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jaslam's Blog
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June 06, 2013

Huskar - not a carry?

Views: 6868 jaslam
+Rep Report
carry  |  dota2  |  huskar  |  support
Hi all,

food for thought is all - Huskar. Let's face it - in reality Huskar is a rubbish carry - he may get away with a few pub stomps, but tbh farm with any other carry, and you would stomp much more.

Semi-carry, early-mid game carry? perhaps - but even then, there are plenty of better mid game stompers, like Balanar, Barathrum, QoP, pudge, who at least have a presence in the late game.

so what dfq do we do with Huskar? I propose we make him a lane support hero. An aggressive trilane support hero, who builds pipe's, mechas, force staffs - even an agahnims. take the durable part of Huskar and focus on it. Let someone else farm. He can level burning spears early, harass like mad while your carry farms freely. Add your 3rd hero like venge, cm, tide and any other box standard support, and you have a good lane.

Now you would need to be an aggresive trilane (ie trilane your long lane, senti top, scourge bot) and ward the camps aggressively. Cuz in the short lane, you would be against…
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November 02, 2012

Diretide - best heroes

Views: 6046 jaslam
+Rep Report
candy  |  diretide  |  dota2  |  heroes
Hi all,

I thought it would be a good idea to get a post running on the best heroes for Diretide. Clearly an aggresive faster game, where farming a lane is essentially pointless and forcing clashes around candies is the aim. As you get exp and money (for the whole team) with these fights.

So who are the best heroes? Please post your thoughts, and why below - particularly for those who haven't played it yet!!

so far high mobility is a must have - Nature's Prophet Io Tinker Batrider are all very good options for a quick smash and grab, and get back to base. blinkers as well, such as am and qop. invisibility is an advantage for the same reason, while getting lost during the fighting (the candy stashes have truesight for those who don't know.)

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October 29, 2012

Dota 2, current Meta?

Views: 6108 jaslam
+Rep Report
 |  6.76  |  Dota 2  |  meta
Hi all,

With all the recent changes and buffs Icefrog and Valve have put on some of the 'lesser picked' heroes and debuffs to the usual suspects -

my simple question - have they actually changed the Meta game for Dota 2? I know it has only been a short time since the updates - but really is a push strat any different with these changes?

I can't see the push strat still not being effective - but with the boost in ganking heroes it may be difficult to judge who to ban/pick. in future tourney's..


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October 03, 2012

Dota 2 test update

Views: 2647 jaslam
+Rep Report
6.75  |  dota 2  |  test  |  update
OMFG - dota 2 test has been updated early, assuming to resolve bugs and get the update rolled out by Friday.

Importantly they have impleted all the changes from the 6.75 dota1 update THAT IS A **** TONE OF UPDATES!!! fml, this is going to be insane weekend of Dota :)

6.75 changelog, if you somehow missed it already

FML.. bring on the bugs! haha

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October 02, 2012
+Rep Report
6.75  |  dota 1  |  dota 2  |  meta  |  updated heroes
Hi All,

As I'm sure most of you know, there has been a major update on the original dota1. Changes which WILL be implemented (once Dota1 is balanced and stable) into Dota2.

We may find more changes in Dota1, before it joins us in Dota 2, but clearly some of the changes have been made for dota2 client - with some heroes getting heavily buffed for the faster pace of dota 2 compared to dota 1.

Let's have a look at some of the major changes we may find in the dota2 client, and it's major impact on the current meta. Your thoughts?

Some of the interesting changes are the debuffs -
anti mage, now has a slightly longer cast time to blink, with compared to other blinkers was very quick! he also has a reduced MS

Dark Seer as expected was heavily debuffed - particularly vacuum - longer cd, smaller AOE, and unfortuantely the naga sleep, vacuum combo will not work anymore! :D

pandaren - his ulti will now be affected by blackhole - a natural addition, …
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