September 22, 2017

My hero design template

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Hero concept  |  template  |  format  |  layout
[columns][img]--------------------------[/img][nextcol] [color=#ffffff][h1]Hero name, the Hero Title[/h1][/color][/columns] [rule] [h3]HERO SUMMARY:[/h3] The summary of how a hero is played goes here. Combos and playstyles and stuffs. [indent][columns][center][color=#00ff00]PROS :[/color][/center] [list][*] pro 1 [*] pro 2 [*] pro 3[/list] [nextcol][indent][/indent][nextcol] [center][color=#ff0000]CONS :[/color][/center] [list][*] con 1 [*] con 2 [*] con 3[/list] [/columns] [/indent] [rule] [center][color=#ffffff][h2]Stats[/h2][/color][/center] [columns][columns] [color=#ff0000]Str[/color] [color=#00ff00]Agi[/color] [color=#00ffff]int[/color] [nextcol] [nextcol] [nextcol] [nextcol] : 20 + 2.0 [b][color=#ffffff] : 20 + 2.0[/color][/b] : 20 + 2.0 [/columns] [nextcol] [indent][/indent] [nextcol] [columns] [color=#ffffff]Health H. regen Mana M. regen Damage Armor Spell Dmg.[/color] [nextcol] [nextcol] [nextcol] [nextcol] :

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