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HotD vs MoM

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Forum » Theory Crafting » HotD vs MoM 17 posts - page 1 of 2
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Zerosaviour » May 19, 2014 9:23pm | Report
I've gotten two Luna matches under my belt finally. (Most games I'm stuck being support to god aweful carries)

Both games I picked up MoM over HotD due to a few reasons:

1. It pretty much allowed me to clear camps ungodly quicker.

2. It allowed for an unexpected escape due to the movement boost.

3. Late game, I could melt through towers and racks with it on and Manta Style.

4. When no one focused on me; I could pop it and slaughter the enemy team in a whirlwind of glaives.

So I'm wondering why most guides say go HotD. I know the whole creep stacking thing; but most of the time I can pretty much plow through most of my jungle with just two pops of MoM before reset.

I've been trying MoM on my Natures Prophet mostly with even greater success. That with Midas and ult spam. Can I get a 'Holla Holla Get Dolla'?

So can anyone tell me any upsides for going HotD over MoM on Luna?


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by mastadoom » May 19, 2014 9:32pm | Report
The HotD can let you get some auras for pushing, as well as the ancient stacking with it. It also builds into a satanic, for later in the game. How ever, the MoM on luna lets you farm with the equivalency of a midas.


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Zerosaviour » May 19, 2014 9:56pm | Report
mastadoom wrote:

The HotD can let you get some auras for pushing, as well as the ancient stacking with it. It also builds into a satanic, for later in the game. How ever, the MoM on luna lets you farm with the equivalency of a midas.

Actually, it pretty much allows me to have the farm capability of a Midas while having the lifesteal of a HotD.


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Yzreel » May 19, 2014 10:08pm | Report
Quoting Mastadoom, the usage of both is different. HotD can save your time ancient stacking by using dominated unit to ancient stack instead, as well as pushing capability with dominated units' aura. However, it is usually taken because Luna NEEDS that Satanic later in game due to her squishiness, and taking MoM is perceived as a waste of 1900 gold, in that it cannot be disassembled.

I suggest for you to actually take MoM if you have free farm, and HotD if you want to push + make the most of everything. Usually, HotD is more stable than MoM because Luna taking MoM makes her squishiness even worse, while HotD gives armor, HP regen and safe+reliable ancient stacking instead. However, if you can get MoM before 10th minute, it is a very useful item (much alike to Midas)
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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by KoDyAbAbA » May 19, 2014 10:36pm | Report
the thing is MoM is a risky item on luna. This is because she is so ******* squishy! in any team-fight, the disables go to the carry, and luna can die in this disabling part itself since she has a horrendous strength gain and cant do anything if she makes tank items.


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Zerosaviour » May 19, 2014 11:22pm | Report
I've always been able to find farm pretty well when I actually get to play heroes that can farm jungle pretty well. (Furion n Centaur mostly)

The two games I got to play as Luna; I literally was rolling in the cash. First game ended with me having BoT, Manta, Butterfly, MoM, BKB, and a free spot. ( Lost my first divine and the courier was carrying my spare. Lost divine cause the enemy Storm Spirit focus locked me while our Earthshaker did nothing but hit their ancient. Also bought back into the game.)

The second I had Treads, manta, Butterfly, MoM, BKB, and a tp scroll.

First game was almost an hour while second was 35 minutes. Second I got a ton of kills.


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Allegiance » May 20, 2014 1:00am | Report
If you get a ton of kills on carries, you can pretty much build whatever you want.
If you are not snowballing i would get HotD. It gives a component for one of the best late game items and also gives armor and damage, which is good for early fighhts.

With Luna you are most of time right in the fight, because of your low range, and because you want to hit as many targets as possible with Eclipse. MoM just leaves you very vulnerable in these situations.

On some ocassions i'd say it is a nice pickup though.


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by manic_e » May 20, 2014 7:39am | Report
I'm never efficient enough to do the creep stacking. But what's not been mentioned is the ability to pick up an alpha wolf to follow you around and give you it's crit aura. MoM is fine though if you need to push fast.


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Eightfold » May 20, 2014 7:43am | Report
manic_e wrote:

I'm never efficient enough to do the creep stacking. But what's not been mentioned is the ability to pick up an alpha wolf to follow you around and give you it's crit aura. MoM is fine though if you need to push fast.

The crit is the alpha wolf's ability, it's not an aura.
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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Sando » May 20, 2014 7:46am | Report
It gives the packleader's aura, +30% damage.

MoM is useful for occasional escapes, split pushes and farming speed - however it can backfire badly on a squishy hero like Luna. Basically you can't really risk using it in team fights. HOTD on the other hand is more reliable, bonus armour, builds into a better item, etc.
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