Featured Hero :
My most proud creation! Winner of the HCC: Your Dream Hero. Reading her concept is NOT for the faint of heart!
Alryca utilizes Fire, Water, Wood, Metal, Earth (and SUN!) for her spells. Casting a spell that represents one if these elements will leave a trace essence that will modify and boost the next spell she'll cast. Each spell have it's own unique upgrades based on the element it's fused with, and this is what makes her so darn complicated. Each spell starts off weak, but with the right amalgamation, they can rival even the most strongest of ultimates.
Alryca have a grand total of 12 spells. And to get her big spells, she has to learn it from her talents. This gives a sad consequence that once she chose a talent, the other talent she didn't chose is a spell she'll never cast (until level 30).
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Adds the element of the sun to the next spell she cast, granting powerful bonus effects depending on the spell. |
Every spells Alryca had cast will leave an elemental essence that gives more power to her next spell. Effects vary based on that element and this ability's level. |
The Philosopher's Stones
Instantly replenishes some mana and increases her mana capacity by the same amount. This spell counts as all 5 elements in one cast and thus, gives all 5 elemental essences if "Amalgamation" is learned.
Agh's Upgrade: Grants mana and cooldown reduction globally to all allied heroes. |
Crowned Corona (Fire)
Channels her power to make an explosion of temperature around her. Getting more powerful the longer it is channeled. WOOD: +bonus Aoe, EARTH: leaves lava that DPS the area, and SUN: +damage based on foes' MaxHP and can damage buildings. |
Blessed Undine (Water)
Blesses all allies in a target area with magic resistance for a few seconds. METAL: +magic resistance, FIRE: regeneration, and SUN: invisibility & mvspd. |
Horned Fytoscape (Wood) Lvl 7 talent
Casts a tide of vines and roots forward, keeping enemies in place. EARTH: gives damage, WATER: adds a slow after the root, and SUN: converts some root duration as stun. |
Spirited Photosynth (Wood) Lvl 7 talent
Small green orbs spawn every 3 seconds and kamikaze to random units (heroes prioritized), damaging them. The orbs' attacks are separated by an interval of 2.25 seconds. EARTH: the orbs have AoE impact, WATER: +more orbs, and SUN: adds root. |
Silvered Sentinel (Metal) Lvl 13 talent
A flying metal dragon materializes above her. The dragon can sacrifice itself to deal damage and stun to a small AoE. FIRE:+movement speed; WOOD: +HP; and SUN: upgrades the dragon into an ancient creep-hero and increases its attack speed. |
Fluxed Siphon (Metal) Lvl 13 talent
Drains the armor and attack damage of enemy heroes caught in the target area, a percentage of which she gains for herself. FIRE: returns damages she receives. WOOD: +armor and attack drain percentage, and SUN:, silences affected units. |
Raged Teralith (Earth) Lvl 19 talent
Causes the earth to tremble forward of Alryca, damaging enemies in the way. At the target point, an earth elemental is summoned. It deals more damage to buildings. WATER:, the earth wave has massive slow, METAL: elemental have Blinding Aura, SUN:, elemental have 'Stagger' ability. |
Nobled Trilithon (Earth) Lvl 19 talent
A monolith spawns from the target location that deals damage to every enemy in its surrounding area with every pulse it makes. It also attacks every 2 seconds, dealing splash damage in an AoE. WATER: adds a massive MS and AS slow in every pulse, METAL: +HP and duration, and SUN: gives its attacks bash. | |
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