March 19, 2018

Meet my creations!

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Featured Hero :

My very first hero concept! A goblin folk raised by a lone giant wolf (a worg). Their duality results in a strange yet fascinating mechanic. All their spells cannot interrupt movement, attacks, and channeling but have very long effect delays. However, the other spells cannot be cast while another effect delay is ongoing.

With massive rockets and laser beams along with their savage thirst for blood shed, the untameable duo can only get more chaotic!


Barrel Rocket
Fires a Rocket after a delay that deals damage in a large AoE and stun in a small AoE. Explodes on collision to enemy heroes or if it reached target point.
In a similar vein to Freezing Field, leaves explosive pellets onto the surrounding area which deals damage and mini-stun with each explosion.
War Frenzy
Gives the Battleworgs and nearby allies bonus spell amp and movespeed. The buff has exclusive bo

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