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R-Conqueror's Blog
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December 14, 2015

Thoughts on Zeus

Views: 3196 R-Conqueror
+Rep Report
and stuff  |  anyway read the blog  |  college started  |  godly  |  homework  |  im back  |  its been a while  |  manly  |  mortal  |  swagger  |  Zues


Hey guys, it's been a while, I've been here, just lurking instead of posting. The only guide I've needed to update is the Carrying one but no one reads that diamond in the ruff so what's the point(/plug).

So Dotabuff just put out an article about him recently, and I was thinking about why his pickrate is so low in the pros anddddddddddd

I think they're underestimating him.

Zeus is a nuker, and that's why he's not getting picked. Because there's glimmer cape and BKB's so what good does a nuker do lategame. So instead the pros get Lina and Windranger and Shadow Fiend and Queen of Pain because they want a mid hero that can do damage lategame through skills that ignore BKB and right clicks.

But they're forgetting something

Zeus isn't just a nuker, he's a really good nuker.

It's all because of one thing: Static Field

11% of your current health is a BIG deal, especially at the start of fights. And if you get a Zeus that has Veil of Discord or Octarine or refresher or all 3…
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October 08, 2015


Views: 1721 R-Conqueror
+Rep Report
 |  dota  |  idk  |  just read the blog  |  meta  |  positioning  |  she wasnt ready  |  tags
Just played a ranked game as Bane against a Tusk, Earthshaker, Mirana, and Clockwork. They very obviously had a lot of stuns to stop my ult from happening, and yet I only got it interrupted ONCE, and it was only because I failed to micro a necronomicon unit correctly in front of a Mirana arrow.

So recently I updated my Drow guide to include a section on positioning, and I realized those principals are so much more far reaching than just one hero. Where you are in a team fight can be so much more valuable than people realize. I was able to get off an uninterrupted bane ult against 6 stuns purely through where and when I used it.

Step 1: I made sure our team had the superior vision for a teamfight. I needed to know where they were so that I could position myself accordingly.

Step 2: I entered the fight late. I LOVE doing this unless I'm a hard initiator. I honestly don't care if someone dies before I come in because I will be in such a superior position than the enemy team. If you
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September 09, 2015

Old Meta

Views: 2725 R-Conqueror
We are currently in a patch of magic damage. Even Gyrocopter and Anti-Mage(popular carries this patch) have big magic damage elements. Qop,lina,gyro, and leshrac are definitely the strongest heroes this patch, and you'll see them in a lot of pubs, but there's another side to this equation.

Why is Leshrac's win percentage not at, let's say 75%? For the Dota scene as a whole it might just be because there are a lot of noobs playing him. However, my skill bracket is a relatively homogenous mixture of mediocrity, so an "OP" hereo should win a lot right? turns out no, Lesh still only wins like 50% of the time. I believe this is because him being picked a lot has the adverse affect of people knowing how to play against him.

People expect you to pick Leshrac mid, they're ready for it. But what if you go OLD METAAAA and pick OD mid? Woahhh they aren't ready for that lane dominance and you have a big advantage.

Let's go to safelane, people are expecting a Gyro/Earthsaker combo but suddenl…
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August 27, 2015

Skill cap 2 stronk now

Views: 2236 R-Conqueror
+Rep Report
im so happy  |  lag  |  reaction  |  Speed  |  USF
So I'm at college now, and my internet is soooooo much better. This has translated to an increase in my winrate and considerably more fun games. I also feel much more comfortable playing higher skill cap heroes like ember/meepo/storm.

If you are playing with bad internet right now, I know your pain. Its frustrating, you can't pull off the plays you want to, and you can't get those last hits in lane.

When my internet was acting up, I really did try to minimize my playing because it's a game guys, we play it to have fun as well as get a good dose of competition in our day. But if you have bad internet, neither of those will happen and you will feel dissatisfied, so just don't play if you can help it.

Short blog post I know, but I also wanted to say if anyone on this site is going to USF then message me, I'd love to start a little group of players here, it'd be incredibull.

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July 31, 2015

Grills just want to have fun

Views: 1659 R-Conqueror
So I've stopped playing ranked recently. Why? because ranked is TERRIBLE. You know it, I know, everyone knows it. It's full of people that don't speak your languge, that rage, that feed, that troll, it's TERRIBLE.

And my win-rate has actually reflected my departure from that stressful environment, things are going well for R-Conqueror and Co. at the moment. Without trying to sound too terribly cocky, I can play most heroes pretty well so I can shine in modes like All-Random and Single draft, and everyone seems to be a little nicer anyway, it's been great..although probably not as nice for the other team :D

So why does anyone play ranked? BECAUSE IT"S A CHALLENGE.

MAN when you get that +25 MMR your blood is pumping like you just scored a goal in the world cup and you start applying to take Maybe's place on LGD

But when you lose, Gaben help you my son. The world is gray, your broken MMR laughs at you as you dejectedly watch Miracle own at 7k.

The thing is though, I just don't find i…
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