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Managed to get a great 5-stack for the 1st time in a while, and got to play a Roaming Wraith King Support. I haven't had a chance to do this sort of thing lately, so there were quite a few small mistakes.
I figured since I was...mostly happy with my plays, I'd ask for some Feedback on the game. <}3
Match starts at around 11:30 after the draft and a long pause, no need for Feedback on Draft as I did not do matter how much the draft may look like one of mine. 8{3
I'll also include my own Feedback, but please watch game and give suggestions without looking at it, it's just in case anyone is wondering about my Item builds or my Heroic Dives. 8{3
I upgraded to Power Treads since it allowed me to capitalise on my early Gold rush and Farm faster earlier on, it also made me Tankier and gave me the option of Tread Switching to save Mana and Heal faster (if we ever got an Urn of Shadows.
Since I continued to gain a lot of Gold very quickly, I decided a Blink Dagger would have the highest impact. I usually opt for an Urn of Shadows on whatever support I'm playing if I'm getting Kills but Blink Dagger on a Roaming Support at 15:00 is too good to pass up. 8{D
With a Blink Dagger in place, I could jump in an Lockdown whoever I wanted, so I decided to opt for more Damage to make myself more of a threat, and thus, bait out more of the other Team's Lockdown. A Maelstrom not only gives me Damage from Lightning Procs, but also gives me Attack Speed for more Crits. Since I was Snowballing so hard, it also meant I could Farm up and make up for the minimal Gold and Exp I got due to being a Roaming Support (You always end up behind the other Supports for the first 20 - 30 minutes when you Roam, even if you Snowball 8{( )
Finally, there was Assault Cuirass. By this point we'd already won, but assuming that the game continued, we'd need to be able to Push faster and would be relying more on Physical Daamge than Magical at this point. An AC is perfect for this as well as providing Armour to my Allies and solving my own low Armour problems completely, letting me Tank more Damage...I got to live for about 0.4 seconds longer whenever I Initiated. 8{3 I'll usually get a Vladmir's Offering on [[Wraith King to solve Armour problems (and the Damage Aura 8{D ), but Gold was no issue this game, so getting a bigger Item with a bigger effect seemed a better choice.
I never take anything at lvl2 as a Support, since I'd rather not give myself away with the Aura during Ganks and lvl2 is a bit too early for Pushes, so as usual, I saved up the points in Vampiric Aura and waited until my Team was ready to start Pushing hard, taking it at lvl 7, 7, 8, 9.
I usually skip Crit in favour of Stats, which I did at lvl10, but by lvl12 I realised I was going to be able to get a Maelstrom. Between that and Power Treads, Mortal Strike was bound to Proc regularly in fights.
Aggressive Plays
I kind of regret milling around Top Lane for so long, I probably should have left after Pulling the Creep Camp since it was obvious that Magnus was too cautious to be caught out, but it's not very often that I find Offlaners who are that careful. 8{3
I was also pretty lucky that their Shadow Fiend was so terrible, we Smoked right under a Ward and he didn't even notice we were there until it was too late (I think Mag noticed though 8{3 ), I also should have gone earlier when the Creep Equilibrium was more in Voker's favour. ._.
After Invoker failed the Gank at 7:00, I went back to the fountain to regain Mana, I know it seems stupid to go all the way back to the fountain when you still have enough for 1 Stun, but that 8 second Cooldown means you can get 2 Stuns off, eve early on, and by the Gods, was it worth it when I managed to set up the Kill on SF and Secure a 2nd Kill on SS at 7:40! 8{D
3rd SF Kill at 10:30...ez Initiation...'nuff said. 8{)
12:30, the DIVE. I know most people wouldn't make a trade like that, but since it got me to lvl6 and nearly lvl7, and I had no way of stopping the Push and had already, I felt it was worth it to get my Ult and a free trip to the fountain. Besides, I managed to blow my Unreliable Gold on TP Scrolls 8{3
13:30, no fight happening anytime soon since we just lost a Tower, time to Farm some Power Treads! 8{D
15:10, again, this is why I always make sure I have enough Mana for multiple Wraithfire Blasts and why I always Tank Ults whenever possible. 8{3
20:00, regret not attacking the Tower, even if I didn't manage to get it, I would have forced them to defend, slowing down their Farm and annoying them in general. I always had Blink Dagger into the Trees as an escape 8{(
29:00...dat Cleave... 8{3
34:00, probably shouldn't have fought here, it would have been better to let them push up to the Tower 8{(
39:00, it's annoying to have to deal with Wraith King who can dive every 60 seconds, especially when there's a Luna FreeFarming your Towers elsewhere 8{3
Lol, this seems like a freaking roll. You could have done that with every hero against that kind of players.
The SF was just pure terrible, no wonder you won, oh and the offlane Magnus. They had poor picks against some well placed ones. Also, you weren't that active.
You should have allowed AA to get 1 pull off, then just gank at level 1 with smoke. Wraithfire Blast and Cold Feet is just way too good not to use it early, and I reckon you won't use it on Magnus since he'll Skewer away.
Lol, this seems like a freaking roll. You could have done that with every hero against that kind of players.
The SF was just pure terrible, no wonder you won, oh and the offlane Magnus. They had poor picks against some well placed ones. Also, you weren't that active.
You should have allowed AA to get 1 pull off, then just gank at level 1 with smoke. Wraithfire Blast and Cold Feet is just way too good not to use it early, and I reckon you won't use it on Magnus since he'll Skewer away.
Truth is we had a really hard time in the beginning, even though they were pretty bad. The sven destroyed us in the beginning, but we jut slowed the game down and took some roshans. When i started to hit my peak only then we could defeat them, and even then we needed some clutch hookshots on BKB sven to give me time to attack.
I was kind of afraid of their lineup honestly, its just that their magnus and tide couldnt land a good ultimate. Just the SF was really out of place.
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