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What about vlads+dominator on Lifestealer ? or wraith king ?
Btw,why some people likes to stack maelstorms on sniper ? Whats the point ? Does the lighting stacks with each maelstorm?
As far as I know they do, however you shouldn't take my word on that since it's only what I've heard. I have theory crafted doing that on ember, but I've never tried it.
Oh man, I missed the most basic items, Bracers, Nulls, and Wraiths. Silly me.
Good with Bracer stacks: Chaos Knight, Bristleback, Crystal Maiden, Sven
Good with Null Stacks: Nature's Prophet, Silencer, Puck, Lina
Good with Wraith Stacks: Terrorblade, Drow Ranger, Morphling
Absolutely, although it is rarely a support, but another core that picked up Guardian Greaves that would benefit from travels like Earth Spirit, Enigma, or Dark Seer. In fact, a while back, I was raising my MMR with Necro with "triple boot doto", going for phase to increase his mobility, mek into greaves to provide awesome aura and a dispel, and travels when the game got late enough that I needed to be in fights. Eventually the phase would be dropped for other items.
No one has mentioned this? Speaking of, where did that hamster go? How will we know if we're dotaing like proper 7K (reddit) tryhards?
Oh yeah. I dunno, I see that build I and think that it should be manta with 4 skadis, due to break and all, and Satanic does very little if you built no damage items.
And yeah, forum feels different without Hamster to suggest his interesting insights, his hatred towards mobility heroes + items, and him telling you that your idea is terrible. Still, I enjoy having him around, I hope he returns.
What about vlads+dominator on Lifestealer ? or wraith king ?
Btw,why some people likes to stack maelstorms on sniper ? Whats the point ? Does the lighting stacks with each maelstorm?
Vlads Dominator is not quite item stacking, but the principle is there. Lifestealer, a Satanic is completely viable, especially if their team is not that kite-y. Vlads is usually a bit redundant, you'd prefer it on someone else because LS is tight on item slots. As for WK, generally, stacking lifesteal on him is much worse due to his low damage output, often aiming for armor (AC), attack speed (Mjollnir), or direct damage items (Harmlet) over it.
As for Multi Maelstrom melee, its a diminishing stack, meaning that each can proc, but if they proc together, only one activates, which means you subtract an amount for that. It comes out to about 43.75% with 2 maelstroms, which can be helpful if you need to bust out more AOE damage whether for Lancers or Supercreeps, but you never get more than 2 because it loses so much efficiency.
I thinknhe hinted that he will come back after ti5. Thats was his last blog post.
Hope he comes before the next patch comes out gawking and squawking how hes the master of the game.
I think that stacking Butterfly's is legit on some agi carries, like Luna or Drow Ranger - They are both heroes that benefit from raw stats more than flat damage items; Drow because she gives the agility to everyone, and Luna because she builds Manta and her illusions actually deal a lot of damage.
Stacking Heart's can be legit on a lot of heroes if you actually just want raw tank. It's rare, because a lot of the time Heart + Satanic is better, but still.
Stacking eyes of skadi on spectre isn't that good. Yes, you will be immortal probably, but your damage won't be good.
Enemy team will just kill everyone else on your team and then push. You won't be able to do much.
Skadi Stacking works on any of the illusion carries because skadi is the only item that gives both damage with the 25 agi and survivability with the 725 hp. Spectre and naga are the two hetoes on which I wouldn't hesitate to buy 2 or more skadis.
Spectre isn't a right-click hero. She is more like a pure damage nuker, since her damage is almost exclusively desolate and dispersion. If you build right-click items on her like bfly, mkb or crit, you will get outcarried easily since she has no steroid for physical damage. What makes her such a hard carry is dispersion, probably the best scaling skill in the game. And the best build to take advantage of dispersion is satanic plus 2-3 skadis.
And yes, satanic lifesteals so much that you almost get back to full with the active even with a full stats build.
Butterfly stacking, well technically it's the best dps build on cleaving carries like dusa and luna, however bfly + mkb is still better since you pretty much need mkb on every carry in this patch of solar crests and bflys in every game.
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