Skill Build Explanation and Exceptions
CK actually has some of the most flexible skills in terms of the order in which to take them. While the build provided works just fine, below I'll explain more of the nuances of picking the right skills in the right order.
You can find complete details on CK's skills here.
Points by Level + Exceptions
1 - If you're fighting over runes at level 1 or going for first blood, get a point in Chaos Bolt here. If not, get Chaos Strike.
2 - If you're in a side lane, get whichever skill you didn't get at level 1. If you're in the mid lane, you should have skilled Chaos Strike at level 1 so you'll often want Reality Rift at level 2 to secure last hits on creeps you otherwise would miss.
3 - A second point in Chaos Strike is generally best here because it's lifesteal is quite useful for trading hits with your opponents and sustaining yourself by hitting creeps. That said, in very offensive lanes you can get
4 - At level 4 you should always have 2 points in Chaos Strike, and generally one in each of your other skills.
5 - Generally you'll want a 2nd point in Reality Rift here to max it earlier, but in hard lanes you may want a third level in Chaos Strike
6 - Phantasm
7 - See 5.
8+ - Ideally you'll want Reality Rift maxed by level 8 so that you can jump several times in early fights. This is especially true if you're in the mid lane because you'll be the highest level hero on your team and more capable of killing 2-3 heroes. That said, there are some games (especially when playing in the side lanes) when you'll want to get your 3rd and/or 4th point in Chaos Strike first, either to help you sustain in a hard lane or if your teammates have plenty of disable.
Three of CK's 4 talents are usually easy choices.
For the level 10 talent you should pick 5+ to all stats to improve your damage and HP, and help remedy your early mana issues. If you compare the cost of a Wind Lace to that of a Bracer, it's clear that stats are a better deal for CK.
For the level 15 talent, 15 strength is best. While 12% cooldown reduction is nice, the huge boost in CK's damage and survivability from the strength is far too good to pass up.
The level 20 talent is the only situational one. Reality Rift Pierces Spell Immunity is essential vs enemy carries who are likely to build BKB. You simply can't be effective when you can't use reality Rift on a hero you need to kill. That said, you should take the +150 gold/minute talent whenever possible. If the enemy carry is a Phantom Lancer, for instance, he's unlikely to get BKB and it's much more helpful for you to have extra gold. Normally this duality works out pretty well: vs heroes like PA, Shadow Fiend and Drow you simply need to be able to jump on them and they'll die, even if they're slightly more farmed than you. Vs heroes like PL, you really need the extra gold to compete.
For your level 25 talent, the armor reduction is almost always better. Remember that the stun talent only adds 1 second on average. The exception is if you're playing vs many squishy heroes that are simply difficult to lock down, like Ember, Windrunner and Weaver. In this case you may want to consider the extra stun duration.[/spoiler]
Item Explanations and Exceptions
I trust that not everyone will spend the time reading through the nuances of when to get each item and why. For that reason, each item section will contain a short overview and a longer (optional) discussion for those really interested in understanding the nuances of itemization on CK.
Here's a quick overview:
Basically you'll almost always want Magic Wand, Power Treads, Armlet. Drums are usually the best choice either before or after Armlet since they're very useful for avoiding being kited and are also the most effective way to solve CK's mana problems. Midas is also a good early option in some games.
Next you'll generally want to pick up Heart, Manta Style or Assault Cuirass. If you're having trouble getting into fights without getting chain disabled or without your illusions dying, Blink and BKB are good options here as well.
As the game progresses, you'll need to adapt to the conditions presented, making sure to balance damage, survivability and mobility. Generally speaking though, you can't go wrong with Heart, Skadi, Manta and AC.
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After the 7.20 update, CK now needs far fewer augmentations to be effective and can now rush initiation items much more easily.
First, the update to Chaos Strike means CK no longer has issues with HP regeneration, so Armlet works well even without Heart. Second, the update to Reality Rift makes chasing much easier and makes Echo Saber redundant. Finally, with the update to Phantasm it's now reliable for getting kills before level 12 (previously you might get 1 illusion at level 10 or 11 and be far less effective).
What all this means is that you need far fewer items and levels to be dangerous. Therefore, a quick Armlet and Drums are generally your core priorities.
Early on, you'll want Treads, Magic Wand and perhaps Midas. Wand is mostly for the mana; it's the cheapest and easiest way to remedy CK's early mana issues without digressing too far from your core items. Bracers are less useful this patch since you can get a Crown instead which builds into Drum of Endurance.
If you're doing well and want to be active, you'll generally want to pick up Drums first, especially if you're playing CK mid. If you're having an average or hard game, it's best to get Armlet first so you can have more of an impact. This is more often the right choice when you're in a side lane.
Late game you'll simply need to balance tankiness, damage and utility. I'll go into much more detail in the individual item descriptions, but generally speaking you'll want to get Heart and Skadi if you need tankiness and Manta and/or AC if you need damage.
Starting Items
Below are the viable builds for starting items in different situations, starting in rough order of most-least common.
1. Standard build used by most high level players on carry heroes.
2. For very aggressive lanes where you expect to be killing your opponents
3. Good if you don't expect to be able to reach the side shop to get your Quelling Blade and want to buy it right after getting the bounty runes.
Blight Stone
4.Good for passive farm lanes where the enemy can't easily harass you.
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Your starting items should vary based on your lane, but in most cases you'll simply want a Stout Shield and as many regeneration items as possible. Generally you'll want 1-2 sets of Tangos, a Salve and 1-3 Mangos. You'll want more mana regen in lanes where you can be very aggressive, and more health regen in lanes where you'll be on the defensive or trading equally with a strong lane.
Generally you'll want to pick up a Quelling Blade as soon as possible, and a Magic Stick if the opposing heroes in your lane have a fair number of spells. Magic Stick if often the best remedy to CK's limited mana pool early on. You may even want to upgrade to a Magic Wand if you have heroes like Bristleback or Zeus in your lane.
You'll want to get Boots as soon as possible, and consider picking up Rain Drops and/or a Blight Stone. Rain Drops give you a big survivability boost in early skirmishes and surprise ganks, as well as allowing you to spend a little less gold on regen items. They can provide you with as much as 600 more effective HP and the early mana regen is surprisingly helpful too.
Blight Stone is nice for passive farm lanes, or when the lane is very one-sided in your favor. It boosts your damage (and that of your allies hitting the target) by around 9%, and stacks with Quelling Blade, giving you huge base damage for last hitting. If inventory space isn't an issue, it continues to be useful into the mid-game.
Early Game Options
You have several options for you first few significant items, which again should be chosen based on how your lane is going and what you'll be facing later.
Magic Wand is simply the best way to solve CK's mana issues in most games. While it can be enticing to just go for the strength and simplicity of an extra Bracer, you will likely miss kills because of lack of mana.
Bracers are somewhat weak in the current patch and on a hero like CK, often aren't useful enough to displace items that build into core items. For example, if you're planning on Drums or Armlet, you can pick up a Crown or Gloves of Haste, both of which have a similar impact to a Bracer. That said, there's nothing wrong with getting a Bracer or two, especially in games with a ton of early-game magic damage flying around.
In most cases, Power Treads should be one of the first items you pick up, especially in the side lanes where they can be bought at the secret shop. These will give you a big early boost in HP and damage, and cycling between stats can be quite helpful as well. If you're having a particularly easy lane, grabbing Midas first is often a good choice.
Hand of Midas is a strong item on CK because it speeds up his lackluster farming and the attack speed substantially boosts his damage output because it transfers to your illusions.
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Midas is essentially an investment that sets you back a small amount (which varies based on what opportunities you missed by forgoing alternatives) and eventually pays off handsomely. It's best in games where you want to farm rather than fight, or are forced to. For example, if you're playing mid vs a hero like Viper or Medusa that simply wants to push the lane and farm the jungle, getting Midas is the best way to keep up with farm even though you lack wave clear. Since these heroes virtually force you to stay in your lane (to avoid losing your mid tower) Midas helps equalize the match up.
Another time when Midas is a good option is when you're playing position 1 in the safelane and the enemy team has no late-game answer for you. In these types of games, you're free to simply farm until the enemy team can't deal with you anymore.
There are some games, however, where you're forced to fight early or doing so makes the most sense for helping your team win (perhaps your team needs to take fights to defend towers, but you're relying on another carry who can't fight yet to win you the game and need to make space for them to farm). In these cases, it's often best to skip Midas and go straight for Treads and Armlet.
All that said, in 7.22 Midas is good enough on CK that it can be gotten in most games, either before or after Treads.
Drum of Endurance provides a nice cheap stats boost and a nice boost to your team. While less cost effective than Bracers and Armlet in terms of damage, Drum is a great team item and provides some much needed intelligence and mana regen.
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Drum of Endurance can potentially be picked up as a first item before Armlet. As mentioned above, it's much weaker stats-wise but can contribute tremendously to early team fights and help finish ganks that you might otherwise have missed.
Now that Echo Sabre is redundant on CK, Drum is one of the few useful items that provides the right amount of intelligence and mana regen along with other useful stats. That said, Bracers, Treads, Armlet provide much more firepower and mana can be handled with a few clarity potions.
All in all, Drum is a good pick up in most games. The primary reasons not to get it are a) if you need Armlet asap to be relevant in fights b) the enemy team lacks mobility to catching fleeing heroes will be less of an issue and/or c) you don't need the mana because you have a CM or support(s) with Arcane boots on your team.
Core Items
There's a good reason why Armlet is the most common core item on CK: it has an easy and useful build up, all its stats are beneficial, and perhaps most importantly your Phantasm illusions keep the buff without losing HP. It's perfectly suitable to get as your first major item in most games.
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While Armlet was always a strong item on CK, in 7.20 it became even stronger. The changes to Chaos Strike have made sustaining high HP much easier, and all heroes have higher base regeneration later in the game as well.
Now that Echo Saber is no longer a strong choice on CK, you'll generally want to get Armlet as your first core item, with the potentially exception of Midas and/or Drum.
Blink Dagger may at first seem redundant on CK, but it's incredibly important for getting to squishy supports and glass cannon carries in the back lines. Think of it as extending your Reality Rift range by 1000. Against heroes like Sniper, Winter Wyvern and Warlock who love to stay in the back and cause problems, Dagger makes you much more dangerous and effective.
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As players get better and your games get more competitive, you'll be more and more likely to be shut down by players stunning you and controlling space. For example, an Earthshaker, Enigma or Sandking can simply sit behind his team and wait for you to run into the fight, then jump on you and ruin your day.
For this reason, items like Blink and Shadow Blade become more and more useful for getting into battle quickly and playing around heroes that can shut you down.
In games where it's especially important to be able to get into the backlines and focus a specific hero, Blink can be a good pick up right after Armlet, especially if you skipped Drum. In other games, it's best picked up later in the game after, say, Heart or AC.
Like Blink Dagger, Shadow Blade solves many of CK's mid-game problems such as trouble initiating on squishy heroes that stay in the back of during team fights, and lack of a reliable escape. It also allows him to farm more aggressively, solo gank effectively and chase down fast heroes who might otherwise just outrun him.
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It's worth going into a more detailed comparison of Shadow Blade vs Blink, since you'll be getting one of them at some point in most games. Shadow Blade has the advantages of 1) providing a functional escape, 2) adding a lot of damage to your Chaos Strike, and 3) giving the enemy less time to react. In other words, Shadow Blade lets you get away after your illusions die whereas Blink does not, it adds some damage, and an initiation out of invisible can't be dodged/reacted to whereas Blink can (for example, if you Blink at a Necro who is expecting a gank he might get Ghost Shroud off before you stun him, but a point-blank Chaos Bolt from invis will always hit. Shadow Blade also provides some damage through its attack speed bonus and opens up the option of completing Silver Edge, which is quite strong against certain passive skills.
On the flip side, Blink has the advantages of 1) not being shut down by detection, 2) allowing initiation from a longer range covering ground instantly, and 3) being cheaper. It's also worth noting that Shadow Blade's mana cost can be quite a burden on CK.
These are all things to take into consideration, but generally speaking Blink is better if the game quickly progresses to 5-man team fights and Shadow Blade is better if the ganking phase of the game lasts longer.
Extension Items
CK is one of the best Heart carriers in the game since it gives him both a huge amount of survivability and a ton of damage via boosting his illusions. It also synergizes extremely well with Armlet, allowing you to leave it on nearly 100% of the time and quickly regenerate after Armlet's inevitable drain during fights.
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The optimal time to get Heart is when your team needs you to be a powerhouse in large team fights and the extra HP will be effective in keeping your illusions alive. While other items can add more raw damage, Heart can enable you to bulldoze the enemy team while tanking AoE spells and actually gives you a huge DPS boost as well.
CK's ideal game involves snowballing in the mid game and then taking the enemy rax(es) at around 25 minutes with a fast Heart. While Heart is definitely one of the best fighting items for CK, it's also one of the best sieging items because of the added regeneration.
Getting Manta Style quickly is a great option if you're having a good game and don't urgently need another item like Heart or BKB. Heart is better if you need raw HP to survive, but Manta is better for dealing with silence, root and other dangerous debuffs, and more difficult for the other team to deal with if they lack wave-clear.
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Manta keeps you from being locked down by single-target stuns, removes dangerous debuffs (especially Silence) and allows you to easily "man up" against other carries. Perhaps most importantly, it makes you more useful during the 100 seconds your ultimate is down. Manta also helps speed up CK's horrendous farm rate and provides other useful stats like agility and movement speed. Finally, Manta virtually guarantees that you'll fully surround heroes with your illusions when you use Reality Rift with both Phantasm and Manta images out. This makes you much more difficult to escape.
The drawback to getting Manta quickly is that your illusions will be much more squishy without Heart. It can also be much more difficult to push the enemy base if you have a mid-game advantage when you're lacking the regeneration from Heart. And finally, mana can be an issue if trying to use Manta often.
While Manta can be a good item choice in all sorts of games, it's more essential vs Silence and Root spells. For a list of other debuffs that can be dispelled by Manta Style, click
Assault Cuirass is one of the best raw damage items for CK and provides a ton of survivability vs physical damage. It synergizes CK's high damage and HP, and provides a huge boost to your team that often goes unnoticed.
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Unless another hero on your team has it, AC should generally be picked up as soon as you're not in dire need of another item (say, Blink Dagger or initiating or Manta Style for dispelling debuffs).
Like Heart and Manta, AC is one of the few items that should almost always be bought on CK at some point. The only real nuance in most games is deciding exactly when to get it. In some games you really need a Heart first to keep your illusions alive but in others getting AC relatively quickly will allow you to melt enemy heroes before they have a chance to do much of anything.
AC is best bought early when dealing damage quickly seems more useful than tankiness. It's particularly helpful against heroes like Huskar, Undying, Alchemist and Meepo.
Black King Bar is most useful when you can't seem to play around the other team's heroes in team fights with other items. If you simply can't get into battles without being chain-disabled and having your illusions quickly cleared, BKB is by far the best solutions.
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Unlike many carry heroes on which BKB is almost always a core item, CK generally can (and wants to) find other solutions instead. Ideally you'd want to play around the enemy team's spells by initiating more effectively with an item like Blink Dagger, tanking the spells with an item like Heart, escaping or dispelling them with Manta or just simply entering the battle in a better way or at a better time.
That being said, sometimes BKB is absolutely needed and should be bought without hesitation. In these games, the best strategy is generally to save your ultimate and dive a dangerous support (like CM or Lich) with your BKB on, then 10 seconds later, use Phantasm and clean up.
Silver Edge is a strong all-around item for CK, providing him with a good initiation/escape as well as surprisingly good stats for an illusion hero.
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The main reason to upgrade to Silver Edge from Shadow Blade is that it counters some of the most powerful and pesky passives for CK to deal with. Heroes like Enchantress, Sven, PA, Abaddon, Timber, Spectre, Bristle Back and DK are examples of heroes that are highly dependent on their passives. Good use of Silver Edge can often cripple these heroes.
If you're not facing heroes with strong passive skills, you'll generally want to stick with Shadow Blade unless you have a ton of gold to play with. It's worth noting, however, that Silver Edge has a lower cooldown than Shadow Blade, which makes it much more viable to both initiate and escape with it. It also provides great stats for an illusion hero like CK, so it's sometimes worth upgrading to save space as well. For example, if you'd have to sell your Armlet to upgrade to another item, you might just want to keep it and upgrade to Silver Edge instead.
Halberd is a nice when you'd benefit from both evasion and disarm. However, other items are often better since CK tends to have little trouble dealing with the kinds of heroes you'd want to disarm.
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At first glance, this item provides everything CK needs. Lots of strength, a ton of physical survivability (that, unlike armor, transfers to your illusions), further disable potential through main, and of course, Disarm. Halberd is certainly situationally good vs strong physical carries like Sven and Ursa, and the added evasion makes you a nightmare to kill.
However, in practice it can be difficult to use effectively and can slow your path to other strong damage items. Remember that in most games your team is depending on you to carry the game, and therefore it's important that you're most focused on being as strong as possible rather than focusing on buying useful utility items.
All that said, Halberd can be a great pick up as a 2nd or 3rd major item vs teams that are relying on strong physical carries like Sven, Luna, and Ursa. It's also great for triggering Linken's.
Skadi is your late game all-in-one item. It gives around 800 HP, a big boost to your damage through stats and the slow makes your illusions nearly impossible to get way from.
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Skadi is usually best picked up when you already have 3-4 other core items and you're ready to replace Echo Sabre. However, it can also be good if you need even more of an HP boost after Heart or you're looking for a mana boost vs heroes like Invoker.
Very Late Game
Bloodthorn is the ultimate damage item for CK. While Scythe of Vyse and Abyssal Blade are typically better choices when you need another disable, Bloodthorn is a good option if you really need the raw damage or True Strike. Consider Bloodthorn vs non-BKB-using high-evasion heroes, or vs ultra-tanky heroes that can't be more easily handled with Silver Edge.
A strong utility item when you need to shut down skills and items that causing problems (say, Ghost Shroud) or deal with mobile heroes perhaps with Linken's. Often you can still deal with these heroes with Blink Dagger, Shadow Blade and/or some teamwork, but Scythe will still be an optimal item choice in many long games.
Abyssal Blade can be a good option vs other hard carries and BKB users. Abyssal makes you a nightmare for heroes like Drow, Ursa, Troll and Lifestealer, and along with Echo Saber, the passive bash also makes it much less likely heroes will escape when you use Reality Rift.
The drawbacks to Abyssal Blade are that it's ridiculously expensive and it's most useful against heroes that CK tends not to have much trouble against anyway.
Refresher is the ultimate luxury item on CK because it'll usually be kept in your backpack until you need your ultimate a second time, essentially making it your 7th slot item. Furthermore, it requires a major mana item to use effectively, such as Skadi, Linken's or Scythe of Vyse to use, so it can't be picked up too early.
Still, if you find yourself with extra gold late into the game, being able to use Phantasm twice constitutes a huge power spike.
Believe it or not, a Moon Shard held in your inventory is actually the best late-game damage-per-gold item on CK when Phantasm is up. That being said, other items like AC, Manta and Bloodthorn provide other useful perks and tend to be better choices until you're reading to buy/use a Moon Shard late game.
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Because Moon Shard adds so much raw damage on CK for so little gold, there are definitely games in which it's worth buying earlier and keeping it in your inventory.
If another hero is on your team is getting AC, Moon Shard is the next best choice for a raw damage item. There will also be games where extra damage is actually more helpful than AC's perks, such as when both teams are composed primarily of spellcasters. The extra night vision is helpful as well.
Finally, there are some specific scenarios where it can be a good pick up as well, such as when something very time-sensitive is happening. If you have 4000 gold and you just won a fight at the enemy's secret shop, grabbing a Moon Shard will help you quickly ransack their base.
Boots of Travel are mainly only needed when you need to be able to split push or capitalize on team fights won far from the enemy base. There are certainly games in which Boots of Travel are game-winning, but in most games it's best to leave them until you've bought all the other items you need.
Rare/Situational Items
Linken's is a rare but surprisingly strong pick up vs powerful single-target spells like Doom, Sunder and Reaper's Scythe. Along with good use of Manta Style, Linken's can make you incredibly hard to silence or disable. It also provides a nice stats boost.
Linken's is best when there aren't a lot of weak, low-cooldown spells on the other team to trigger it, but there are a few very strong ones.
All that said, in most games you'll want to get Heart or BKB instead.[/spoiler]
MKB's True Strike transfers to your illusions, allowing you to easily crush heroes that rely on evasion to survive. It's best vs evasion heroes who are also likely to get BKB, such as PA, or heroes who buy both Butterfly and BKB.
That said, MKB adds no survivability and virtually no damage to your illusions so it should generally be avoided in favor of other items. Bloodthorn is a much stronger item if the enemy doesn't have a means of dispelling it, as it adds a huge amount of damage and the ability to silence. Solar Crest's 40% accuracy is also enough to crush squishy heroes with blind or evasion skills.
Battle Fury is only needed on CK vs illusion/summon heroes or when your team has limited wave clear options and you've lost several barracks. It's one of the few ways CK can deal with mega creeps or heroes like Phantom Lancer.
Items to Avoid
I'll only include items here that may initially seem like a good idea but actually aren't.
Echo Saber is now almost perfectly redundant with Reality's Rifts maim, so the main benefit of the item is now null. Furthermore, since CK's critical strike is now on a timer, the second attack is less useful.
CK should use illusions and disables to deal with other hard carries. There is virtually never a situation in which Heart, Abyssal Blade or BKB aren't better choices than Satanic.
SnY Provides pretty much everything Chaos Knight needs... so why the hell would I say to avoid it? Mainly because there is virtually no situation in which either Manta, Heart or Skadi isn't a better choice. Manta provides much more utility and damage output mid game, whereas Skadi provides much more HP, more damage and a more reliable disable late game.
Considering CK's limited farming abilities, devoting 900 gold to an item that isn't essential is too much to ask. Mana issues are better handled with Magic Wand and perhaps a Drum or a few clarities.
Desolator simply isn't efficient for increasing CK's damage since the 50 damage doesn't transfer to your illusions. You can get more armor reduction for 1200 gold with a Medallion, or just wait for Assault Cuirass.
Phase boots aren't bad on CK but with armor not translating to illusions and attack speed synergizing poorly with Chaos Strike early on, Treads are generally better.
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