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Custom Recommended Items

November 30, 2011 by LuvLes
Comments: 21    |    Views: 63140    |   

Custom Recommended Items

November 30, 2011


Hello I am Loveless and today, we will be learning how to create a custom Recommended Items menu inside the game itself, that replaces the original with whatever build it is you desire. The process is very simple and all it requires is a basic knowledge of don't touch or mess up what you are not supposed to, no coding or programming; anything of that sort, is required.

Well, here we go!

Finding the Files

This is the most likely the hardest part of this entire guide, I am serious. Open up your Steam folder inside of Program Files in your computer. From here, open the folders in this order:

dota 2 beta

Now you will see a folder that looks like this:

Find the file for the hero you want to change and open it.

Changing the Items

I will be using Queen of Pain for my demonstration on the process on how this is done. Once the file is open it will look like this:

"itembuilds/test_axe.txt" { "author" "Valve" "hero" "npc_dota_hero_queenofpain" "Title" "Recommended items for Queen of Pain" "Items" { "#DOTA_Item_Build_Starting_Items" { "item" "item_flask" "item" "item_tango" "item" "item_mantle" "item" "item_mantle" "item" "item_branches" "item" "item_branches" } "#DOTA_Item_Build_Early_Game" { "item" "item_boots" "item" "item_bottle" "item" "item_magic_stick" "item" "item_null_talisman" "item" "item_null_talisman" } "#DOTA_Item_Build_Core_Items" { "item" "item_power_treads" "item" "item_magic_wand" "item" "item_sheepstick" "item" "item_tpscroll" } "#DOTA_Item_Build_Luxury" { "item" "item_skadi" "item" "item_mjollnir" "item" "item_shivas_guard" "item" "item_ultimate_scepter" "item" "item_veil_of_discord" "item" "item_necronomicon" "item" "item_sphere" "item" "item_monkey_king_bar" "item" "item_desolator" "item" "item_orchid" } } }

Now you can go through each hero's item build file individually to find your desired items to list. There is also a limited item list in the last chapter of this guide. Here is just a quick example of what it will look like once you have changed it:

"itembuilds/test_axe.txt" { "author" "Loveless" "hero" "npc_dota_hero_queenofpain" "Title" "Loveless' Recommended Items" "Items" { "Loveless' Start" { "item" "item_branches" "item" "item_branches" "item" "item_branches" "item" "item_branches" "item" "item_branches" "item" "item_branches" } "Loveless' Core" { "item" "item_branches" "item" "item_branches" "item" "item_branches" "item" "item_branches" "item" "item_branches" "item" "item_branches" } "Loveless' Situational" { "item" "item_branches" "item" "item_branches" "item" "item_branches" "item" "item_branches" "item" "item_branches" "item" "item_branches" } "Loveless' Luxury" { "item" "item_branches" "item" "item_branches" "item" "item_branches" "item" "item_branches" "item" "item_branches" "item" "item_branches" } } }

This will be your product here:

You are not limited to how many items are in each category or how many categories there are. However, if they exceed the allotted space, they will just fall off the bottom and eventually become invisible. Keep this in mind and keep the clutter down to a minimum, just put what you need. It is also very handy to know for a fact, that when you open up the shop, you always know where those items that you need really fast are resting. That is why for any hero that I have changed, the last category always has a teleport scroll, dust and other items that I need fast access to.


Just save the file and you are done! Wasn't that easy? I hope that all of you who use this guide enjoy your recommended items. If your friends ask how you did it, just send them on over to DOTAFire and have them read the guide themselves! ...Maybe even stay a while? ;)

If you have any guides you would like me to make, please feel free to PM me or post in this guide's comment section to discuss it with fellow DOTAFire members.

With much love and hate,

Item Index

For the items, simply make sure the layout is correct. Only one per set of quotations. Refer to the chapters above for more information! Note that this index may not have every item, I update it at my own leisure.

Aghanim's Scepter = item_ultimate_scepter
Assault Cuirass = item_assault
Basher = item_basher
Blade Mail = item_blade_mail
Black King Bar = item_black_king_bar
Boots of Speed = item_boots
Bottle = item_bottle
Butterfly = item_butterfly
Clarity = item_clarity
Crysalys = item_crit
Daedalus = item_greater_crit
Desolator = item_desolator
Eul's Scepter of Divinity = item_cyclone
Eye of Skadi = item_skadi
Gauntlets of Strength = item_gauntlets
Healing Salve = item_flask
Heart of Torrasque = item_heart
Helm of the Dominator = item_helm_of_the_dominator
Hood of Defiance = item_hood_of_defiance
Iron Branch = item_branches
Khadgar's Pipe = item_pipe
Linken's Sphere = item_sphere
Magic Stick = item_magic_stick
Magic Wand = item_magic_wand
Manta Style = item_manta
Mantle of Intelligence = item_mantle
Mekansm = item_mekansm
Mjollnir = item_mjollnir
Monkey King Bar = item_monkey_king_bar
Necronomicon = item_necronomicon
Null Talisman = item_null_talisman
Observer Ward = item_ward_observer
Orchid Malevolence = item_orchid
Phase Boots = item_phase_boots
Power Treads = item_power_treads
Quelling Blade = item_quelling_blade
Radiance = item_radiance
Ring of Basilius = item_ring_of_basilius
Ring of Health = item_ring_of_health
Sange = item_sange
Sange and Yasha = item_sange_and_yasha
Satanic = item_satanic
Scythe of Vyse = item_sheepstick
Shadow Blade = item_invis_sword
Shiva's Guard = item_shivas_guard
Slippers of Agility = item_slippers
Stout Shield = item_stout_shield
Tango = item_tango
Teleport Scroll = item_tpscroll
Urn of Shadows = item_urn_of_shadows
Vanguard = item_vanguard
Veil of Discord = item_veil_of_discord
Vladmir's Offering = item_vladmir
Wraith Band = item_wraith_band
Yasha = item_yasha

If one of these is wrong, please let me know by either PM or in the comments section below.

Alternative Program

There has also been a program released by another member here at DOTAFire that can take all of the grunt work out of it and simplifies everything down to a program.

Whether you prefer to do it all yourself or what an easy go to program, it is up to you.

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