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46 Votes

This is Getting Absurd.

August 11, 2013 by bathristo
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dynasty987 (6) | August 22, 2013 4:02am
Probably add magnus/dark seer/enigma to friends. Sven is best with an aoe disabler who put people in 1 place for you to cleave down.
Lixed | May 31, 2013 11:29am
1. U can dodge storm hammer. Its easy because its a slow projectile. Timing is the key!
2. Halberd is very useful against agi carries, which outclasses u. Void.
3. No bkb on sven is like noob mode on.
4. If u never died with mom u must be awesome pro or play very low skilled games, when u dont even buy bkb every time.
5. If u get armlet after hot ur just wasting money cause it doesnt scale well late game. Though its an awesome early mid game item if ur used to toggling.

At least a good beginner guide, which explains some basics. Cant recommend it for mid to high skilled playera because its missing indepth details.

bathristo | April 28, 2013 2:44am
Thanks for the feedback ! To be honest I have never died because of Mask of Madness it just depends how u use it and yes u turn into a glass cannon but I have already said it in the "Con's" section "Very Risky Hero" :)
Purgation | April 27, 2013 3:03pm

The only things I ultimately do differently is that I skip MoM in favour of Armlet while also prioritising BKB immediately after treads and then going for Armlet.

I'm not a fan of MoM as it turns you into too much of a glass cannon for my liking. Even with a BKB there are enough abilities in the game that go through them that it becomes easy to pick him off when MoM is activated, at least more so than an active Armlet.
bathristo | March 5, 2013 9:12pm
I don't like it because its not some kind of game breaking item like Daedalus,the stats it gives are okay but I don't like the slow + disarm I would build everyday a Monkey King Bar Abyssal Blade in its place.
samukobo (28) | March 5, 2013 5:56pm
A bit surprised that Halberd hasn't been mentioned yet. It can't find it in the guide at all. Did you forget about it or do you have a specific reason?
Peppo_oPaccio (70) | February 18, 2013 1:23pm
I see many players who are confused about Sven's playing style and items he should get, so I'll try to give a little explanation for his competitive role(s):

Hard carry: some months ago, this was one of the most used carries in competitive matches (because now pro teams pick carries with powerful teamfight ultimates such as Luna or Gyrocopter and don't rely much on physical damage): I remember that the default core build was Power Treads, Armlet of Mordiggian, Mask of Madness and Black King Bar, but that requires a lot of farm which doesn't fit in the current meta, hence why he's not picked anymore. In your guide you skip the Armlet, which in my opinion is an awesome item, but it's still and ok build I guess.
The late-game items for this build are, in my opinion, mainly Assault Cuirass and Heart of Tarrasque: Daedalus works too, but it's not even comparable to these if you want to maximize the physical damage output.

Support: sometimes I've seen Sven played as a support, usually taking the "hard" support role: Boots of Speed + Drum of Endurance is the way to go, maybe even Arcane Boots if you find some spare money when buying Observer Wards and Sentry Wards. Oh, Urn of Shadows works on him, too.
In this case Sven usually transitions into late-game with both Black King Bar and Heart of Tarrasque if someone can take his warding role after some time.

Hybrid carry-initiator: it's almost never used in competitive matches, but it kind of works: you usually go for Arcane Boots/ Power Treads, Black King Bar and then straight Blink Dagger, useful for both initiating and dealing damage after an AoE initiation ( Reverse Polarity, Black Hole, Kinetic Field and so on, even Sven's own Storm Hammer!).
You want to take either a Crystalys or a Heart of Tarrasque after your "core" items, as you will always be attacking. Also, this build is usually ran in mid lane/aggressive trilane.

This might help the author of this guide too, I think: it's a nice guide, but there are a lot of things that are not explained.
Also, a little trivia: Sven can work with the Tranquil Boots + Soul Ring combo, it's pretty fun in pub games. :D
El Capitano (1) | February 16, 2013 1:10am
Nice colourful guide but dont agree with a few of the items,not having a drum on sven early is very strange, mom on sven is a waste id just got with vlads if any at all , not getting cleave maxed out as soon as possible seems very strange warcry would be the thing i would max last after stats, sven is very item heavy so you need cleave for farming also getting your battle fury will help in early to mid team fights.
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