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How to weaver?

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Forum » New Player Help » How to weaver? 11 posts - page 1 of 2
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Demolibium » May 9, 2013 6:38am | Report
Hey guys i need to learn how to play weaver, I know there r guides but a person to guide u through a game is much more effective, can any of u guys give em tips and tricks and some guidance on playing him?


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Hades4u » May 9, 2013 6:44am | Report
Weaver is known to be a good off laner, since he can survive and escape pretty easy using his Shukuchi.

Well, since Weaver can solo, he can get very fast experience and good farm, that's very important for him.

What I can suggest you is watch some competitive matches where people play Weaver, seeing them play is the best way to learn, in my opinion.
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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Demolibium » May 9, 2013 6:47am | Report
thanks ill give it a try, weaver looks good :)


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by L0bstz0r » May 9, 2013 10:22am | Report
im quite a weaver fan myself and from what i can tell, weaver needs good manareg in order to dominate his lane. A Ring of Aquila + an early Perseverance usually solves all your mana problems.

If u dont feel very confident in playing aggressive or getting harassed a lot (happens very often in a 2v1 setup) always max Shukuchi first --> if u time it right u can disjoint auto-attacks and nukes like Storm Hammer or Unstable Concoction.

Since weavers ultimate renders high damage-nukes useless. However, u should always watch out for long-time CCs --> this is what will get you killed most of the time when playing weaver. Fiend's Grip and Flaming Lasso are prime examples for this. This also is the reason, why in most guides you will read, that Linken's Sphere is the first big item you should go for; with which i totally agree. The next item is usually a matter of preference --> i for my part like Desolator or Manta Style the most, although also items such as Monkey King Bar or Butterfly come to mind.

In some guides u may even read bout the Cloak + Vitality Booster + Radiance rush. Tbh i wont recommend it, since it was the cookie-cutter build when the metagame was all about dragged out teamfights and not about early-game aggression and fast tower pushes, as it is now the case.

hope this helps u at least a little


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by porygon361 » May 9, 2013 3:12pm | Report
Weaver is a really flexible hero in terms of item choices in my opinion. Many people go for the standard RoA into MKB, but he can be built more aggressively with MoC and Desolator. Even rushing a Linken's Sphere is good sometimes.

Weaver is so hardy, that you hardly die with him if you have decent micro and the enemy doesn't counter-pick you with many disables. Either don't pick Weaver or play very safe in the early game when they do and hope to get Linken's Sphere or BKB fast enough to win.

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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Ancient Hero » May 9, 2013 4:50pm | Report
You don't need micro for weaver. It's all about reaction time to get off Time Lapse. You should only pick weaver if they don't have many disables or else your gonna have a hard time.

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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Demolibium » May 9, 2013 10:06pm | Report
Thanks guys great help, but can anyone of u show me ingame a bit im a bit aggressive player and weaver is squishy early game so how can i harass without being dead can anyone of u show me ingame?? i watched purge videos but honestly i dont think i learned much from him, i actually learned more from a friend of mine who was playing it.
Again, thank you for your help, add me or tell me, ill add u if u wish to show.


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by porygon361 » May 9, 2013 11:02pm | Report
Demolibium wrote:

Thanks guys great help, but can anyone of u show me ingame a bit im a bit aggressive player and weaver is squishy early game so how can i harass without being dead can anyone of u show me ingame?? i watched purge videos but honestly i dont think i learned much from him, i actually learned more from a friend of mine who was playing it.
Again, thank you for your help, add me or tell me, ill add u if u wish to show.

Once you are level 2, you can start harassing with Geminate Attack. When a ranged opponent tries to hit back, just Shukuchi to disjoint the spell, then run through the opponent and back to your original position. That way you would have done quite a bit of damage and sustained no losses.

I would help you with your weaver if I could, but I'm quite busy, sorry.

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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Sando » May 10, 2013 2:02am | Report
The big thing with Weaver is picking him in the right situations - Silences, long CC and big nukes can destroy you. Against teams with just slows, short stuns etc you can destroy them.

You're great for chasing and escaping, but incredibly squishy without your abilities. As already mentioned, you need sharp reactions as this is often the difference between staying alive or dying.

Max Shukucki first, and remember Time Lapse can also debuff a lot of unpleasant effects like Dust of Appearance.

Also, just because you can solo under the right circumstances doesn't always mean you should - sometimes a good support will really help you dominate the lane...
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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Wulfstan » May 10, 2013 2:57am | Report
Max Shukucki first, and remember Time Lapse can also debuff a lot of unpleasant effects like Dust of Appearance.

Much of this is true,but there are some effects that you can't debuff at all such as: Venomous Gale and Rupture(especially this one, Time Lapse will only make you take more damage).

Watch out for Sentry Wards! Weaver's good lane presence can be shattered just by purchasing sentries early and keeping him under control like that.

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