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The scepter upgrades for Lina, Jakiro and Keeper of the Light are all nice, the issue will always be whether they get enough farm, but you want to at least make them pretty desirable or they'll just plump for other generic stuff.
I think this brings Lina back into the meta more - what was the point picking her when you could get Lion instead? More disables and mana sustainability vs slightly more nuking and right click damage...on a support? His scepter upgrade was also considerably better than hers (much lower cooldown, AOE) - this was necessary to make her different and viable again really.
Jakiro, his ult still isn't really that good, not unless your team has a LOT of lockdown. Anybody seen him get picked much recently? No, not me either.
Legion/ Axe changes, yes please. RNG can lead to horrible situations (attack axe, get hit with 4-5 Counter Helix in a few Axe, get none at a vital moment). PRNG tends to average all this out.
Terrorblade: what makes him OP is still OP, i don't see these nerfs have a lot of impact on his ability to be ****ing annoying all game long.
I think the Soul Keeper nerf is fine actually. The worst thing about him is that he had a 60% slow for 5 seconds that also did damage, AT LVL 1. The nerf to Reflection means that to have the same massive kill potential he has to prioritize skilling Reflection, which is generally not advisable. In addition he does not do so well against Black King Bar carries now as the slow will be removed by Black King Bar (and other magic immunity of course). Furthermore, the nerf to his strength gain is very significant as he now has one of the lowest in the game so he will be even squishier and it will probably make the building of at least one hp item early mandatory, for him to even have a chance of using Sunder effectively.
Had a chance to try a match with the 6.81 update... sadly I couldn't play Tusk because another player immediately selected him, so went to see Brewmaster, and the 10 second assured crit/dodge is very nice, useful to farm or harass in early game. And Vengeful Spirit as an enemy is now very annoying even when she's dead.
I think that with this patch we can maybe see a pub-offlane lich been played, and I agre that lich enigma will be pretty annoyng but isnt that easy to do a five men blackhole.
I think that will be lot of easier to contest terrorblade now that he starts with 435hp.
Jakiro, his ult still isn't really that good, not unless your team has a LOT of lockdown. Anybody seen him get picked much recently? No, not me either.
I see it more or less as massive area denial tool need a push ? send it straight up for 14 second behind the turret so creep naturally push, people trying to defend against that push will have to make their way around or take quite a beating tryin to depush a lane even ranged will be pushed to the side of the forest making them unable to counterpush effectively at 7 sec you needed to have ppl locked to make it effective at 14 sec hell just dance with the devil! and stand in that damned fire. Still I wished aghs actually made the ult spread wider and not longer :/
I think Smuggles means it like this: Zeus cast Lightning Bolt on ground which you assume there are ward nearby (this play is normally impossible since wards are not usually near any unit). This will cause the ward to be visible for 1.5 seconds with the visibility effect of Lightning Bolt, giving you 1.5 seconds to destroy it with auto attacks (obviously, it doesn't destroy the ward automatically). This is practically saving the 200 golds++ that you need to use for Sentry Ward to deward. This can also be used to deny the usefulness of Dust of Appearance, making Zeus a freaking great support now, even without any utility items.
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