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2 Votes

Wet midlane

March 29, 2013 by dennyphantom2
Comments: 5    |    Views: 9969    |   

My build :))

DotA2 Hero: Morphling

Hero Skills

Accumulation (Innate)



Adaptive Strike (Agility)

7 10 13 14

Adaptive Strike (Strength)

7 10 13 14

Attribute Shift (Agility)


Attribute Shift (Strength)



6 11 16


3 4 5 8 9 12 15 17 18

Wet midlane

March 29, 2013

About Morphling

Morphling-one of the greatest carry in late,he must farm very much in every stage of game.His q (Waveform)-escape ability,which also deals damage 100 / 175 / 250 / 325.
w (Adaptive strike)-the most important ability to morphling in late which damaging(20 / 40 / 60 / 80)+(0.5 / 1 / 1.5 / 2 agility of Morphling) and this ability also can stun but PLZ DONT USE IT,IT SUCKS.
e (Agility/Strength gain)-Morphling turns his Agility/Strength to Strength/Agility and lose mana while turning.
r (Replicate)-First Cast: Makes an illusion of ally/enemy character
Second Cast: Morphling will swap with illusion.

I very like Morphling and i think my guide is the greatest ^^


We are going to mid => we must farm very much.Morphling one of the most lategame characters so
dont lose early the most important targets.Morphling have low range so try do not pick him against characters with big range like SF or Viper.But if u took him against cahracters with big range i recommend to take 6 or 9 tango and stay under tower.When you take 3rd lvl start transfer Strength to Agility,it gives u more ad to last him.If you get ganked u can easily escape with your q (Waveform) and please DONT WASTE YOURS Q,its the greatest escape ability.
And dont gank other lanes until you dont take 9-11 lvl cause morphling sucks in early.


So we get to midgame.Now our target to get some kills on ganks cause morphling have perfect ultimate to ganks with blink him to target,try to convince your mates take characters with control(stun,slow).But dont gank to much cause you lose your farm,morphling need farm very much.In teamfight just harass their dd and escape with q.


In Late Morphling gains viery much Agility and deal TONS OF DAMAGE to the EVERY ENEMY CHAMPION.So how he deal TONS OF DAMAGE?Ill answer you.His w deals 80+2*Agility of Morphling and Ethereal blade deals 75+2*Agility of Morphling so he deals 155+4*Agility of Morphling.(Morph must have 300 agility in late so 155+300*4=1355 DMG with CD 30 sec (full procast)) and when he have Manta Style he make illusions which deals very much dmg.MOrphling also can heal him with his e when he turn agility in Strength so use it.So thats all.Sorry for my English :)

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