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"Pro" Razor

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Forum » General Discussion » "Pro" Razor 16 posts - page 1 of 2
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Fedorable » March 21, 2016 10:27am | Report
So, while it is apparent that Korean Doto is expieriencing something of a resurgence with MVP.Phoenix's 3-0 beatdown of Evil Geniuses, I wanted to a little look at one of the heroes drafted by EG in that Grand Final, that hero being Razor.

Sure we could discuss the heroes that Arteezy played in that series, but the reason I want to talk about Razor is that, well, he never seems to be that successful in pro games.

Be it Arteezy at dota pit, EE-Sama with his Tranquil Boots Razor at ESL New York or whatever the case, Razor never seems to give pro teams the winning edge (At least whenever I'm watching). But the exception to the rule seems to be FATA, whose a very solid Razor player and really the only mid player I've seen who has Razor in his hero pool, meanwhile everyone else seems to insist on running Razor in the safelane.

So why it is that everyone aside from Liquid run Razor as a safelane carry as opposed to a mid laner? And why is that no other mid players include Razor in their hero pool? (I feel like 6.87 nerfs to Death Prophet and outworld devourer could make mid Razor very feasible) Furthermore, why do these teams seem to have bad luck with Razor?


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by nukers united » March 21, 2016 11:14am | Report
I think the reason most pro teams aren't very successful with razor or more specifically mid razor are because that like you said nobody really has him in his hero pool and he has many different builds you can do with him and they can be successful or be complete trash depending on the enemy teams lineup.
Personally I hate safelane razor because he is pretty bad at playing p1 so I usually run him offlane and have pretty decent success with that if he's not solo offlane and razor mid can be very wonky compared to many other mid hero's and usually only works Vs incompetent enemies that dont know to avoid razor unless u have some way to escape his link.
Another reason I think is that it can be hard for some people to last hit with him with his projectile interacting with the animation.

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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by ashwinthegrim » March 21, 2016 11:47am | Report
Firstly, safe lane Razor doesn't do enough for your team in the late game. He is like a Viper in that sense, he is great at winning his lane, getting an early mek and allowing your team to push down towers early. But, when the late game hits, he simply doesn't do enough right click damage to carry the team. For this reason, I'd always put Razor as a mid lane hero.

As for why he isn't part of the meta, I'm not sure. Maybe it's simply because he isn't being picked by the pro teams, and all it takes is for one team to pick him mid and start winning before others jump on the bandwagon. He offers quite a bit in this meta, like being able to fight really early if he goes aquila mek BKB, pushing towers fast once he gets his aghs, etc.


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by nukers united » March 21, 2016 12:19pm | Report
Yea Imo he's in the same boat as weaver ando a few other hero's in terms of early fighting capability but I play weaver cause he scales into the late game but razor doesn't like ashwinthegrim said

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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Blubbles » March 21, 2016 6:44pm | Report

Firstly, safe lane Razor doesn't do enough for your team in the late game. He is like a Viper in that sense, he is great at winning his lane, getting an early mek and allowing your team to push down towers early. But, when the late game hits, he simply doesn't do enough right click damage to carry the team. For this reason, I'd always put Razor as a mid lane hero.

I'd have to disagree. I believe he brings alot of lategame damage IF hes built right. Which he usually isnt. I think the way to go is Radiance Manta Style Octarine Core. Gives him tank, gives him damage, gives him farm, and gives him mana. Why not.
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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by ashwinthegrim » March 22, 2016 10:42am | Report
Blubbles wrote:

I'd have to disagree. I believe he brings alot of lategame damage IF hes built right. Which he usually isnt. I think the way to go is Radiance Manta Style Octarine Core. Gives him tank, gives him damage, gives him farm, and gives him mana. Why not.

Uh.. are we talking about the same hero here? I can't see why a Radiance and Octarine Core would make sense on a Razor. His strength isn't in split pushing anyway, he is more of a roll-with-your-team-and-push kind of hero.


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Hamstertamer » March 22, 2016 10:58am | Report
I think Blubbles is trolling. Either that, or he got infected with the Kyfoid fever.
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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Dimonychan » March 22, 2016 11:11am | Report
Hamstertamer wrote:

I think Blubbles is trolling. Either that, or he got infected with the Kyfoid fever.

Neither, it's just you plebs still don't understand Radi+Manta+Nectarine is the best itembuild for every hero in 6.86.

Now I'll be watching at your puny attempts to deny that.


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Wulfstan » March 22, 2016 12:40pm | Report
Dimonychan wrote:

Neither, it's just you plebs still don't understand Radi+Manta+Nectarine is the best itembuild for every hero in 6.86.

Now I'll be watching at your puny attempts to deny that.

That build is **** on OD. Case closed no Kappa

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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Cuttleboss » March 22, 2016 6:29pm | Report
I don't think I approve of that Razor build. Octarine Core is good once you have Aghs, but on Razor, Manta seems to be very outclassed as an item, to both SnY for the mobility, and Lotus Orb to the purging.

Razor does not go well into late game in terms of his damage, however, he does have respectable potential because of his massive tower damage from aghs refresher ult, and some great potential for armor reduction late game, but he can't do it all on his own, he's no superman, but overall, he's still pretty good late game because the values from his skills are still very high, and with other carries with him to balance the draft, he's powerful.


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