July 06, 2016

oh look, another 6.89 wet dream that'll never come true

Views: 2379 Dimonychan
+Rep Report
Do you think I'm worse than you?

Some of these heroes I'm not sure are balanced at all, so I put a trigger warning next to them.


- Mist Coil cast point from 0.35 to 0.3
- Aphotic Shield cast point from 0.452 to 0.3
- Aphotic Shield now deals damage equal to actual absorbed damage upon bursting

- Acid Spray radius from 625 to 375
- Acid Spray duration from 16 to 8
- Acid Spray damage per second from 15/20/25/30 to 30/40/50/60
- Acid Spray armor reduction from 4/5/6/7 to 3/4/5/6
- Unstable Concoction cooldown from 16 to 10
- Unstable Concoction maximum damage from 150/220/290/360 to 100/170/240/310
- Unstable Concoction throw range from 775 to 800
- Greevil's Greed no longer provides extra gold bonus per stack
- Greevil's Greed base gold bonus from 6/8/10/12 to 7/8/9/10
- Greevil's Greed now can be cast on an enemy creep, ward or mine to provide 120 gold bounty and 50 or 1.2x/1.3x/1.4x/1.5x experience, whichever higher. Has a cooldown of 125 seconds. (Grants 58 extra GPM, provided it is used every time it's off cooldown)

Arc Warden
- Flux now always applies initial damage
- Magnetic Field no longer provides evasion
- Magnetic Field now provides 5/9/13/17 armor to all allied units, and structures within it.
- Magnetic Field attack speed bonus from 50/60/70/80 to 70
- Tempest Double cooldown from 40/35/30 to 35/30/25
- Tempest Double duration from 12/14/16 to 10/12/14


- Blood Rite effect delay from 2.6 to 2 (Total delay from 3 to 2.4 seconds)
- Rupture cooldown from 60 to 50.


- Drunken Brawler guaranteed proc no longer works on denies

Chaos Knight

- Reality Rift now provides vision on the target (Vision is provided instantly, before ability cast point)


-Base damage from 40 to 45


- Glimpse cast range from 600/1000/1400/1800 to 500/800/1100/1400
-Base Strength from 19 to 16

Drow Ranger

- Gust now applies a 0.3 ministun
-Strength gain from 1.9 to 2.3

Ember Spirit

- Activate Fire Remnant cast point from 0 to 0.3
- Activate Fire Remnant now disjoints projectiles
- Sleight of Fist cooldown from 30/22/14/6 to 29/20/12/5

Faceless Void

- Time Walk cooldown from 24/18/12/6 to 26/20/14/8


-Strength gain from 1.8 to 2.6
- Flak Cannon cooldown from 30 to 24


- Tornado travel speed from 1000 to 850 (Travel distance remains the same)
- Forge Spirit attack damage from 12+10 per Exort to 9+9 per Exort
- Deafening Blast disarm duration from 0.5+0.75 per Wex to 0.5+0.6 per Wex


- X Marks the Spot manacost from 50 to 85
-Ghost Ship cooldown from 60/50/40 to 75/65/55

Legion Commander
- Moment of Courage is now an active ability with a cooldown of 45 seconds
- Moment of Courage counterattack chance from 25% to 100%
- Moment of Courage lifesteal from 55%/65%/75%/85% to 60%
- Moment of Courage proc cooldown from 2.3/1.8/1.3/0.8 to 2.5/2/1.5/1
- Moment of Courage duration to 2.5/3.25/4/4.75


-Base Strength from 16 to 21


- Fiery Soul max stacks from 3 to 4.


- Eclipse cooldown from 140 to 100

Nyx Assassin

-Base Strength from 18 to 15

Ogre Magi

- Bloodlust duration from 30 to 15


- Purification cast range from 700 to 500
- Repel cast range from 500 to 300
-Strength gain from 2.8 to 2


-BAT from 1.4 to 1.6
- Purifying Flames cooldown from 2.25 to 3
- False Promise only doubles healing from Oracle

Outworld Devourer

-Essence Aura proc chance from 40% to 50%

Phantom Assassin
- Blur no longer grants evasion
- Blur now grants 3/5/7/9 armor
- Blur now grants 4%/6%/8%/10% when there are no enemy heroes in 500 radius around her
- Blur now grants 20/40/65/80 attack damage when there is only one hero in 500 radius around her

Phantom Lancer

- Juxtapose illusion damage from 16% to 22%


- Sun Ray range from 1300 to 1000


- Illusory Orb mana cost from 80/100/120/140 to 90


- Meat Hook no longer benefits from Aehther Lens' bonus range
- Meat Hook cooldown from 4 to 5


- Nether Blast manacost from 85/105/125/145 to 100/105/110/115

Queen of Pain

- Sonic Wave cooldown from 135 to 110


- Plasma Field cooldown from 14 to 10
- Plasma Field manacost from 125 to 105


- Smoke Screen duration from 6 to 3/4/5/6
- Blink Strike range from 800 to 500/575/650/725


- Telekinesis cooldown from 22 to 14

Shadow Demon

-Base Strength from 17 to 20

Shadow Fiend

- Requiem of Souls cast point from 1.67 to 0.8


- Dark Pact manacost from 55/50/45/40 to 60
- Pounce leash duration from 3.5 to 2.5/2.8/3.2/3.5
- Shadow Dance cooldown from 60 to 70


- Assassinate cast point from 2 to 1.2


- Storm Hammer cooldown from 13 to 22/19/16/13

- Warcry bonus armor from 5/10/15/20 to 3/6/10/14


- Whirling Death manacost from 70 to 70/80/90/100
- Timber Chain cooldown from 4 to 8/7/6/5
- Reactive Armor armor and regen per stack from 1/1.2/1.4/1.6
to 1/1.1/1.2/1.3

Troll Warlord

- Battle Trance manacost from 75 to 40


-Units can no longer be denied under Venomous Gale


- Corrosive Skin now fully pierces Spell immunity

Witch Doctor

- Death Ward cooldown from 80 to 100

Abyssal Blade

-Recipe cost from 1550 to 1250


-Cooldown from 35/30/25/20/15 to 31/26/21/16/11

Dragon Lance

-Strength and Agility bonus from 14 to 13

Drum of Endurance

-Recipe cost from 700 to 500
-Intelligence bonus from 9 to 6

Dust of Appearance

-Reveal movement speed debuff is now applied separately as a .2(base MS+flat MS bonus) slow

Ethereal Blade

-Ether Blast base damage from 75 to 120

Eye of Skadi

-Cold Attack AS slow from 45 to 35

Infused Raindrops

-Now provides mana regeneration per stack, granting a total of 0.17/0.34/0.51/0.68/0.85 mana regeneration depending on amount of stacks remaining
-Cost from 225 to 250

Mask of Madness

-Cooldown from 25 to 20

Octarine Core

- Creep lifesteal from 5% to 10%

Rod of Atos

-Cripple now applies a 0.5 second stun on cast

Town Portal Scroll

-Cooldown from 70 to 65

That is all.