March 19, 2018

Meet my creations!

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Featured Hero :

A half-human half-centipede hero focusing on crits for days. Every critical hits she makes gives her a charge which she can use to give slight buffs to her spells. These same charges also power her ultimate, which upon activation, makes short work of everything her foes hold dear.

A hard carry that's as scary as her looks once she gets the farm she needs.


Maleficent Blade
A critical strike that gives a 'Maleficent blade charge' each time it procs. Toggle this ability ON to allow "Umbral Slide" and "Shadow Parry" to use charges.
Umbral Slide
Teleports a short distance. Then becomes invisible with bonus movespeed.
Shadow Parry
Similar to Spike Carapace. Prevents the next hero-based damage instance, which then she blinks right next to her attacker and strike with one, painful, critical blow.
Blood Finale
Constricts her hapless target. Becoming invincible and untargetable while heavily slowing and revealing the enemy. By the end of the duration, she attacks in very quick succession. Those attacks requires and consumes Maleficent charges.


A hero with [#] is not my original character but a character who is part of another franchise / I.P. / etc. / and sometimes an established character from within the Dota world itself.
  • Battleworgs - My very first hero concept. Creating this dude is the biggest reason I got into hero creation in the first place. Still proud of this concept to this day.
  • Wanderer - Created for HCC: Portals. Otherwise a strong defensive hero.
  • Alryca - Formerly [#]Patchouli Knowledge. And winner of the HCC: Your Dream Hero! One of the most complex hero that ever set foot on DotaFire.
  • [#] Clownpiece - Unleash your love for America by throwing stars, sripes, walls, and madness!
  • [#] Nitori Kawashiro - A very mobile agility hero that uses the water from the river and her flood zones to be effective.
  • Chimera Demon - Revolves around critical hits and boasts a massive agility gain.
  • [#] Mamizou Futatsuiwa - A mischievous lady that tricks enemies without even trying. Adept at single target ganking.
  • Paragon of Darkness - A ranged strength hero that steals her foe's maxHP. Basically a powerful trebuchet that creates more trebuchets and pitch darkness.
  • [#] Satori Komeiji - A unique support that interthreads mind and death. Multiplying her team's potency and extending their lifespan.
  • [#] Ichirin ***oi - Hit, hit, dash, dash, sweep, smash, dash!
  • Fræʃir - HCC:Creation Tool WINNER! His utilization of unique and unprecedented mechanics proved to be his greatest asset. Allies and enemies alike cower before his chains and sword.
  • Ectobeast - A legendary Phantom Liger trapped in the puny body of a necromancer. Killing him only sets him free...
  • Paradox Construct - A hero with ZERO strength and strength gain. Paradoxically designed to be highly unconventional but practical.
  • Terraformer - Terraform the entire freaking map with a jungle of thorns in a way you see fit.
  • Astral Channeler - Summons a large dense swath of indestructible trees every teamfight.
  • Frosthound - Prevents anyone from escaping him, punishing those who run away.
  • [#] Hata no Kokoro - Celebrate your enemies' deathday party with mesmeric lightshows and an unsilenceable performance!
  • [#] Enno - Be a disastrous little furball who never plays fair by stealing items to use as his own!
  • Wraith Slayer - Lock down enemies in ethereal form and watch them melt from your magical right-clicks!
  • Peacekeeper - A peacekeeper of the forest that uses her defensive structures and towers to *ahem* defend the ancient.
  • Arachnopath - A witch inventor and her spider companion. Their witchcraft and science plays with their foes as they slip past the enemy grip while kiting them down.
  • [#] Bronze Emperor - Be the commanding presence in battle by boosting your own forces while disabling key targets. No allies? No problem!
  • Tempest Spirit - A very mobile strong positioning / re-positioning support that also provide vision.
  • Jadewind - The Dragon of Storms and Fortunes that can generate gold on attacks. Also all of his spells deal instant attacks!
  • Karmic Executioner - A Rakshasa who polices the karmic fates of sinners. Face instant karma if you dare attack through his barriers and damage returns.
  • [#] Ceres Fauna — A hero that does so much healing, she deals damage.
  • [#] Nanashi Mumei — Hit fast with a horrifying menace whose victims can neither fight back nor be saved!
  • [#] Gawr Gura — A highly mobile "evasion tank" that hunts prey like a shark through water.
  • Imperium - A member of the Insubstantial Eleven where the rules of magic bends around him.
  • Zachar and Ze'ev, the Duality Thunder - Two heroes in one! Zaps enemies that crosses the electric link connecting them and their nodes.
  • [#] Roshan, in a dimension where he never killed a shopkeeper - This Roshan's whole gimmick revolves around creating his own items for himself to use.
  • Arac Kai, the Arms Master - Basically a melee fighter Tinker.
  • Eldritch Hive - A non-living "hero" that houses multiple eldritch beings acting on one mind.
  • Mithia Hail, the Dusk Wastrel - Has a plethora of buffs and debuffs that doesn't discriminate between allies, enemies, and herself. Like Oracle.
  • Xenok, the Blade Mutant - Play Plague Inc on Dota 2.
  • Ellyn, the Sprite Queen - Give your allies +3 more abilities in addition to your 3 abilities! They're small effects, but multiple consistent casts of them makes their power indisputable!
  • [#] The Conjurer - A wanderer of worlds. Summon an army of powerful creatures and spirits to protect your frail, old face.
  • Edgewalker - Rising from the depths of development Limbo as the 5th fundamental.
  • Ora Nui, the Sawbones - Hex enemies into a... YOURSELF!
  • Zeitgeist Maiden - A little girl who were meant as a sacrifice in Claszureme is instead adopted by the very eldritch deity she's meant to be sacrificed to.
  • The Toymaker - Inspired by Heroes of Newerth's Puppet Master mixed with Emerald Warden's ultimate.
  • Arcturus, the Helion Star - Get to decide which constellation of the year the War of the Ancients took place: Vi Major, Agilis, and Inelidytes. Each representing a primary attribute.
  • Erina, the Crystal Slayer - In an alternate timeline where Lina (here Erina) was born with the power of Ice. She still has her fiery temper.
  • Taskmaster - A primordial, unmovable statue that can command living beings since creation
  • Magmapede - The Millennium Degree Magmapede has a completely detrimental passive. All of its abilities revolve around sharing its pain.
  • The Great Fool - Has no intelligence. Instead, damage taken by allies and enemies are converted and stored into mana for him to use.

    OTHERS :
  • Lion Rework - He's basically a new hero with these changes. But his core gameplay remain the same.
  • My Items ideas - A list of cool item concepts arranged from what I'm very proud of to things that are 'meh'.