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Some of the most important changes from 6.80

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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by tomasla » January 29, 2014 12:34am | Report


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Xyrus » January 29, 2014 2:26am | Report
Personally, I don't really see the big deal about Void having Phase and 1000 MS when it's only within Chronosphere, Lion's Aghanim's Scepter Buff isn't going to be that useful either, since you need another Hero to clump potential victims up...or they just need to have really bad Positioning...


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by KoDyAbAbA » January 29, 2014 2:50am | Report
the biggest changes must be morphling's buff, invoker buff/nerf, earth spirit changes,drow knock back, Cm nerf, blink no mana, bottle share (YEAH that's right),ward share,beast master animal stack.

Brood Mother. R.I.P
Crystal Maiden:she always was dumb....
Faceless Void:maybe situational pick now?
Lion:"Magnus!ma brotha from anatha motha!(random ebonics)"
Meepo:loved,at last!
Ogre Magi:good buff/nerf.
Slardar and Skywrath Mage:both get some love!
Sniper:He will always be "meh".
Tinker:top pick now.
Windranger:huge buff.


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Mirror » January 29, 2014 7:38am | Report
The blink buff is insane. Ursa will be ridiculous now
My lone druid starting items are 12 Iron wood branches, 6 for the hero and 6 for the bear. Even if the bear does not get stats more twigs are OP on any hero.


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by tomasla » January 29, 2014 7:41am | Report
As well as Magnus


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Sando » January 29, 2014 8:00am | Report
Remember that a starting stat alteration is about the smallest possible balance change they can make to a hero (bar very minor ability tweaking like Necrophos). It really isn't going to make a big difference to how that hero performs overall, it can be a touch trickier or better during the early game, but that's it.

Crystal Maiden is suddenly going to be useless because of the intelligence drop, and Magnus isn't going to be suddenly OP due to 26 extra starting mana and 0.08 regen.

Sven gaining all that starting armour however....that's pretty major...

Yes, the Blink Dagger will be a change for low mana heroes, but hopefully the effect will be more blinks and fewer Shadow Blades...tbh it was core on both anyway, and I'd say Magnus probably still needs upgraded boots or a Drum before getting it or he'll struggle to sustain anyway. Think more than anything you'll just see more random blinking to get to places faster :)
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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Peppo_oPaccio » January 29, 2014 8:17am | Report
KoDyAbAbA wrote:

Tinker:top pick now.

I hope you're joking. :D

Anyway, the biggest buff was the Blink Dagger without a doubt: we'll start seeing Rubick players going plain Boots + Blink in no time. Invoker and Alchemist also received some nerfs you should keep in mind, and Broodmother is finally ready for captain's mode. To me, these are the most important changes along with Bottle sharing and Ward condivision (without considering Terrorblade and Phoenix and the new gamemode, of course).


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Sando » January 29, 2014 9:18am | Report
I like the idea of the Tinker scepter, can imagine it gives you more at both sieges and team fights...going for an early Point Booster after Boots of Travel sounds nice too!

However...stats are useful, but not that useful. Needs to be got early really as it's a nuke boost. That means delayed Scythe of Vyse...easily your most important mid-late game item. Probably going to be situational at best. And it's certainly not going to suddenly make him competitive against popular mids...which is kinda his biggest problem.
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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by GDI.Reaper » January 29, 2014 9:23am | Report , this is a great watch. I think people are overlooking the beastmaster buff , it is absolutely huge for both rosh scouting and pushes now that necromicon is nerf. The leshrac buff also makes his builds much more versatile and i can see him being a good pick again. What is weird most though is pugna surviving the nerfs unscathed. Slark and bristle also got little nerfs despite their popularity.

Overall i like this patch , especially the morphling buff and the blink dagger :D


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by tomasla » January 29, 2014 12:44pm | Report
Also imo a big nerf to Visage. Familiars are now properly magic immune .


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