With all the recent changes and buffs Icefrog and Valve have put on some of the 'lesser picked' heroes and debuffs to the usual suspects -
my simple question - have they actually changed the Meta game for Dota 2? I know it has only been a short time since the updates - but really is a push strat any different with these changes?
I can't see the push strat still not being effective - but with the boost in ganking heroes it may be difficult to judge who to ban/pick. in future tourney's..
Semi-carries (in the sense that they are not uber hard carries like void) may make a rise and presence - those that can feed off a heavy gank strat, and not need to sit in the lane for the first 20 minutes. Such as
<3 YESSSSS THE META HAS EVOLVED ILY ICEFROG :D finally 60 minute dota. carry vs carry the way it used to be, maybe ZMSJ will make his return to dota
Not really, Icefrog's trying to shorten the game though it's going to a lot more gank oriented.