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mastadoom's Blog
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October 01, 2014

Theory building: Support Drow

Views: 3929 mastadoom
+Rep Report
Drow  |  Theory
Ok, my ultimate theory build....

Support Drow Ranger.

My logic behind this is that she comes equipped with a slow ( Frost Arrows), a silence ( Gust), a damage aura ( Precision Aura) and a way to deal damage without too many items ( Marksmanship).

You wouldn't play the hard support role, but will do your supporting duty as needed. You would pick up mobility items and/or utility items to help your your team. E.X.: Force Staff, blink daggar, Eul's Scepter of Divinity, Drum of Endurance, ETC...

He slow is kind of lackluster at level 1, but given a strong enough other two heros, she could really make a difference in an agro tri (so long as the other 2 heros she is laneing with are ranged)

What do you guys think, and don't just say it is bad right away, think long and hard about it. She is by no means the best support, but like a support alch or naga, she can transition into a semi-carry role later.

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September 22, 2014

Theory building: Core Leshrac

Views: 2377 mastadoom
+Rep Report
leshrac  |  theory
This will be a thing I will try to get going, my theory builds, I want a lot of discussion on this guys.

As we all probably know Bloodstone is a core item on Leshrac, It gives him every thing he could possibly want. I however, am not a big fan of bloodstone. My idea makes his core item build more expensive, but provide more overall.

My idea is that you can get your boots of choice---> Orchid Malevolence----> Rod of Atos. This increases his core item cost by ~2000 gold, but gives him mana, int, attack speed, mana regen, a silence, and a slow. The actives of these two items make a lot of sense to me for Leshrac. The silence is great utility in fights, and the slow is a great set up into his stun. He is also able to make good use of the extra damage from the silence because of his large amounts of damage.

What do you guys think?

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