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DOTAFire Inhouse 29th & 30th August

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Forum » Inhouses » DOTAFire Inhouse 29th & 30th August 93 posts - page 6 of 10
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by UltraSuperHyper » August 28, 2015 4:12pm | Report
But yeah, let's not ban techies. He fruatrtaes a lot of people here. It'll be fun :P


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Nubtrain » August 28, 2015 4:13pm | Report
Why ban techies?


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by KoDyAbAbA » August 28, 2015 4:17pm | Report
I am a beacon of ****posting blazing on my black couch of decadence!

Edit: I would love to join, but internet problems :/


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Unscathed » August 28, 2015 4:18pm | Report
TheSofa wrote:

Yes, with fish swimming all around you. And sharks. And techies.

He's playing Kunkka again then Kappa ?

inb4 lock because thread turned to ****post thread
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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by SuperKamiGuru2.0 » August 28, 2015 4:18pm | Report
Unconfirmed, both days.


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Hades4u » August 28, 2015 4:57pm | Report
Since we're discussing Techies, any thoughts on this?
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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by F.E.A.R.0 » August 28, 2015 5:06pm | Report
Hades4u wrote:

Since we're discussing Techies, any thoughts on this?

Saw that on Reddit yesterday. That guy/girl or thing needs to be banned. I hope Valve has plans on improving their VAC.
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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Hamstertamer » August 28, 2015 5:35pm | Report
Hades4u wrote:

Since we're discussing Techies, any thoughts on this?

Far from being the worst or the most unfair scripting I've ever seen.

For me, the instant Blink Dagger escape scripts, the instant Hex/stun/silence scripts on any hero who jumps in (you know, the thing that bots do with their ultra-cheated 0 reaction time to instantly disable initiators), the scripts that show enemy player information, enemy wards, enemy positions...the scripts to aoto-aim skillshots, etc... that's stuff is what shocks me. Not some lame kids that are abusing Techies...this is more pathetic than unfair really.

Not to say that these people shouldn't have their accounts deleted and get IP banned from dota. They should. But no matter how much you script Techies, I'm not even sure you get a useful hero in the end. All I saw here is a cheat that limits the number of mines used to kill a hero (big deal), and a Force Staff hack, something a real player can do easily in the first place. I don't think you can even get a positive Techies winrate or even raise from 1K to 1.5K MMR by killing scrubs with that stuff :)
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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by caine1232 » August 28, 2015 6:17pm | Report
Hamstertamer wrote:

But no matter how much you script Techies, I'm not even sure you get a useful hero in the end.

Not sure why people still say techies aren't a useful hero. They basiclly won TI for EG.
All of the chinese teams were so afraid of techies and they banned them first phase giving room for a free really good pick(gyro in finals). If they didn't let gyro through 3-4 times, IMO CDEC had a much higher chance of winning.


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Hamstertamer » August 28, 2015 6:47pm | Report
caine1232 wrote:

Not sure why people still say techies aren't a useful hero.

Because he's only viable in a team that :
1) revolves around the pick
2) is heavy pushing oriented in the first 25 minutes of the game, since the main point of mines is to push towers early to get map control
3) Has one or several setups for suicide squad, attack! like Tusk or Tiny to grab a ton of early kills, because suicide is the only reason Techies has ever been picked in competitive from the dota 1 times several years ago to TI5
4) falls off ultra-hard past 30 minutes because Remote Mines is his only skill that scales beyond this timer and this skill is incredibly easy to counter not only with gem but also with necro 3, an item that's more or less core on every pusher in the first place (so as far as competitive play goes, the hero doesn't really have an ultimate)

A competitive draft has all that stuff figured out and taken care of.

But pub players just pick Techies in solo queue because "explosions are fun" without any kind of setup, without any kind of late game in their team (making turtling for 40 minutes completely pointless), without any consideration that Techies is an early pusher/setup ganker and not an AFK miner like every Techies does up to 8K freaking MMR.
And of course the guy picks Techies towards first and gets counterpicked ultra hard.

Pub players don't understand that Techies is an extremely situational hero for extremely situational lineups and is completely garbage in any other situation. This very detailed explanation explains why Techies is literally the worst hero you'd like to have in your team in a ranked game and is the biggest pub loser ever bar none. I'd rather play with a first pick solo queue Wisp than that.

I mean, have you ever seen a Techies picker's profile? 3 straight up pages of Techies every freaking game. Regardless of lineup. Regardless of team picks. Regardless of enemy picks. Literally a terrible pick that ruined 80% of these games.

And please for the love of God can you make a quotation that isn't a syntax error that renders to a blank? It's not that hard :

- you can't put a quote /quote bracket inside another quote /quote bracket. It just doesn't work. Something like
will be treated as an error
- You need to actually edit what you quote not just press the quote button and expect it to work on its own
- you need to actually have a "quote" for each "/quote" and not have stray ones, otherwise you probably get blanks
Strategy guide : Anti-pubstomper guide.
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