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UltraSuperHyper's Blog
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April 11, 2016

Ultra needs your help

Views: 2655 UltraSuperHyper
+Rep Report
Assignment  |  Help
Hello fellow dotaforeans! How are you all? You must be thinking why is ultra making a blog post? Or you might have guessed why after reading the title. At any rate, I need your help people of dotafire.
I have to submit a small assignment for a course of mine. For that, I need some data. Since dotafire has so many diverse people I thought I'd post it here too. At any rate, it's just a small questionare. Please take some time out of your busy schedule to fill this up!

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October 28, 2014

Blink OR Force?

Views: 2861 UltraSuperHyper
+Rep Report
So recently I was messing around with a few heroes who have no sort of escape mechanism (some or the other kind of invisibility or blink) when I found that buying a simple blink dagger (or even a force staff) reduced my deaths considerably. So, this got me thinking;
Should Blink Dagger/ Force Staff be considered as a core on any and every hero?

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