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Yzreel's Blog
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October 30, 2014
Chapter 1
Hestia and the Vestals

“Welcome to The Alcove”

That gentle, clear voice pulled me back to reality –if it was reality– and as I lifted up my head trying to find the source of the voice, I fixed my vision upon a lady standing few meters away from me. She was… red… yeah, red. That was the best definition I could give at that time, as I saw her in a long red linen dress with long scarlet hair, a pair of expensive looking red colored high heels, red lipstick and make up, alongside with amber-red nails. She was beautiful, no doubt, with a gentle and welcoming smile.

Her red figure was on a huge contrast with the space I found myself in, dragging all attentions toward her. The space –not exactly a room– was so white it felt like an endless horizon of brilliant light. It was not endless, though, I could see edges of the space far away in my vision, shaping the space in my mind as a huge chunk of a perfect rectangle. However, it was not that perfect either, one

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October 26, 2014
Welcome to The Alcove

It was a normal night; darkness enveloped the sky and waves crashed upon waves beneath the brisk breeze. On that night, only the sound of waves was heard—

No, there was one more sound, a voice.

There was an almost unheard scream, a scream concealed with waves' crashing. It was a desperate cry for help, a soundless plea of a lone boy, lost in cruel waves of a desolate sea. The boy was struggling, trying to find power to fight back the vicious current of salty seawater. Seeing a sliver of hope as his body felt the sea calming down, he tried to push his body forward... and failed.

He felt the calm movement of the sea pushing his body forward before he was hit by a merciless wave and was forced to submit. The cruel, pitiless force of the wave whisked his body away, completely disregarding his entire strength— as if mocking his entirety. Gasping desperately, he ended up being filled with water instead of air. His throat cold, his lungs almost out of

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