Some of these heroes I'm not sure are balanced at all, so I put a trigger warning next to them.
- Mist Coil cast point from 0.35 to 0.3
- Aphotic Shield cast point from 0.452 to 0.3
- Aphotic Shield now deals damage equal to actual absorbed damage upon bursting
- Acid Spray radius from 625 to 375
- Acid Spray duration from 16 to 8
- Acid Spray damage per second from 15/20/25/30 to 30/40/50/60
- Acid Spray armor reduction from 4/5/6/7 to 3/4/5/6
- Unstable Concoction cooldown from 16 to 10
- Unstable Concoction maximum damage from 150/220/290/360 to 100/170/240/310
- Unstable Concoction throw range from 775 to 800
- Greevil's Greed no longer provides extra gold bonus per stack
- Greevil's Greed base gold bonus from 6/8/10/12 to 7/8/9/10
- Greevil's Greed now can be cast on an enemy creep, ward or mine to provide 120 gold bounty and 50 or 1.2x/1.3x/1.4x/1.5x experience, whichever higher. Has a cooldown of 125 seconds. (Grants 58 extra GPM, provided it is used every time it's off cooldown)
Arc Warden
- Flux now always applies initial damage
- Magnetic Field no longer provides evasion
- Magnetic Field now provides 5/9/13/17 armor to all allied units, and structures within it.
- Magnetic Field attack speed bonus from 50/60/70/80 to 70
- Tempest Double cooldown from 40/35/30 to 35/30/25
- Tempest Double duration from 12/14/16 to 10/12/14
- Blood Rite effect delay from 2.6 to 2 (Total delay from 3 to 2.4 seconds)
- Rupture cooldown from 60 to 50.
- Drunken Brawler guaranteed proc no longer works on denies
Chaos Knight
- Reality Rift now provides vision on the target (Vision is provided instantly, before ability cast point)
-Base damage from 40 to 45
- Glimpse cast range from 600/1000/1400/1800 to 500/800/1100/1400
-Base Strength from 19 to 16
Drow Ranger
- Gust now applies a 0.3 ministun
-Strength gain from 1.9 to 2.3
Ember Spirit
- Activate Fire Remnant cast point from 0 to 0.3
- Activate Fire Remnant now disjoints projectiles
- Sleight of Fist cooldown from 30/22/14/6 to 29/20/12/5
Faceless Void
- Time Walk cooldown from 24/18/12/6 to 26/20/14/8
-Strength gain from 1.8 to 2.6
- Flak Cannon cooldown from 30 to 24
- Tornado travel speed from 1000 to 850 (Travel distance remains the same)
- Forge Spirit attack damage from 12+10 per Exort to 9+9 per Exort
- Deafening Blast disarm duration from 0.5+0.75 per Wex to 0.5+0.6 per Wex
- X Marks the Spot manacost from 50 to 85
-Ghost Ship cooldown from 60/50/40 to 75/65/55
Legion Commander
- Moment of Courage is now an active ability with a cooldown of 45 seconds
- Moment of Courage counterattack chance from 25% to 100%
- Moment of Courage lifesteal from 55%/65%/75%/85% to 60%
- Moment of Courage proc cooldown from 2.3/1.8/1.3/0.8 to 2.5/2/1.5/1
- Moment of Courage duration to 2.5/3.25/4/4.75
-Base Strength from 16 to 21
- Fiery Soul max stacks from 3 to 4.
- Eclipse cooldown from 140 to 100
Nyx Assassin
-Base Strength from 18 to 15
Ogre Magi
- Bloodlust duration from 30 to 15
- Purification cast range from 700 to 500
- Repel cast range from 500 to 300
-Strength gain from 2.8 to 2
-BAT from 1.4 to 1.6
- Purifying Flames cooldown from 2.25 to 3
- False Promise only doubles healing from Oracle
Outworld Devourer
-Essence Aura proc chance from 40% to 50%
Phantom Assassin
- Blur no longer grants evasion
- Blur now grants 3/5/7/9 armor
- Blur now grants 4%/6%/8%/10% when there are no enemy heroes in 500 radius around her
- Blur now grants 20/40/65/80 attack damage when there is only one hero in 500 radius around her
Phantom Lancer
- Juxtapose illusion damage from 16% to 22%
- Sun Ray range from 1300 to 1000
- Illusory Orb mana cost from 80/100/120/140 to 90
- Meat Hook no longer benefits from Aehther Lens' bonus range
- Meat Hook cooldown from 4 to 5
- Nether Blast manacost from 85/105/125/145 to 100/105/110/115
Queen of Pain
- Sonic Wave cooldown from 135 to 110
- Plasma Field cooldown from 14 to 10
- Plasma Field manacost from 125 to 105
- Smoke Screen duration from 6 to 3/4/5/6
- Blink Strike range from 800 to 500/575/650/725
- Telekinesis cooldown from 22 to 14
Shadow Demon
-Base Strength from 17 to 20
Shadow Fiend
- Requiem of Souls cast point from 1.67 to 0.8
- Dark Pact manacost from 55/50/45/40 to 60
- Pounce leash duration from 3.5 to 2.5/2.8/3.2/3.5
- Shadow Dance cooldown from 60 to 70
- Assassinate cast point from 2 to 1.2
- Storm Hammer cooldown from 13 to 22/19/16/13
- Warcry bonus armor from 5/10/15/20 to 3/6/10/14
- Whirling Death manacost from 70 to 70/80/90/100
- Timber Chain cooldown from 4 to 8/7/6/5
- Reactive Armor armor and regen per stack from 1/1.2/1.4/1.6
to 1/1.1/1.2/1.3
Troll Warlord
- Battle Trance manacost from 75 to 40
-Units can no longer be denied under Venomous Gale
- Corrosive Skin now fully pierces Spell immunity
Witch Doctor
- Death Ward cooldown from 80 to 100
Abyssal Blade
-Recipe cost from 1550 to 1250
-Cooldown from 35/30/25/20/15 to 31/26/21/16/11
Dragon Lance
-Strength and Agility bonus from 14 to 13
Drum of Endurance
-Recipe cost from 700 to 500
-Intelligence bonus from 9 to 6
Dust of Appearance
-Reveal movement speed debuff is now applied separately as a .2(base MS+flat MS bonus) slow
Ethereal Blade
-Ether Blast base damage from 75 to 120
Eye of Skadi
-Cold Attack AS slow from 45 to 35
Infused Raindrops
-Now provides mana regeneration per stack, granting a total of 0.17/0.34/0.51/0.68/0.85 mana regeneration depending on amount of stacks remaining
-Cost from 225 to 250
Mask of Madness
-Cooldown from 25 to 20
Octarine Core
- Creep lifesteal from 5% to 10%
Rod of Atos
-Cripple now applies a 0.5 second stun on cast
Town Portal Scroll
-Cooldown from 70 to 65
That is all.
Nobody complain about this Legion Commander ? Sure lets Active Blade Mail Black King Bar Moments of Courage AND Press the Atack, seriusly at least make Press the Atack an aura or something, it is too many actives also this change is still broken as hell because Aghs
Nop this Change to abbadon is pretty idiot and kills the hero, so if a creep break the shield then the enemy will receive 22 damage ?
Buffing Clinkz Base damage ? the hero is one of the best when you need to Last hit, it is even unfair, ********
No buff to Time Lock or rework of Void`s aghs ? =(, was thinking of Time Dilation giving you MS and AS for every spell dilated, also Aghs could Reduce Stunned/Bashed time on you by half
No, Rod of Athos need other thing better then Tp Hate, i was thinking of reducing the duration but applying Mute, but this could be broke
What i liked
Aghs Luna is very legit now, not reducing cooldown was the main reason i didnt build it on the hero
Dat OD buff
Dat PA rework
Octarine need buffs like this, it is just idiot that Spell lifesteal is just so weak since it was introduced, the function of lifesteal is to manfight and farm, Octarine does neither one for strong magic dealers like OD and Silencer, just a slice increase of EHP
Abaddon - what? If a creep breaks the shield the enemy will receive 22 + all the damage it absorbed while being active. what are you talking about? This is a nerf to his tower diving where you cast shield early, and then just cast a new one under the tower, dealing full damage even if you absorbed like 2 tower hits. And the rest is a buff to a Greaves-Lens support Abaddon because his cast timesare really awkward. Also helps with chasing.
I like how everyone says Clinkz damage is so big when in fact Searing Arrows only make it good, or slightly above average. This hero has 40(!) base damage and absolutely garbage attack animation(which negates 10 or even 20 attack advantage he may have), probably the worst in the game along with Traxex. 40+30 from arrows lvl 1 is 70, W O W. A ****ing Faceless Void has 63, and gets Quelling Blade, which makes his creep damage 88 + inifinitely better attack animation. Good luck getting lh with you MASSIVE damage :^) Also W doesn't work on denies, which is one of the main reasons why mid Clinkz is bad.
Aghs on Void is fine, his W is fine and E is fine too. Q is a bit too strong and needs to be fixed.
Disabling items for 3k gold is absolute ******** and not nearly close to balanced.
Drow Ranger we can all agree has been a **** hero, but once she hit level 6 she gain +40 agi, and then she can orb walk the **** out of it.
Also how Legion Commander changes has nothing to with balance ? You are killing Silver Edge, Blade Mail and even Armlet on the hero
If you want to Nerf void, rise the mana costs of the Q so he need some itens to be abusing of it, making it 8 seconds just kill his late game (Also he would need Echo Sabre if offlane and Bloodthorn if Carry)
Yes he is lmao. You zone out weak laners completely with Searing Arrows.
LC having too many buttons is your problem not balance problem. Nobody complains about Tinker or Chen being dead because they have too many buttons LUL. It's a matter of 2-3 games to get used to. The point of the rework was to get rid of jungle LCs and buff her solokill and laning anyway.
Sure Tinker have many buttons but you play him from behind, you can always press you buttons, legion has only a litte time before she can Duel
Clinkz Can gank, can push, can Carry a team on his own, sure it would be balanced give him a MORE strong lane as he can already orb walk targets on contest
Rod of Atos sounds a bit overdone. More like rod of TP scroll hate. Seriously I'm playing Atos Bloodseeker or Slark at that point.
Drum of Endurance...item needs a straight up buff, and not a small one at that. Seriously even if you reduce the recipe cost by 300 without changing the's probably still a mediocre item that is only decent on 3 heroes at best.
Abyssal Blade : The weird thing is that it does deserve that buff, but buffing it will make Anti-Mage OP (which he already kind of is because of the early vanguard buff). Well Vanguard blade is OSFrog's idea not mine...
Viper : Didn't Corrosive Skin slow through BKB before, and then it stopped because of a recent bug fix? It's not OP, it's just aids :)
Timber Chain : Totally with you there. That 4 second cooldown needs to go.
Phantom Assassin : Blur now grants 4%/6%/8%/10%...of what? You didn't say XD
Omniknight hate is real. 300 cast range...seriously? XD
Lina would be fine if it didn't give her permanent 522 movement speed. Reduce the MS/stack and it's good.
Slark : Why reduce his farm massively like that? That would just encourage publords to play midas slark.
Pugna : this doesn't look like much but it's probably OP. Since the hero's niche is pushing in the very early him tons of mana to do just that can be really unfair. Personally I'd make him scale into late game, because that's the main reason why he's just not that good as a core.
Faceless Void : the weird thing is that you want to buff carry Void while nerfing offlane Void's laning stage IMO. You definitely did the second part, but you completely dumpstered carry Void for no reason, as if it wasn't bad enough already. Or is your logic "I'm sick of people playing carry Void in my team and being useless so I want to make it garbage so that nobody plays it anymore?" XD
Viper - yes and let's make it so again. If you choose a path of hating melee carries you take it to the very end.
Phantom Assassin - movement speed. It gives up to 10% movement speed when you're alone.
Omniknight - seriously, if it is overdone, I don't care, **** this gay hero. Even if it's just that pub scrubs can't deal with him, a hero had a 60% wr across all brackets for what, 2 years now? Good ****.
It should solve 3 problems:
1) Silences not working against him because he goes straight for Greaves almost every game. All of a sudden Storm stops being a counter to Omni and it turns the other way around. Now he'll probably have to buy Lens first.
2) Speaking of Lens, Repel has 700 cast range with it. Saves his carry from literally ANYWHERE. Now it doesn't.
3) With such a cast range he has to actually take the risk and walk up there if he wants to get a Repel off in a middle of a fight.
Slark - the hero has infinite mana, and I don't even get Sabre on him. Just Aquila+Treads lets you almost never run out of mana when farming, I often keep Aquila until I get Skadi or whatever just for that. I think it shouldn't be like this. Every flashfarming hero has to waste some gold to sustain their farm. Slark doesn't, Aquila and you're good to go(I don't know why everyone get a Sabre on him honestly, I think it's not the best investment).
Pugna - that's IMO the main problem with the hero. He has MASSIVE mana problems, every time I play him I get drained, Arcanes+ Bottle aren't nearly enough to sustain it, and his best items(Lens, Veil, Aghs) give 0 mana regen except for INT bonus. You can't farm normally because of that and you can't effectively push after a won teamfight either most of the time. Maybe it's fine in competitve(highly doubt it) but I don't have 2 supports with arcanes and mangos in my games and I wanna play the guy. Please mr.Lizard.
Faceless Void - honestly I don't care about safelane Void because I don't play it and I don't think it's good in the first place(yea, 5k hero damage carries are not exactly something I'd like to see on my side). I do care about offlane Void that, when not paid attention to in the first levels, becomes a safelaner, and you become an offlaner. Him and Timber are two heroes I hate laning against the most because my supports don't understand you need to destroy the cancer while it's weak.
Also you say the hero has infinite mana and you're right if you're talking about constant farming, but if you have a more "fight with the team style" then you encouter serious troubles having enough mana to pop your ulti sometimes, and you can't really go in without it - this specially in pubs where you don't necessarily have supports with sustain to help you.
At least this is my experience with my new favourite fish. I still have no troubles whatsoever at playing against him though, he's just so easy to crush if you play right (nuke him down, disable him, get that vision going in the places where he is gonna pop up with his Shadow Blade bait him and kill him).
Okay, if you hate carry Void and want to kill it once and for all for quality of life in pubs, I won't complain :)
Completely agree on Void and Timber.
Chaos Knight: Sure, Reality Rift is a pain in the *** to land, but it's one of the hero's few weaknesses. As a CK player, I'd like that buff, but from a balance perspective I'm not a fan.
Faceless Void: Pls no, leave my MMR farmers alone