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6 Votes

The Manly Terminator/Vampire/Knight/King

November 11, 2014 by Devildust21
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eeon (6) | November 15, 2014 7:57am
Divine Wrath wrote:

If you speak about Shadow Blade you are very wrong, bonus damage on first hit is individual and can never be a critical, as stated in tooltip.

my bad, you are correct.. it still can be used as an initiation, 175 dmg is pretty good (I think it was 150 before) I just don t know any more. I personally never buy it on WK. Thanks for the enlightenment!
Timminatorr (57) | November 13, 2014 3:41pm
i feel this guide is a bit too much 2012...

right now the better build involves maelstrom into mjollnir for farming speed. going items like deso just leaves you with slow farm speed, and that can cause you to be far behind the enemy carry.

personally i like to get midas when i can, and get mjollnir into abyssal. you become such a strong manfigher with it, you can wreck agi carries if you manage to not die twice in teamfights.
Divine Wrath (2) | November 13, 2014 2:18am
Returning to Refresher Orb thing I actually use it when my team has 2 more carries and some AoE potential. Pair it with Shiva's Guard and you will have 2 slows from Reincarnation and 2 slows from Shiva's Guard.
If you died once and had mana to trigger Reincarnation just spam Refresher Orb. You get back alive with full mana so there is no way you can't use it (unless very bad things like a Chronosphere happens before you actually get back alive.
Having both items gets you a nice boost in mana, mana regeneration and armor.
Divine Wrath (2) | November 13, 2014 2:09am
Second problem: you are wrong about Lothar, it is not used as an escape in your case, but rather as initiation, the 150bonus damage upon breaking invisibility can get critical to 450, add this to your own damage and it is a sure kill.

If you speak about Shadow Blade you are very wrong, bonus damage on first hit is individual and can never be a critical, as stated in tooltip.
Epix_G | November 12, 2014 5:14pm
The amount of '****s' lol
Devildust21 | November 12, 2014 3:34pm
@Divine Wrath i stated that refresher orb is situational,secondly, i did state that Wraith King is good with most support heroes including Dazzle.
KoDyAbAbA (65) | November 12, 2014 8:56am
^this thread just went meta
Metabee (2) | November 12, 2014 7:37am
I like your writing style.
eeon (6) | November 12, 2014 7:18am
Ooook, first of all, too many **** in your guide, most of the time I did not even understood what word should be placed there.

Second problem: you are wrong about Lothar, it is not used as an escape in your case, but rather as initiation, the 150bonus damage upon breaking invisibility can get critical to 450, add this to your own damage and it is a sure kill.

third: hellfire blast scales liniarily with each point you get, so either you max it by 7, or you just get one point for the stun and get stats.

Best of **** luck you ******* man *** this ****
Divine Wrath (2) | November 12, 2014 4:01am
First I don't agree with skill 2 alocation.
You didn't said if is a build for lane or jungle.
If you jungle you need at least 1 point in vampiric aura.
If you will stay in lane you want 1 point in Mortal Strike, unpredictable but can turn one random hit on an enemy in one early game kill.

Crystal Maiden will not ensure you can use Reincarnation it just gives better mana regen, but it will still take a long time. Keeper of the Light however can actually save you from mana drained to Reincarnation.

You forgot to add healers as friends.
Omniknight is best friend for any melle tanky hero. He can keep you alive , make you spell imune, physical imune, etc.
Dazzle can heal and slow at same time, and also boost your armor even further.

Clinkz is agility nuker/carry, he will most probably have Diffusal Blade. Add Strafe and you will find yourself with no pants in front of him.

Divine Rapier counters nothing. If you got raped before you will only get raped much more after you hand that to enemies.
Refresher Orb will not help you stay mana up. Once you get into a fight and start loosing mana from various sources, you are dead, and 200% mana regen will have no use in the 20 seconds required for you to get killed. refresher orb can only make you more tanky since you can have 3 lives instead of 2. If you consider taking it, consider also taking a mana boost, not mana regen boost. Bloodstone will work perfectly. Or Eye of Skadi to also keep your targets in melle much longer.
KoDyAbAbA (65) | November 12, 2014 1:25am
so many "****s" given lol
lampmaster | November 11, 2014 9:32pm
A decent guide, it could use a gameplay section. How does one lane with Wraith King? What is his role in team fights? In what situations is it acceptable to use Reincarnation? Aside from that, some further elaboration on items and abilities and maybe a few gameplay pictures could really improve upon your current work.
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