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So Tera you're going for the early fighting Invo with the 4 second cooldown Invoke? Yeah I'm with you on that. I really think this 4 second cooldown with only lvl 12 + aghs is insanely strong. You don't need lvl 17 for aghs to pay off. You pick this hero to spam the hell out of Invoke after all, and you can do that as soon as level 12 :)
Force instead of blink? Why not, but won't you miss your Tornado? Blink into tornado is really the reason why you buy blink on invo IMO...especially since you put only 1 in Wex (I put 2). Another thing I don't like about force is quickcast. You need to put everything on quickcast to play invo honestly, and quickcast force is extremely impractical since you can't double tap it (and quickcast blink owns).
- good synergy with Forge Spirit/ Cold Snap because far better chase with spirits. Also with Alacrity since you can chase with right-clicks. But then blink does that as well, since you can blink on people and summon spirits in their face.
- Helps land Tornado on single targets. But blink does that better.
- Helps land EMP on single targets. That's not bad actually, since it allows you to keep Tornado for your meteor/blast. But then you need to actually skill wex.
- Helps land Ice Wall. OK this one is interesting, like you atos a guy, then turn 90° on the right and cast wall. If the guy can move freely you can't do this. Of course blink does that better but atos is stil pretty fun.
And atos gives great HP and mana. Sure the active isn't as good as blink but it gives awesome cost-efficient stats.
Only downside is, it does nothing to land Sun Strike and maybe it helps a bit land Chaos Meteor/ Deafening Blast but still nowhere close to what cyclone does - people are going to juke you.
Maybe atos is a quas/wex item after all. Like if you play QW against heroes without escape skills and orchid is just bad. Or an item for hybrid Q/W/E.
Still feels a bit too much like a right-clicky item to me. And Q/W is the right-clicky build, Q/E is all about skillshot nukes and pushing.
- Too much magic! It's confusing. Invoker please help me!
- Well I devised this extremely practical system for remembering spells that relies on 3 orbs and an invoke spell so that you have to press 5 buttons to cast every single spell and you need to do that all the time to chain your spells in 3-combos and 4-combos. This way you still need to use a total of 6 keys instead of just having 10 keys (one for each spell) which would require only 1 button press for each. Surely it's the optimal system for every magic user ever.
- Nevermind.
Thanks for the analisys hamster you are the best at it
did not see i was actualy saving de Quas-Wex build, as they need more right click then athos do the job with nice stats to do so
Sometimes i see invokers missing tornados, but what they really mess up is with EMP
Sure Blink does everything better but the point is you confirming your combo with Athos, i actually wanna use Athos as the new euls thing
Also are you sure you can land a properly sun strike with athos ?
I haven't actually tried Atos, so here goes my theorycrafting -
@YellulzQuiet if you are planning to use Atos instead of Euls for the combo, I believe you can try this out -
I= Invoker's position, E = enemy's position, X = sun strike
Just slow down E with your Atos, place a sun strike at X and then push him into it with Deafening Blast with a meteor on top.
Sun Strike has a radius of 175, with an impact delay of 1.75 seconds. If you take the move speed of your target to be ~360 on average, you'll reduce it to 144 with the 60% slow from Atos's active. This actually means that even if you Atos someone and then Sun strike right on top, you have a fair chance of hitting someone. Or as I suggested, use Deafening Blast or maybe even Cold Snap to hold them in place for a split-second longer.
Of course this all assumes your target has absolutely no mobility, so Atos probably isn't as good for setting up a Sun Strike as Euls, which makes me think its a better item in qw builds for almost guaranteeing that EMP hits. Even then, your target must not have a blink/force or any other mobility which makes me think that even on qw Tornado>EMP>Cold Snap is the best combo if you really want to kill things.
(Or you can be like me and rush Orchid on qw Invoker everytime :v)
Atos is an awesome item. If only it disabled blink...but lets not diverge here.
I= Invoker's position, E = enemy's position, X = sun strike
Just slow down E with your Atos, place a sun strike at X and then push him into it with Deafening Blast with a meteor on top.
That's how it should work imo. The thing is, euls was just a better item as compared to atos. That's why it was built.
SB looks completely like a troll item but actually on a Q/E build your Ghost Walk sucks so you can't use it, besides it uses a spell slot while shadowblyat doesn't. This way you can still use Ice Wall or Deafening Blast in case you get caught out becaue you still have a slot.
Pretty silly build but it comes online extremely fast, and I've seen DeMoN play this on stream and wrecking 6K games :)
I think Quas Wex is still the go to build, you just go one early level of Exort to get Alacrity for laning purposes. Like go 1-1-0-1 by 3, then into a standard QW by 10.
Like QE requires you to either be in a dedicated push strat, or to be in a really weird line-up where there's little to no team0fight on either side, and you kinda wanna snowball.
Yeah, you need to go Exort lvl 1 on Q-W invoker. I was misled by competitive players still going full QW but it's clearly the better build to go Alacrity in lane. 30 damage is 30 damage, especially on a build that's notoriously bad at last hitting. Cold Snap is horrible in lane now, no point in skilling it early. Laning with Alacrity and Tornado is IMO the best option, and you only invoke snap if you're going for a kill.
QW is definitely pretty good now that Invoker's laning stage got buffed. Still, QE is never bad, you can go QE in pretty much any game, while QW is more situational because it relies on EMP being game changing, so it's lineup-dependent. EMP is the only real argument QW has over QE : it's really good, but it needs to count.
You don't need Orchid Malevolence in every game, only if you want a silence. Q-W invo doesn't really need mana regen so if you just want right-click to gank you can probably just get a Moon Shard or something to proc Cold Snap.
Yeah, you need to go Exort lvl 1 on Q-W invoker. I was misled by competitive players still going full QW but it's clearly the better build to go Alacrity in lane. 30 damage is 30 damage, especially on a build that's notoriously bad at last hitting. Cold Snap is horrible in lane now, no point in skilling it early. Laning with Alacrity and Tornado is IMO the best option, and you only invoke snap if you're going for a kill.
QW is definitely pretty good now that Invoker's laning stage got buffed. Still, QE is never bad, you can go QE in pretty much any game, while QW is more situational because it relies on EMP being game changing, so it's lineup-dependent. EMP is the only real argument QW has over QE : it's really good, but it needs to count.
You don't need Orchid Malevolence in every game, only if you want a silence. Q-W invo doesn't really need mana regen so if you just want right-click to gank you can probably just get a Moon Shard or something to proc Cold Snap.
How can tornado help my lane ?
what is your skill build on quas wex invoker ? how do i gank with this buiild ?
You just buy blink aghamihn Octarine and refresher every game ?
How do i farm with this buiid ?
Do i have to passive lane or be moar agressive ?
Not dying, since it's Invoker's "real" escape mechanism. If you get ganked mid, it's the best way to survive if your opponents aren't scrubs and have dust when they're ganking an invoker :)
Also, killing, since it's the best way to get in position to use Cold Snap that you invoke later.
3-4 in quas for tornado duration mainly so you can land EMP. Max wex ASAP because you need it for EMP to be good (and to go fast like a bugatti). No point in maxing Invoke because you don't use many spells, get wex points instead.
You're pretty much playing Clinkz. You roam the map with Ghost Walk and right-click people down with Cold Snap. That's really all there is to it :)
And you have Tornado/ EMP to initiate on several heroes or if you get caught out to make your escape or turn around. Ice Wall and Deafening Blast are also pretty good.
Also don't be afraid to buy raw damage items because right-clicks is the only way Q-W invoker deals damage since he doesn't have Chaos Meteor to do that.
You just buy blink aghamihn Octarine and refresher every game ?
Definitely not. First off, that's a quas-exort build, because QE is the spell-spammy invoker and QW is more of a right-click invoker with low damage initiation skills. Second, aghs/refresher is only good if there's a lot of teamfights going on, because you can't have to blow a refresher cooldown just to get solo kills.
Octarine on Invoker...I'm honestly not a fan. It's kind of low impact over buying a sheep, a BKB or something. All his cooldowns are in the 30-60 second range so the cooldown reduction changes very little about them since in both cases you have one in every fight.
Mainly passive. You don't have much of a can harass with EMP and Cold Snap but at the end of the day you can't solo kill in lane unless the enemy is diving you. Simply focus on getting your levels and your first item.
Recently used in the Major (by OG I think) full qw build with urn into euls to set up emp. Why does this work so well?
This build allows you to play full ganking style. Walk around with ghostwalk emp, setup by euls, kill by emp + snap + urn. This requires only 1 invoke allowing you to spend more points in wex to max the damage.
It can be countered by sticking as 5, but in that situation your team has the opportunity to heavily outfarm the enemy team. Even if a teamfight breaks out you have 1 invoke to a tornado emp combo plus being able to disrupt with euls and disabling blinkdagger with urn. If your team is coordinated the missing mana on the enemy team will win the fight in most cases.
After euls the build was orchid, aghs, blink I believe.
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