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Weaver: A Thread Rewoven

March 10, 2014 by papa_akar
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MoonHead | April 25, 2014 9:34pm
papa_akar wrote:

Normally I would agree with you on other squishy Heroes but since Weaver can escape so easily that he doesn't really need health to survive. The other reason for phase is that weaver is meant to right click. So the extra 24 damage is a great boost.

Sometimes that additional HP is what you need to survive. Over-reliance on Shukuchi is not an option if opponents have many disables, nukes or detection.

Well, it does not necessary means "Late radiance is a waste of gold". I seen players getting it even after getting 1-2 cores, probably due to the opponent's line up. They have blink initiators etc, and radiance burn helps a lot. (One great example is Naga Siren, well, you know what I meant).
ShoutyShout13 (2) | March 14, 2014 6:15am
papa_akar wrote:

About the recipe is so that you can finish the whole thing in the side shop. Then you don't have to use the courier.

I disagree. Because Weaver is a carry, he needs as much farm as possible. Slippers of Agility will provide more last-hitting power, making quick work for the Wrath Band. Weaver may escape easily but Dust, wards and Sentries can kill him very easily, as well as anyone who can silence. I'd prefer Power Threads to fix the problems. Another note: It allows him to attack much faster, so having right-clicking power would mean he needs BOTH to be successful.
papa_akar (1) | March 11, 2014 9:28pm
dynasty987 wrote:

Late radiance is a waste of gold.

What do you mean by "late" core in not "late" by any means.
dynasty987 (6) | March 10, 2014 10:29pm
Late radiance is a waste of gold.
papa_akar (1) | March 10, 2014 2:49pm
MoonHead wrote:

I would prefer Power Treads to phase, cause of the raw hp it provides.

Normally I would agree with you on other squishy Heroes but since Weaver can escape so easily that he doesn't really need health to survive. The other reason for phase is that weaver is meant to right click. So the extra 24 damage is a great boost.
MoonHead | March 10, 2014 4:36am
I would prefer Power Treads to phase, cause of the raw hp it provides.
papa_akar (1) | March 10, 2014 3:21am
F.E.A.R.0 wrote:

I would recommend getting both Shukuchi and Geminate Attack at the same time so you have them both leveled up in level 9. Really you don't need Wraith Band recipe first. Though my core is Power Treads, Wraith Band and Radiance. Add Power Treads on the build and Manta Style. Manta Style can be good on Weaver. I think that Medallion of Courage and Ring of Aquila can be added in this build. Try to make the guide prettier. BBCode:

[icon=Bloodseeker size=50]

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About the recipe is so that you can finish the whole thing in the side shop. Then you don't have to use the courier.
papa_akar (1) | March 9, 2014 10:05pm
Yasutsuna wrote:

I'd like to say that getting a set of Tango on Weaver is not enough, especially in ranked plays. Weaver is squishy (uber squishy) early on and you will need quite a fair amount of heal, especially if you're attempting First Blood. Would suggest delaying the recipe and getting an extra set of Tango or Healing Salve.

Also, I gotta ask, why the recipe? Getting a Slippers of Agility would be better since it allows easier last hits.

Also, if you're attempting to get First Blood, I would suggest a level of The Swarm as it allows you tower-diving since a bug(?) requires about 8 hits to be killed.

Whoops, forgot about the tango. I'll add that. About the recipe is so that you can finish the whole thing in the side shop. Then you don't have to use the courier.
F.E.A.R.0 (38) | March 9, 2014 3:06am
I would recommend getting both Shukuchi and Geminate Attack at the same time so you have them both leveled up in level 9. Really you don't need Wraith Band recipe first. Though my core is Power Treads, Wraith Band and Radiance. Add Power Treads on the build and Manta Style. Manta Style can be good on Weaver. I think that Medallion of Courage and Ring of Aquila can be added in this build. Try to make the guide prettier. BBCode:

[icon=Bloodseeker size=50]

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Yasutsuna (51) | March 8, 2014 10:20pm
I'd like to say that getting a set of Tango on Weaver is not enough, especially in ranked plays. Weaver is squishy (uber squishy) early on and you will need quite a fair amount of heal, especially if you're attempting First Blood. Would suggest delaying the recipe and getting an extra set of Tango or Healing Salve.

Also, I gotta ask, why the recipe? Getting a Slippers of Agility would be better since it allows easier last hits.

Also, if you're attempting to get First Blood, I would suggest a level of The Swarm as it allows you tower-diving since a bug(?) requires about 8 hits to be killed.
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