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Who is the Grand Poobah of 1 VS. 1 Mode?

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Forum » Theory Crafting » Who is the Grand Poobah of 1 VS. 1 Mode? 42 posts - page 1 of 5
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Xyrus » August 17, 2014 9:42am | Report
I FINALLY got around to trying out the not-so-new 1 VS. 1 Mode. I was planning on facing a myriad of players with unique strategies for winning with different Heroes...I later remembered I'm in the trash tier MMR, so I just stomped 4 games with Bristleback...and I mean STOMPED! X{D

So, since I have yet to face a competent opponent and will most likely need to grind for several years before I can face one, I figured I'd skip the whole thing and start an open debate. 8{3

Naturally, I picked Bristleback as I believe he is a contender for the strongest overall Hero, with a low cost Spammable Flash Farm Skill to get some early Gold and Counter-Push, as well as enough Tankiness to laugh in the face of Burst Damage. Eventually, he'll get Tanky enough to run you down, or just stand there smacking the Tower until it falls (about lvl11 - 13ish)

Who do you believe to be the strongest 1 VS. 1 Hero?

P.S. I didn't add a Poll as there will probably be plenty of different Heroes including an few I wouldn't guess/take seriously ( Lina 8{3 ).

P.P.S. this is a serious 1 VS. 1 question, so no Vengeful Spirit jokes pls! 8{3


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by mastadoom » August 17, 2014 9:49am | Report
I have found mirana works really good in the 1v1 mode. free invis rune, a large stun, good push and flash farm, havn't lost once in the 1v1 mode with mirana.

Leshrac is also good.


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Hades4u » August 17, 2014 9:55am | Report
I'll go with Razor again. You can't last hit and he keeps you off the lane, very durable too.
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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by kkoopman3 » August 17, 2014 10:05am | Report
Viper and Clockwerk obviously. Viper will slow you and kick your *** while you try to escape down your lane while Clockerk will take the more direct approach by shutting you down and pelting you with rockets and stuff.


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by ElDiablo » August 17, 2014 10:18am | Report
I can't decide wich one is the best so i'll list them all here. Quas Exort Invoker, Shadow Fiend, Mirana (only if you can land those arrows), Windranger
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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Xyrus » August 17, 2014 10:30am | Report
mastadoom wrote:

I have found mirana works really good in the 1v1 mode. free invis rune, a large stun, good push and flash farm, havn't lost once in the 1v1 mode with mirana.

The problem with Mirana is, that Moonlight Shadow doesn't help you much. Once you're 6 and you disappear, it's going to be obvious you used it, and once you've used it you can...sneak up really close and Starfall?.

Not to mention, landing Sacred Arrows from a blind angle becomes difficult as there aren't many good spots to launch it from without you leaving the Lane, meaning it has to hit or you lose out on Exp. Granted it's easy to hit them when they come near the stairs by your Tower, but anyone who's even a half-decent Mirana player will be able to watch out for arrows and avoid putting themselves in a vulnerable position.

No setup and no surprise make Mirana really weak imo. 8{(


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Krwiozerca » August 17, 2014 11:13am | Report
Phantom Assassin with mana regen build and spamming daggers to farm and harass the opponent? I am not a mid hero, but I guess we could discuss that.


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by jamesShajam » August 17, 2014 11:54am | Report
You can really wreck with Shadow Shaman, He'll just take your tower and you can't do much about it.
also, here is a chart of the best 1v1 mid heroes:
Your Bristle has the same winrate as Io XD
Gr8 b8, m8. I rel8, str8 appreci8, and congratul8. I r8 this b8 an 8/8. Plz no h8, I'm str8 ir8. Cr8 more, can't w8. We should convers8, I won't ber8, my number is 8888888, ask for N8. No calls l8 or out of st8. If on a d8, ask K8 to loc8. Even with a full pl8, I always have time to communic8 so don't hesit8.


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by TheSofa » August 17, 2014 1:31pm | Report
People like Puck.

I like Viper.

But anyone who has more nuke than HP has gotta be fun.


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Xyrus » August 17, 2014 1:49pm | Report
TheSofa wrote:

But anyone who has more nuke than HP has gotta be fun.

Yeah, I had a Lina like that as a opponent...bought a Blademail...I laughed so hard! X{D


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