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2 Votes

Wet midlane

March 29, 2013 by dennyphantom2
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thippo (10) | March 30, 2013 2:40pm

I dont see how this is a troll build, like everything but the skill build is legit, i have no idea about what your on about

So rushing a Linken's Sphere before anything else, starting with the Ultimate Orb is a legit build? Before boots or anything? He also says Adaptive Strike is awful, but it's also the only spell that he seems to like based on the skill build.

Coupled with the fact that the author's account is one day old and the ":))" in the name of the build (a common mockery of emoticons, like XxdDD or some other stupid "typo"), I can verify that this is a troll. A well executed one, but a bad one sheerly because of the amount of effort and the audience that will see it. Kudos on the subtlety, though.
Peppo_oPaccio (70) | March 30, 2013 9:24am
I don't agree with this build: after the Morph Agility Gain rework that added stats while putting points in it, getting early stats is something useless in my opinion; I usually max-out Waveform and Morph Agility Gain until level 8, then put a point in Adaptive Strike and two in Replicate.

Why is Morph Agility Gain so useful? Because it's your most reliable escape mechanism: by converting 2 AGI points per second into STR you're able to survive to a lot of damage if you can activate it before a chainstun or a big disable ( Black Hole and Chronosphere maybe?): preferring plain stats or even Adaptive Strike makes your late game a lot more reliant to fail chainstuns and initiations and can make you lose/die in many fights.

About the items, that's the cookie-cutter chinese farming build popular even on Heroes like Naga Siren or Weaver: however, as it takes ~25 minutes to farm a Linken's Sphere and be ative in teamfights, nowadays you might want to get items focused on both mid-game presence and late-game dominance as it takes less than half an hour to destroy a barrack in the current metagame. That's why I prefer the Power Treads + Drum of Endurance + Yasha build; if you feel you lack something there are some items like Ring of Aquila and Magic Wand that can suffice your needs anyway.

Also, I would never play Morphling in mid game to farm a Linken's: it takes a lot of time and you will get ganked a lot of times if you're playing against a good mid laner or a coordinated team. Plus, you take the place of the ganker so your team will have a passive mid game.
Sexyperson99 | March 30, 2013 7:22am

I dont see how this is a troll build, like everything but the skill build is legit, i have no idea about what your on about

He's talking about the fact that you have Waveform not leveled up for a long time because of the fact that it does 300 damage and is a decent escape. I also believe due to the Morph Agility Gain not being leveled for a long time.

Now into the skill build. I actually agree with the Morph Agility Gain because it really only gives you a better shift rate and a +2 agility points/strength points per level. The shift rate won't really be annoying, but the amount of agility/strength points you gain stays at 2 points per shift. The only thing I really disagree on is the Waveform point placement. I personally believe the damage factor(going up to 325) is incredibly important rather than a simple 100. But, the radius and range do still say the same so I see what you're saying.

Overall I agree with most of the build (item wise) and most of the Skill point placements. I believe it is a very different way of building Morphling and I am very interested in trying it out! I will be sure to post match results later!
CountryClubAntics (2) | March 29, 2013 10:16pm
I dont see how this is a troll build, like everything but the skill build is legit, i have no idea about what your on about
thippo (10) | March 29, 2013 7:56pm
I have to commend you, I had to think a while about it to decide if you were a troll or not, but you put a bizarre amount of effort into a troll build that no one would use.

Trolling subtly. I like it.
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