September 09, 2015

So I Maiden 'nother Right Click Build...

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That title was but a lame *** attempt at a play-on words, because this blog post is the third installment in my right-click build will focus on the best hard carry everybody's been playing wrong:

Hamstertamer wrote:

No Black King Bar -> gets solo killed by a Crystal Maiden with no items.
Top kek = top rekt :)

Well guess what hamster- you can't get solo killed by a Crystal Maiden if you ARE the Crystal Maiden (it makes too much sense guys).

Anywho, let's gets down to the nitty gritty on why I chose to pick Crystal Maiden:

-Gamer Grills: ChiChi wanted to see this build happen and I'd be remiss if I didn't listen to Doto playin Grill, Grills like it when dudes listen... I think, I dunno.

-Farming Speed: The combo of Frostbite and Crystal Nova allows CM to farm at a respectable pace and as a result, you can get most of your items up relatively fast. Throw in a casual Hand of Midas if you feel like playing farming simulator.

-Strong, independent Carry Maiden don't need no mana items: Aside from a value Soul Ring to farm jungle camps, Crystal Maiden really doesn't require much in the way of mana regen due in no small part to her Arcane Aura which means more room for damage items.

-The Element of Surprise: Sure, you might anticipate Bunkan to blindside you with the occasional Utility Carry Maiden but NO ONE expects the Right Click-Carry Maiden. Your enemies will be in perpetual state of panic as NOTHING has ever prepared them to handle a right-clicking Crystal Maiden. There's really no possible way you can lose when you think about it.

Now that I've explained why this is the best idea ever, let's move onto the item build. Upon being six slotted, you'll probably have something like this:

upgraded boots of travel

At this point, I don't have to tell you what to do with this

To give you guys a rundown on why this item build is favored by mmr boosters across the globe.

-upgraded boots of travel allows Crystal Maiden to be a jetsetter, jumping in on a teamfight or push at a moment's notice and the 100 move speed bonus is a godsend.

- Eye of Skadi has everything you need: health, mana, stats, damage and a slow pair with Crystal Nova. Plus it's an ice themed item, perfect for CM.

- Manta Style helps to alleviate CM's move speed issues and provides a nice amount of stats as well. Most important of all is the Mirror Image active of the item, which creates two illusions of Crystal Maiden. More Crystal Maidens mean more Arcane Auras, more Arcane Auras means easy mana.

-Sometimes your dogsh*t, f**king account buying teammates will be too busy sticking their thumb up their f**king *** to stop the enemy from DDOSing you with bullsh*t things like stuns, hexes, silences and things of the like. It's times like these when you'll need a Black King Bar so you can go ahead and put your enemies in the f**king dumpster.

-Armor and attack speed are two things Crystal Maiden can't get enough of, which is the only reason why Assault Cuirass exists. Plus, it will allow her to cosplay as Legion Commander.

This. Yes. No explanation needed.

Also, eat the Moon Shard for another attack speed boost.

Now then, you have your items and there's only thing left to do: Dumpster the enemy. You will do this to prove a point; that you are the best Crystal Maiden player the world's ever f**cking seen and not even the nonstop feeding from your sh*t-stain teammates can stop you from fulfilling your destiny.

Honestly guys, anyone who even tries to manfight you at this point is just f**king dead. Sure the enemy might have Meepo or radioactive manpony but right-click carry maiden just doesn't give a f**k.

Hopefully now you guys understand the true way to play Crystal Maiden instead of the way that "makes sense." Though now it's onto whatever hero is up next but until then: