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Push line up that never stops

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Forum » Theory Crafting » Push line up that never stops 12 posts - page 1 of 2
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Darkwra1th » February 6, 2015 7:05am | Report
This is a theory ive had for a while but ive never had a 5 stack to try this, this is a team that focuses on hitting level 6 and just pushes towers and avoids fights. The basic theory is that you have luna in the bot lane, troll mid and drow top. With these lanes you can have either supports that provide survivability (Omni, dazzle, treant etc) or ones that can cause chip damage on towers (jakiro) or over all lane presence (earth shaker, Ancient apparition). The main goal is to get troll and drow to 6 as fast as possible and get Luna to get max glaives with some items. This should be ran as a 2 - 1 - 2 lanes rather then 1 - 1 - 3 which is most common at the moment. This allows drow to push when she hits 6, but basically when troll hits 6 you push both mid and top which should draw any one trying to gank luna bot providing her enough space to get up a couple of items. With a level 6 troll you can push extremely fast with both drow and luna meaning that even though troll isn't in there lane he can still allow them to push extremely quickly. The idea behind this is to split up 5 man line ups and split them up. as soon as you see them in one lane you push the other two, when you draw the defense to the lane your pushing you jump to another one, this way you always avoid 5 v 5 fights, but I also means you do it while taking objectives. when luna has enough items you could possibly take 5 v 5 fights as you should have a lot of map control to work with meaning that they should have as many items as you at this point. (sorry its a bit messy in terms of explaining this theory. if there is any questions please ask them and I can elaborate on that point. Also I know there a lot of weaknesses with this draft but with the current meta being 5 v 5 fights or 4 protect 1 strategy's it might be able to pull apart some of those teams.)


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by KoDyAbAbA » February 6, 2015 7:56am | Report
WoT man. WoT


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Dimonychan » February 6, 2015 8:02am | Report
KoDyAbAbA wrote:

WoT man. WoT

World of Tanks?
Web of Trust?
u WoT m8?


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by KoDyAbAbA » February 6, 2015 8:05am | Report
Wall Of Text m8.


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by KEEP CALM AND FEED » February 6, 2015 8:06am | Report
Wall of Text= WoT

He proposed using this as a pun, u wot m8?
I like.


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Hades4u » February 6, 2015 8:28am | Report
Please stay on topic and don't avoid the main discussion, posting useless things and ignoring what the OP wants to talk about is not good.
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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by R-Conqueror » February 6, 2015 9:34am | Report
If you are going to be pushing as 5, you are going to have big teamfights. I think your lineup is vulnerable to a lot of things frankly, I think any sort of coordination and tanky heroes on the enemy team will disrupt your plan a lot.

If you want big push, you need to have more than people who can right-click hard. Because these right clickers aren't nearly as effective at early levels(when you seem to want to be pushing).
Instead try it with Something like Pugna mid, Axe solo, Leshrac and Jakiro roaming and supporting a Dragon Knight. Obviously that lineup can be countered as well, but I think its a little truer to what you want to do.
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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Sando » February 6, 2015 9:43am | Report
There's some nice synergy between those heroes in terms of potential DPS, but it's quite a greedy line up in terms of having 3 cores who all need farm and are squishy, and whether you can win your lanes 2-1-2.

Early pushing is also quite limited in the current meta due to the number of glyphs available.
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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Darkwra1th » February 6, 2015 10:19am | Report
R-Conqueror wrote:

If you are going to be pushing as 5

That's the opposite of what your trying to do, your more pushing as 2 or 3 heroes with things like drow aura and troll ultimate meaning you can push down towers really fast, and although the current meta does include a lot of glyphs (1 every 5 minutes and 1 for each tier 1 destroyed) the heroes in question can push the towers very fast and back out just as fast when the glyph is popped. The whole centre of the draft is to avoid big engagements, if you want to take those fights might be better putting something like a visage in there.

R-Conqueror wrote:

If you are going to be pushing as 5, you are going to have big teamfights. I think your lineup is vulnerable to a lot of things frankly, I think any sort of coordination and tanky heroes on the enemy team will disrupt your plan a lot.

If you want big push, you need to have more than people who can right-click hard. Because these right clickers aren't nearly as effective at early levels(when you seem to want to be pushing).
Instead try it with Something like Pugna mid, Axe solo, Leshrac and Jakiro roaming and supporting a Dragon Knight. Obviously that lineup can be countered as well, but I think its a little truer to what you want to do.

The line-up I have proposed does have a lot of issues, which is why I have left the supports blank and something to build upon, and they are somewhat weak in the early game which is why I proposed the push starts at drows level 6 to provide room for the luna to get more farm as she needs it more then say drow who has her ultimate which gives her a lot more dps at 6. between drow ultimate and troll ultimate, towers should fall faster then people think, of course there is glyph but I have covered that. I can see the heroes you have also proposed working also but this line up was more based upon drow aura and troll ultimate.
Sando wrote:

There's some nice synergy between those heroes in terms of potential DPS, but it's quite a greedy line up in terms of having 3 cores who all need farm and are squishy, and whether you can win your lanes 2-1-2.

Early pushing is also quite limited in the current meta due to the number of glyphs available.

answered in first quote :)


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by kkoopman3 » February 6, 2015 12:22pm | Report
Darkwra1th wrote:

This is a theory ive had for a while but ive never had a 5 stack to try this, this is a team that focuses on hitting level 6 and just pushes towers and avoids fights. The basic theory is that you have luna in the bot lane, troll mid and drow top. With these lanes you can have either supports that provide survivability (Omni, dazzle, treant etc) or ones that can cause chip damage on towers (jakiro) or over all lane presence (earth shaker, Ancient apparition). The main goal is to get troll and drow to 6 as fast as possible and get Luna to get max glaives with some items. This should be ran as a 2 - 1 - 2 lanes rather then 1 - 1 - 3 which is most common at the moment. This allows drow to push when she hits 6, but basically when troll hits 6 you push both mid and top which should draw any one trying to gank luna bot providing her enough space to get up a couple of items. With a level 6 troll you can push extremely fast with both drow and luna meaning that even though troll isn't in there lane he can still allow them to push extremely quickly. The idea behind this is to split up 5 man line ups and split them up. as soon as you see them in one lane you push the other two, when you draw the defense to the lane your pushing you jump to another one, this way you always avoid 5 v 5 fights, but I also means you do it while taking objectives. when luna has enough items you could possibly take 5 v 5 fights as you should have a lot of map control to work with meaning that they should have as many items as you at this point. (sorry its a bit messy in terms of explaining this theory. if there is any questions please ask them and I can elaborate on that point. Also I know there a lot of weaknesses with this draft but with the current meta being 5 v 5 fights or 4 protect 1 strategy's it might be able to pull apart some of those teams.)

I think that you have a good idea, but it's one that has been overused in the past. Prior to some update (too lazy to go look it up), the deathball push strat was all the rage. There were pro games where first blood took place at the rax.

Is it effective?
Yes (less so since that update I'm not about to look up)

Is it fun for spectators?


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