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6 Votes

The Manly Terminator/Vampire/Knight/King

November 11, 2014 by Devildust21
Comments: 12    |    Views: 19460    |   

Hero Build

DotA2 Hero: Wraith King

Hero Skills

Vampiric Spirit (Innate)

Wraithfire Blast

1 3 15 17

Mortal Strike

5 7 9 12


6 11 16


2 4 18


There is no manlier, tougher, or more badass hero than the Wraith King. Ostorion has been through CENTURIES OF LIVING IN HELL then PUT BACK ON EARTH. Basically, HELL HAS COME TO EARTH. Run while there's still land, this chunk of pure awesomeness is OUT to KILL you. The mere presence of Wraith King causes his fellow creeps(and himself) to STEAL THE VERY ESSENCE OF YOUR SOUL. He can also COME BACK FROM THE DEAD(faster than Jesus).

Let us begin this guide to THE manliest hero in Dota, Wraith King.

Btw, this is my first guide

Pros / Cons

TECHNICALLY FREE AEGIS(although with manacost)
Painful low cooldown stun
Doesn't need a lot of items to rape

Mana problems
Low Damage in early levels
Low armour


Wraith Fire Blast
Just to let you know, this low cooldown stun sets ******* on fire and stunning them at the same time. The low cooldown allows you to abuse it during teamfights, which means all your enemies are *******(on fire). Do however, check your mana. You might have no mana for Reincarnation.

Vampiric Aura
Vampiric Aura
Just the mere presence of King Ostarion turns people into blood thirsty vampire Technically it is a vladmir's offering but only more twice as more lifesteal . Vladmir give 16% while the aura gives 30%. This skill is one of the skill that make Wraith King shines as a carry as you can go whatever orb effect you want as it is an aura and you can go full damage items as you don't need to waste a space for lifesteal. Oh,this can stack with other lifesteal too.

Mortal Strike
If PA can have crits, why can't Ostarion have crits too? A free deadulus only better.It is another skill that make Ostarion shines as a carry and the best thing about this skill is that it synergize very well with the vampiric aura. Just think about it for a second, you crit the enemy for 1000 and you get 30% lifesteal from it. YOU WON'T ****ING DIE with this.

THIS ****ING SKILL IS WHAT TURN WRAITH KING INTO THE UNSTOPPABLE TERMINATOR ARNOLD SCHWARZENEGGER. This a free aegis that have a mana cost and at max lvl, every 60 seconds you will reincarnate as long as you have mana. This skill will make players cower in fear as they watch you come back to life to rape them. They want to run? Nope, this skill has a very overwhelming slow that slow people in an AOE when he reincarnate so basically, you can't run from OSTARION.

Early game items

Why stout shield? This item is generally good on all melee heroes as you can block damage of creeps and harassment from heroes. Ostarion have low armour in early levels so stout shield is good on him

Quelling blade is good on Ostarion as your damage is low in the early game and quelling blade will give you easier lasthits as every lasthits you get, the closer you get your items.

Although Ostarion is a king, he will still need to eat trees as it provide nutrition and lane sustainability.So,tango.

Helm of Iron Will is good on Ostarion as he can benefit from the armour and hp regen, both which are very useful for Ostarion.You can use it to build into a Armlet later.

Magic wand is a good item that provide good stat, give mana and awesome agains't spammers like Bristle Back, Zeus,tidehunter and Batrider.

Core Items

It is call POWER treads so it is for POWERFUL hero like Ostarion. It is good as it give you strength and attack speed. If you tread switch, you can save a lot of Mana with it and sometimes clutch tread switch into inteligent for reincarnation right before you die is always satisfying.

ARMLET IS AN AWESOME ITEM ON WRAITH KING. This item is made for Wraith King, the stats,the armour,the attack speed,everything on it is good for wraith king. Just Armlet can allow you to kill *******.

Skull Basher is good item, provide you with damage and the stun is extremely useful as 2 stuns are always better then one. You have high attack speed with Armlet and the bashes will increase your chance of killing more people. You can upgrade it to Abyssal Blade which is damn good on Wraith King.

Desolator is good as it provide damage and armour reduction. This item allows you to kill people without armour easily like a hot knife through butter.

Assault Cuirass is awesome on Wraith King as it provides armour which he needs, armour reduction that stacks with desolator, and attack speed which gives you more chance to proct bashes and crits.

Situational items

Hand of Midas is a situational item on Wraith King and you only buy it when you have a good early game and if you are confident that your team can stall for you to the late stages of the game where you shine the brightest.

Abyssal Blade is good as it provide Ostarion with another reliable stun and a lot of damage for higher crits.However it is situational as it will cost mana to cast it and sometimes you will find yourself in a position where you may need mana for reincarnation but you doesn't have it because you used it for Abyssal Blade.

Black King Bar is a situational item on Wraith King because sometimes you will find yourself fighting a team of right clickers and buying a BKB will be a waste of a slot.

Monkey King Bar should only be purchased when there are potential butterfly carriers and heroes with build in evasion like Phantom Assassin and BrewMaster

Heaven's Halberd is the strength version of butterfly that grants you evasion and disarm.It is good when you want evasion and disarming heroes like Sven and Phantom Assassin as they hit damn hard.

Soul Ring should be built if you want to spam wraith fire blast or when you are playing as a support.It is good agains't hero like Antimage and diffusal carriers so that it ensure you to have mana to activate reincarnation

Blink dagger is for Intitor Wraith King or support Wraith King as it ensure you to have a 100% chance to stun enemies to set up kills

Mjollnir is an item to get if you want extreme attack speed but I prefer AC as it provide armour.However it is a good item so you can get.

Satanic is good as vampiric Aura stacks with Lifesteal and if you have enough damage items, you won't die with critical lifesteal and Satanic.

Heart is good on Wraith King if you don't want to go glass cannon build which is all damage. Heart provide survivability and it is an item to get if you are up agains't Sven and Phantom Assassin as going glass cannon build against them ensure you 100% death.

Refresher orb is good as you make the enemies cry as they tiredly took you down once, reincarnated took you down again and suddenly before you die, green light surrounds you and you reincarnate again.However it will take a lot of mana to do so and may not be reliable.

Divine rapier, the double edged sword.It provide you with 300 dmg which will boost your critical and critical lifesteal by a lot but if you drop it,you lose the game. It is viable as Wraith King is a born Rapier Carrier because of its 2 life and if you combine it with refresher and aegis, the enemies will just give up.

Items NOT to get on Wraith King

It provide you with strength and intelligence and you can burst people down. BUT YOU FOOLS, WRAITH KING IS A MANLY GUY,HE DON"T BURST PEOPLE WITH LAZER WAND, HE SLICED THEM UP.This item is expensive and with the full upgrade,you can buy more items which are useful.It doesn't scale well too.

Phantom assassin crits you for 1500, well done.You blocked 20, she dealt 1480 dmg.

LOL,when did wraith King became a Agi Hero.

You want to become pugna or something?

Don't Disgrace Wraith King, he don't run, he fight to the last

Diffusal blade: Wannabe AntiMage?

Comrades?, subjects?,your knights? (friends)

Subjects that serve Wraith King are aplenty.He is good with almost every hero.

Mana Givers
Crystal Maiden and Keeper of the Light are good with Wraith King as they provide a lot of Mana for him ensuring he is able to activate Reincarnation

Any heroes with Stuns are good with Wraith King, just be careful not to stack stuns.

Slowers are also good with Wraith King as he already have stun and slowing them is more then enough

Heroes that have burst like Lina or Lion is good with Wraith King as it secure the kill almost 100%.

Food Wraith King Feeds on

Many heroes are weak against Wraith King, but here are some commonly pick heroes that Wraith King can eat for Breakfast.

Doom Bringer
Oh, so the king of hell is scary, NO he isn't. He DOOMs you, so what? Reincarnation is still there you still can beat his ***. Scorched earth, how cute, you want to burn the manly king? LvL death, still reincarnation and you can't do ****. Pick Wraith King and shove your sword up his ***. Show him who's the king around here.

Commit Suicide at you? No problem, reincarnation is here *****! Mines? How fun,still reincarnation, remote mines? He stack about 10-20 mines to kill you and only find despair as your body which is supposedly in pieces come together and you came back from the explosion without a scratch, laughing as you see his face in despair.Oh yeah, reincarnation has a cooldown of 60 seconds, every minute you can go clear mines without fear of being dead.

WOW,attack speed, arrows with physical damage, so scary but what if I tell you, you just need 1 hit crit and he will break like tofu.

Omg,he is gonna suck the life of me. Scepter give him zero cooldown i am so scared.Nope, just like Clinks, 1 hit crit and he will melt like butter in a furnace.

Every support hero
Technically,every support hero will die from Wraith king except for the supports mentioned below. Wraith King is strong and only a few can match against him.


Even Wraith King have enemies he fear.


This ****ing Knight which is tanky and painful defies Wraith King and when both of you fight,it comes down who is more farmed. He has 10-12 second cooldown stun that deals 325 dmg while you have a 8 second cooldown stun that deals 300 dmg. He can turn into a god that deals insane amount of damage while you have 2 lives. He have bonus armour,attack speed and cleave while you have Critical Lifesteal.In a right click war, the winner will be decided whoever is fatter.

Naix Lifestealer

The famous Anti Tanker/Anti Carry will beat the living **** out of you. Just like Sven,it comes down to who is fatter although Naix will have a higher chance of winning.

Although this ugly shemale ****er don't deal damage to you, he can chain stun you and suck your mana dry and you can't reincarnate. Killing this ****er is your top priority.

Keeper of the Light
****ing Gandalf Wannabe,he can just mana leak you and force staff you and you are practically dry from mana.

This fish minus armour kills you almost immediately, without armour wraith king is as good as naked.

Anti Mage
This coward of a hero kills Wraith King as he burns all of your mana and always blink away and you can't kill him.Unless you got silence and lock down you can't win him.

Faceless Void
This is just like the ****ing Anti mage, a ****ing coward, a faceless piece of **** that stops time and hit you instead of man fighting you.If he gets diffusal,you are dead.

Naga Siren
She may not look like a wraith king killer but she is, if she get diffusal, her illusion that is damn tanky will eat your mana for breakfast and you can't do ****.

Phantom Lancer
Another coward, uses illusions with diffusal to eat all your mana and you can never find the real one.With 6.82, this ****** is buffed so much that the illusion chance to proct is damn high now.

Although he can't win you in late game right click he is damn strong. In the early game, you won't have mana as his curse of the silent will eat your mana like no tomorrow. The disarm can prevent you from doing damage but his ulti won't harm your reincarnation.However,his ulti with Aghanim's Scepter upgrade,it will further eat your mana and with refresher, you won't have mana at all.

Nyx Assassin
Although his combo can't do **** to you because of reincarnation, his mana burn is going to eat your mana like no tomorrow and every few seconds you will find yourself empty of mana because of it.

Items builds to counter certain heroes that fucked you up


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