses up all of his spells on you including his ultimate for some decent damage. If it doesn't kill you(which it shouldn't), then he'll lose. To be honest, I don't even think he can use Enchant Totem without Battery Assault interrupting it.

- Jakiro. Not too durable, and his burst is terrible.

- Kunkka. Won't be able to do much in return. Torrent is a mediocre disable, and Tidebringer's damage won't be relevant compared to yours.

- Viper. He's pretty squishy early game, as Viper's Corrosive Skin isn't usually maxed early game. Hell, even if he does, your DPS will probably beat his, and he won't be able to poison micro you, because he isn't going anywhere with Cogs.

Good Teamates

- Dark Seer. Getting someone stuck in your cogs with an Ion Shell on? Let's see who wins that. Also, if he Vaccums a good amount of people, you can quickly Hookshot to get 3,4 maybe even 5 for one.

- Lich. if the Lich knows how to control a lane, he can be a very good lane partner. If you manage to get both of them in your Cogs, one Chain Frost will make it a very fast gank. So fast, you may have to call up Guinness.

-Other Gankers. This includes Night Stalker, Mirana, Lion...ETC

- Omniknight. If you trap somebody, Omni can cast purification on you, not only healing any damage they did, but also pretty much killing them. With Repel and Purification, any gank with Omni will probably succeed.

-Anyone who actually uses Observer Wards. Lets face it, nobody likes to ward or buy an Animal Courier in pubs. That's not the cool thing to do. But Clock is above the influence, and hopefully you'll find somebody else that is too. Having a teammate ward their jungle, or just ward the runes can really help you out for ganking. Rocket Flare can only help you so much in finding people. With wards, you'll have a constant view on anybody hanging around that area. With your long range, you can easily ambush anyone on your hit-list who attempts to go for a rune or whom just wants to ward themselves.

Warlock. Due to the fact that your DPS is mostly on one person, Warlock is a good buddy to alleviate that problem. With Fatal Bonds, you'll now transfer some of that concentrated damage on the rest of the team, allowing everyone to share in your pooping shrapnel.

- Ancient Apparition. Power Cogs keeps people from moving. Cold Feet freezes people who don't move. So you've just extended your cc by 3.5 seconds.

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