September 22, 2017

Lore for Patchouli. +Another hero concept later

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'Twas another serene evening at her library, perusing countless uncharted tomes of high-level sorceries that can only discombobulate anyone who dared to read but her. But unlike every other, this particular eventide had massive bloom of a powerful magic that tingled her skin. The origin of which seemed to have come from all directions. Her grimoires reacted in various ways at the alarm of such an incident.

But this does not alarm her, she never cared in the first place.

She remained isolated, and desolate, in her gargantuan and comfortable cage that have books for bars. And when it's finally time to receive her usual tea, none came. Normally, she wouldn't mind, but if there's naught been tea nor coffee for the next 24 hours, she's bound to leave the library. The library door opened with it's usual low-pitched creaks, but what greeted her was not the usual hall nor the usual lush carpet. It wasn't even the usual sun nor the usual soil that met her the moment she took a step outside. No, obviously she ended up in a world she'd never even consider. Perhaps this is just one of Yukari's tomfooleries again, or perhaps it's from something completely extraneous.

Whatever it is, she decided to do what she always do: Find more books. She'll learn soon enough of it's gods, primordials, and mad moons.

visit her here.

I've been concocting a new hero concept that have 'crits' for days. All 4 her abilities has been finalized on paper but I won't have her out until the very next weekend. My family will go on a trip this weekend. I *might* find time in the weekdays but... here's hoping.

Do I look weird writing this thinking that someone actually expects something from me WHEN NO ONE EVEN READ MY BLOGS!? Do people even read blogs nowadays?

(Edit: so I misheard my mom and the outing is only at Sunday, not the weekend. Good for me. I'm still keeping the new concept 'till next week though. Dotacinema made me busy.)