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19 Votes

The counter to everyone

August 1, 2012 by ERMAC__#172623
Comments: 11    |    Views: 39612    |   

Build 1
Build 2

Side/mid lane

DotA2 Hero: Doom

Hero Skills

LVL ? Pain (Innate)


1 3 5 7

Scorched Earth

2 8 9 10

Infernal Blade

4 12 13 14


6 11 16


15 18


While it's fun just to doom people and then leave the game as we all do, Doom Bringer is more than just Doom, he actually is a very flexible hero, who can fill many roles and carry many items. He is a great farmer, and you should be able to last hit effectively to play Doom to his fullest. There is very few team compositions that wouldn't benefit from having doom on. He can Tank, Semi-carry, gank, and be a disabler. There is little doom can't do.
Just note that my title is half troll, have true. While Doom does somewhat "Soft counter" most heroes, he doesn't hard counter everyone by any means so don't pick-up doom thinking he is super OP. Go play Anti-Mage instead. :D

Comments, questions, suggestion? Please leave them, and be nice. Otherwise I'll doom you. Not in IRL, but I'll imagine it. And you wouldn't want that. Also, I have low self-esteem.

Pros and Connies

Because again, why not?

+Strong Farming, good laning.
+Very beefy, has a high strength gain.
+ Doom
+Very versatile hero

-0 starting armor, and a **** agility gain.
-Has mana problems


Due to Doom's strong farming, he can very well get many high end items very early. We're talking about things like Radiance and Shiva's Guard in under 23 minutes. Maybe less.

With Doom's versatility, there are many items builds he can go, there really isn't a set in stone item build for doom. Thus I had trouble trying to make a good purchase order for Doom in the Build thingy. Usually through, Doom's tend to rush Radiance as he is a very good Radiance carrier.


As for the starter, I usually get those items almost all the time, only changing up stout for Ring of Protection. The ring can help Doom with his ****py 0 starting armor, now giving him not only a high health pool, but some armor to go with it. The Stout Shield is there to accomplish the the same thing, by giving doom damage block. Usually I got for Stout because it builds into Vanguard and my mana problems are covered by Arcane Boots and basilius will make make for an awkward item. Still, if you're going mid with doom, It's better to get the Ring as you'll get Phase Boots over arcane boots and need some form of mana regen aside from Bottle.


Magic Wand is the go to items on many heroes, and is a great item to have on Doom. Doom is usually in people's faces, tanking damage and slicing *****es up. So you'll probably be getting charges. It will also help with you mana problem. Still, if you go mid, you'll probably just stick with a Bottle. If you're on a side lane, get this.
If you need the extra sustain due to harassment, this can be a good item to get. If your lane isn't really difficult and you feel pretty dug in then there really isn't a need to get this. It's better to get this only if you have an aggressive lane, otherwise you'll just slow down your other items unnecessarily.
If you went with a Ring of Protection, then turn it into a Ring of Basilius. You'll get the armor aura and the mana regen aura. Both of those things Doom lacks early game, so needless to say it's a decent item to get on Doom. If you're getting Arcane Boots, I'd personally just skip this and get Ring of Health instead as the boots will take care you your mana problems and make the Ring irrelevant. Also, if you lane buddy has this, it's obviously redundant for you to get it as well, so know who you're laning with.
Going mid? Then get a Bottle. This is for everything, health, mana, and runes since if you're mid you'll be ganking, or should be.


When it comes to boots, it depends on what you want to do...or where you went for a lane. There are only two good choices for Doom.
Went mid? Then these are probably the best boots to get. If your ganking, you'll need the speed and bonus attack damage. With Scorched Earth, you'll move extremely fast, you'll pretty much outrun the majority of heroes at this point. Phase Boots put a priority on ganking and killing enemy heroes for your gold, while having other items cover your mana problems. Plus, you'll need to get to those runes.
The preferred boots if you go side lane in my opinion. These boots permanently cover Doom's mana problems for the rest of the game. You'll never run out of mana, which is good. With this much mana you'll never have a lull in Devour which you should be casting every time it's of cooldown. You'll also have infinite sustain since you can cast Scorched Earth whenever your health pool is low. Arcane Boots prioritize constant farming and sustain.


Radience is the go to item on Doom for two main reasons.

1. He can farm it fast, and the faster you have Radiance, the better.
2. He is fairly beefy, letting him get the most out of it's DoT.

With Doom, you'll want to get radiance fast, like under 25 minutes. Getting it in this time frame really helps out with any type of group fights. It will further help out Doom's already great farming, and allow him to gank better as well because Scorched Earth and Radiance's AOE damage do stack and gives Doom a huge presence in team fights. Any character with Blink Dagger can't use it, because the AOE damage counts as player damage and resets it every time. Also, this can help you easily stack multiple creep camps at once due to it's aura.

Now sometimes they're other heroes that can be a Radiance carrier. If that's the case then Doom can quickly farm up for another item like Shiva's or a Sheepstick instead of Radiance. He is a very flexible hero who can do many things so don't ignore it.
Needless to say, if you're going to be in the middle of a lot of teamfights and rely on DoT items, you'll need some sort of tanky item. Vanguard is the prime item for early and mid game Survivability. It works well on Doom and is pretty much needed as he lacks armor, making for some form of damage block very handy.

Late game/Situational

Doom's Late game items are many, as he can get many of them due to his versatility as a hero. However, some items are better to get most of the time. Let's see what to get and when.
Pipe of Insight is a very viable item on Doom, if Situational. If you need some form of magic resistance against a mass nuker team, this is your baby right here. Due to Doom's farming, he can get this item fairly quick.
Not the most recommended item, but it's not too expensive, effective, and can make a big difference against certain team compositions.
Was casting Doom so fun you want to cast it again? Then get Refresher Orb. Dooming one person on the enemy team is rough, dooming two is ****ing murder. That's two 13 second silences on two heroes. The orb also gives a nice damage boost. The health regen is meh since you already have plenty of it and the mana regen is unneeded as you probably won't have mana problems when you get this. Still, two Dooms can really **** up the enemy team. If your not a Radiance carrier, then perhaps you'd prefer the role of disabling everyone and making them rage?
A good item to get no matter what item build you go, Shiva's Guard gives you bonus armor (which you really could use) as well as the passive and and active move and attack slows. You'll be in everyone's faces during teamfights, so you'll probably be in the best position to cast this. So really, why not get this if nobody else has it?
Another good item on Doom, Heart of Tarrasque makes Doom nigh impossible to kill, which is what you want for an AoE DoT hero. If you went with Radiance, this is a great combination item to go with it. You'll also get a +40 damage boost.
This is a Item doom can get fairly early if you weren't going for Radiance. Getting a Scythe of Vyse early adds to Doom's ability to shut people up and disable them. Now that you have both Doom and a hex, nobody is getting away from you. You'll also have a extra stun for teamfights and the Stats that Scythe gives you are pretty good especially if you get this early.
Assault Cuirass is another item I like on Doom a lot if you went for a Radiance build. It gives you 10 armor, +35 attack speed, and a bonus armor aura of 5, a negative armor aura of 5, and a speed bonus aura of 20. Again, your hunk of fat is the one of the best for carrying tanky teamfight items like this, and one that works well since while you'll have a good attack damage, your speed won't be as good without this. Now you'll have both along with a ****load of armor and armor reduction. If you have an Alpha wolf devour, you'll be hitting like an aircraft carrier crashing into a prias, if that were possible(and I know it is). Needless to say, unless someone else on your team is going to get this, there really isn't a reason NOT to get this on Doom. It just suits him really well, like it was made for him.

This cheap little thing is something that works wonders for tanky heroes. With Blade Mail, any damage you take get returned as pure damage, making it even more annoying to kill you then it already was. Since you'll be the target of many heroes due to your passive AOE damage, this will always come in handy, along with the extra armor. Due to it's inexpensive cost, doom can get this fairly quick and it's useful at any point in the game. Also, due to Doom's low armor, the enemy will receive more damage by attacking you then other heroes. Just a fun fact.
Strength Bonus? Check. Damage Bonus? Check. Bonus Armor? Check. Lifesteal? Check. This has everything that you can want. It doesn't come cheap, but it gives Doom some very good stuff. The lifesteal is also the best orb on doom as it keeps him alive even longer while dealing damage which is what you're trying to do for a Radiance carrier. The active is also very good.

Lastly, Hand of Midas can allow you to snowball out of control if you're left unchecked and free to farm. Arguably risky as it will technically slow down your core items(you'd want to get this not long after boots), the long run benefit can easily pay off the risk and more some.

Items not to get

The value of Doom comes from the duration, not damage. The damage is just there as bonus. With Aghanim's Scepter, you're only getting an extra second to the duration. The damage is irrelevant in my opinion because Doom is all about taking someone out of the fight, and whether 13 seconds or 14 you achieve that. If the person you doomed is still alive when the fight is over and you're team won, they are either dead anyway, or are running away.
This is not an optimal item to get on doom. Doom's damage will mostly come from Radiance which he can get early and is FAR FAR better than armlet at that stage in the game. Armlet is somewhat wasted on him with his farming power. Doom is a G, with lot's of money. Why get an armlet? That's for poor people who can't farm as fast as doom can.
You don't need cleave, you have Radiance. You also don't need the regen, you have Scorched Earth and Vanguard. BF really doesn't offer any survivability or really anything else you want aside from better farming. Now we're getting a little overkill here.


When it comes to skills, Doom has them, and they're all pretty good, and they all serve a different purpose, from farming, to defensive, to offensive, to disabling. Most of Doom's cooldowns are pretty long, so they aren't spammable in the traditional sense.


This is probably Doom's second best ability, and one that should always be taken first for any build. It allows doom to get good farm in lanes even if he's solo vs two without falling behind. It's basically like a better Hand of Midas. It gives you both the creep gold, and the bonus gold corresponding to the level. This is why Doom can get Radiance in under 20 minutes. Whenever this spell is off cooldown, use it. To be frank, this shouldn't be off cooldown unless your dead. This ability can kill neutral creeps as well, and the most particular this about this ability is that it give you that neutral creeps abilities. This is VERY useful, as now doom has an even wider assortment of spells, and some of these neutral creeps abilities scale into the late game, which I will go into further detail in another section. Doom can only eat Neutral at certain levels, at level 1/2/3/4 of this skill you can devour level 2/4/5/6 creeps respectively. Also Doom can't eat Ancient creeps or Roshan(if that wasn't obvious), nor can he devour siege creeps. He can however eat creeps that are under the control of enemy heroes like Chen or Enchantress, Enigma's Eidilons or Invoker's forge spirits. You can't devour things with magic immunity though, like Plague wards.

Just to note, there is a "digesting" time for creeps, the more health the creep had when you ate it, the longer it takes for it to Digest and get the bonus gold from. You can't use Devour while digesting even if it's off cooldown. Some Neutral creeps health will make it so the Digestion will be longer than the Cooldown so weaken beefier creeps before consuming them as you really don't want to delay your Devour cooldown further.

Scorched Earth

Pretty simple, it gives Doom an AoE damage aura that also increase his movespeed and gives him the same bonus regen that he gives in damage. This is good for laning as it allows Doom to push back creeps waves, regen his health pool, or escape from ganks if need be. On the flip side, it's good for offensive to give chase to those you wish to gank as well as have a passive damage aura. It's cooldown is fairly long, so don't just use it herpy derpy. You should try to save it when your trying to gank or running ways, and not when you're missing two hundred health. Usually you are going to activate this before teamfights as it's damage aura stacks with Radiance and gives you added regen and speed to chop people up.


This is an oddly named spell that hints at it's use. At first glance it seems like you average nuke, but with a twist. LVL death deals 275 bonus damage(at all levels) if your opponent's level is at a certain multiple, as shown in the description. It goes from 6/5/4/3. Obviously the lower numbers have more multiples increasing your chance for bonus damage. I hope you know your times tables, because getting the most out of this spell requires you to know the level of your enemy. Hitting someone at level 5 with a level one LVL Death does 100 damage. Great. Hitting someone at level 6 with a level 1 LVL Death does 375. that is the equivalent to roughly most level 4 nukes. Wait a second, what about someone at Level 5 with a level 2 LVL DEATH? 425. What, you think you're Lion now? That's basically half health for 110 mana and a 8 second cooldown. However the window of opportunity to hit these people are small. Nobody is staying at level 5 forever, or for even a few minutes. As such you need to time your LVL Deaths with your enemy. If you rush lVL Death, you'll catch them at level 5, 8, and maybe 9. Still, everyone levels at different rates, and by the time level 9 hits you probably won't be laning anymore. Therefore, if your going to rush LVL Death, you should be dedicated to ganking. Preferably going mid. Lastly, it mini-stuns, while this may not seem like much, this can really screw over people with a channeling spell. Characters like Witch Doctor, Enigma, or anybody looking to TP away. Also can interrupt abilities like Charge of Darkness and Requiem of Souls that aren't technically channeled.


Evryone's favorite, they should rename Doom to "Your ****ed", because that is basically what it does. Doom is a 13 second target complete silence that also deals damage over time. 13 a long time. That's 13 seconds of no active spells, and no item usage. Further more, the damage over time adds up to 390/650/910. The coolddown is long, so do not waste this spell, ever. Save it for ganks and teamfights. If your going to gank someone with Doom, you'd better kill them. Otherwise, it's a terrible waste. Characters great escape mechanisms like Blink (*cough*anti-mage*cough*) will be helpless and should be a free gank when doomed. Taking someone out of a teamfight for 13 seconds is a big deal. Especially characters with disables or who live and die by their abilities. This spell is why Doom can have a place on many team compositions, Doom is always useful. Always. However, when and whom to Doom is a little more tricky. The fights move fast and someone who is a prime Doom target one second may have just used their abilities and become the lowest priority target a second later. Casting Doom isn't the hard part, it's on who that matters and when.

There are MANY particularities about Doom and what it does to abilities. I don't know all of them, or if anything changed into Dota 2 but from what I know

Doom Disables

Doom goes through magic immunity(both damage and silence)

Gem of True Sight's vision

Doom prevents all active ability items and skills

Doom disables many passives, like evasion, bash, critical strike(items or abilities), mana burn, Radiance AoE, damage block...

Last Word

Splash damage/Cleave

Lifesteal from items.

Permanent invisibility (**** you Riki)

Doom does NOT disable


Temporary invisibility like Shadow Walk. This means if you cast this during the fade time, he'll still go invisible.

Greater Bash


Counter Helix

Linken's Sphere blocks doom completely

There is a lot more, but I can only say for sure from what I have experienced. There may be a list somewhere of Doom's interaction with all abilities.

Skill order

1. Devour
2. Scorched Earth/LVL? Death
3. Devour/ Scorched Earth
4.LVL? Death
5. Devour
6. Doom
7. DevourLVL? Death
8. Scorched Earth/LVL? Death
9. Scorched Earth/ Devour
10. Scorched Earth/ Scorched Earth
11. Doom
12.LVL? Death/ Scorched Earth
13.LVL? Death/ Devour
14.LVL? Death/ Scorched Earth
16. Doom

The left side is focused on farming, most probably a side lane. Your maxing out Devour asap, and getting both one level of Scorched Earth and LVL? Death before level 6. You're obviously taking Doom whenever you can get it. You should preferably take Scorched Earth over LVL? Death for Survivability.

The right side is more of a ganking build usually for mid lane. Here you're still taking one point into Devour for farm. Then your going to "keep up" LVL? Death with your opponent, first catching them at level 5 with a level 2 LVL? Death, then at level 8, then at level 9. Now, this is tricky, as LVL? Death actually can't be considered in a set in stone order like I have it above. It depends on who your looking at. There are 5 enemy heroes and they're all leveling at different rates. Generally, you'll want to try and gank the opposing laner at level 5-6 if possible. If you manage get to level 6 before they do, a Doom followed by LVL? Death is usually a surefire kill. Otherwise, time your LVL? Deaths with the hero you're looking to kill. Say the top lane enemy Anti-Mage, or ganking the bottom lane because your team is losing the lane.

Neutral creeps, and you

Thanks to Devour, there are many different abilities you can gain by eating up some yummy creeps. Some of them are really helpful, while others are LOL worthy. Let's take a look down below.

Level 1 Devour


The Kobold Taskmaster gives you a 12% movement increase. Due to the fact that you can devour him at level one, getting him early is a nice buff to have as you'll now have a passive mini-scorched earth. Well, the speed boost, which is not to be underestimated. Probably the most useful spell at level 1.


The camps is meh, and usually you wouldn't want to waste your time. the High priest has a **** heal ability that is completely worthless to you, and a slightly more alluring mana regen aura. It's a bonus aura of 2 which early game is somewhat significant. Still, you won't be running out of mana this early, and you're probably getting Arcane Boots anyway. Unless you have a really mana starved teamate as your laning partner, i wouldn't bother with this camp.


Would you like a 2 damage DoT that lasts ten seconds? No? No ****.

Purge is a semi-useful ability that both removes buffs and debuffs, as well as slow a target enemy for 40% for 5 seconds. This isn't a bad spell, but not a great one either. Still, it's one of the best spells for a level 1 devour.

Level 2 Devour


The harpy storm has chain lightning. It is similar to Leshrac's Lightning Storm, except it sucks. It costs to much mana for what it's worth, just ignore it.


The ghost gives a passive attack and movement slow, giving your auto attacks some slowing power. Basically a ****pier version of the Eye of Skadi passive, this isn't to helpful, unless perhaps ganking very early.


By far one of the best, if not THE best camp for Doom to Devour. The alpha wolf has two very good abilities that while they suck on him, stack VERY well with you late into the game. His first ability is a critical strike passive, that has a 30% chance to deal 150% damage. Great, now you have a free critical strike that really goes well with other items you can get like Assault Cuirass or some form of damage boost. Second, he has an aura passive that grants him and allies a 30% attack increase, basically comparable to Vengeful Spirit's Vengeance Aura. Late game this is the best Devour for you to have as it scales so well into late game and your the best person to carry it due to your tankiness.


To be honest, the Satyr trickster has a better skill than his bigger cousin. It's a 100 damage, 100 mana burn nuke. It has a long 18 cooldown and it costs 50 mana. Don't get this.


Ice armor is actually a decent buff spell. It's basically the exact same thing Lich's Ice Armor, but you get it nearly maxed out for a level 2 devour. Pretty useful, while you aren't a support character, an extra 8 armor can come in handy.

Level 3 Devour


Thunder clap is a small aoe nuke that only does 150 damage, and gives a 20% movement and attack speed slow for 3 seconds. Not too useful by the time you get it. I'd stay clear of this.


The wildkin grants you a passive bonus armor aura of 3, which is okay but really not helpful. He also grants you the tornado ability, which really won't ever be useful to Doom, since it's channeled, and you aren't killing anyone with it. Not the best camp for a level 3 devour.


Probably the second best devour, the centaur khan gives you one decent ability, and one really good skill. The first one is a passive aura attack speed boost of 15%, which is okay. The second skill is a small aoe stun that last for two seconds. This skill is really good for ganking as doom lacks a hard stun. He can also use it to run away from a gank if need be. If you're going mid lane and ganking this is the one devour you want to have as two second stun early game is very good.

Level 4 Devour


The dark troll warlord has one decent skill and another not so decent skill. The useful one is soft stun that prevent a target unit from moving for 1.5 seconds. It can still use spells and attack. This is another ganking tool that doom can use. The differences between this one and the Centaur khan stun is that ensnare is ranged, while the latter is a close range aoe. While the khan stun lasts longer and is a full stun, the ensnare is still useful due to it's range and the fact that it still stops enemies from Blinking away or using some type of mobility skill. It also interrupts channeling abilities. The second skills summons two dead skeletons to fight for you. They have poor stats and really won't do much for you.


Has two abilities, Shockwave, which is a less than mediocre line nuke, and a passive health regen aura of +3. Neither of these skills are going to do you much good, so you'll probably just ignore it.

Playing as Doom

Side lane/Farming

When getting Doom on a sidelane you'll want to be farming like a mad *****. Doom starts with 0 armor, meaning you can be harassed by certain heroes. However, you have a high health pool and Scorched Earth so you'll have good sustain to counter it. Devour should be your first ability, and you should be using it every chance you get. At the 30:00 mark, the Neutrals will spawn and you can take a quick walk over into the jungle if you want to get a neutral ability like the Kobold Taskmaster. Doom's auto attack is pretty good, and you shouldn't have that much trouble last hitting. Early game is really simple for Doom, farm, farm farm. If you're being heavily harrased, you should get a Ring of Health to better keep yourself aloft. With Devour getting these items should be no sweat. You should be able to get Arcane Boots fairly quickly, making you a permanent resident in your lane. With your constant mana regen and health regen, you'll rarely be pushed out of your lane. Just make sure you take notice of the enemy mid, as you'll likely be a big target due to your farm. The enemy team isn't going to let you rush Radiance for free. At around 20 minutes, you should have Sacred Relic and be close to Radiance. Getting Radiance this early is very powerful and will make you one of the scariest heroes on your team.

Whatever you do, do not lane against Silencer. Trust me.

Mid Lane/Ganking

Mid lane is trickier. Firstly you should always creep block, especially you since you're melee. You want your creeps as close to your tower as you can get them. When going mid, you want to be defensive until you have LVL? Death at level two and the enemy is at level 5. At this point, you can counter harass with your 400 damage nuke. Make sure you have a bottle, as your going to need those runes. Otherwise you're going to be completely out of mana before long. If you hit level 6 and they are still at 5 a Doom+LVL? Death combo is almost a guaranteed kill. After you dealt with you mid, or you just want to start roaming, make sure you know who in what lane is at which level. If you don't have the bonus damage from LVL? Death any gank has a much lower chance of success you need to see who's at what level and plan accordingly. If you have a level 3 LVL? Death and someone is at level 7 or 8, they should be your main target. Also, you should try to wait for your ultimate if you have it. Doom virtually guarantees a gank if you initiate well enough. If you have good coordination and a lane your ganking as a teamates with a good stun, you can Doom one hero, and LVL? Death another to get both of them. One cannot help the other due to being Doomed an all. As far as what creeps to ingest, the Centaur Khan is your best bet, followed by the dark troll warlord, as now you can stack stuns with other allies making you a far better ganker.

Creep blocking is vital to going mid. This picture is a sidelane, but concept is exactly the same.

When you Doom someone, make sure that you kill them. Every Doom should be a kill.


When it comes to teamfights, Doom has a big presence. Aside from Doom, Radiance and Scorched Earth's passive damage is a huge deal the longer your alive. This means you'll usually be the focus of the enemy team. You're hard to kill, and this allows your allies to due what they need to do without getting hit. If they don't focus doom, he'll just AoE and auto attack them to death. Later game teamfights you'll have the wolf devour not only giving you and your team bonus attack damage, but critical strike. They can't just ignore you, and if they do you'll kill them. You should also try to see whom is at what level to make full use of your LVL? Death. Try and hit people at the level multiple. This isn't easy to do during a big teamfight, but there is a huge difference between 250 damage and 500. Also, if someone is channeling, use LVL? Death on them regardless. It mini-stuns and will basically screw over any channeler over whom isn't magic immune, like Crystal Maiden, Witch Doctor, etc...


Just to mention this quickly, doom can stack Neutral creep camps very easily due to Radiance's aura. Simply walk nears a camp shortly before a new minute (1:00, 2:00, 3:00 ETC) without getting vision inside it and the creeps will leave their camp to attack you. After 7 seconds they'll go back and now they'll be another set of creeps waiting for you to farm them. You can actually do this to several camps at once with good timing. With radiance you can pull camps without getting vision inside the camp that you would have to do with a regular melee hero.

Whom to Doom

There is no such thing as someone who is "bad" to Doom, but there is such a thing of someone who is "Good" to Doom. People whom very reliant on there abilities for damage, people who have multiple stuns or silences, powerful initiators, or very important supports.



Is extremely reliant of abilities. If ES is doomed, he's worthless. Not having to worry about Echo Slam is a huge deal. The problem is that ES usually blinks in, making him hard to Doom if he initiates first. Once he uses Echo Slam, is priority to Doom drops rapidly

Sand King

Another initiator whom is reliant on his abilities, no Burrow Strike is good, no Epicenter is better. Like ES though, he tends to blink after he activates epicenter so it can be tough to hit him with [[Doom}}. If he doesn't and decides to channel it after blinking, Doom both interrupts the channels and puts it on cooldown so he can't use it when doom is over either. Or just LVL Death him. I'd like to add that radiance can stop him from blinking.

Beast Master

No Primal Roar, which is one the best single target stun in the game. Without primal roar, his presence in teamfights is little to none. If he used it before you could Doom him, just ignore him.


Probably the best initiator you can Doom, if he doesn't have Black Hole, he isn't worth much in group fights, and you just got rid of the best AOE disables in the game. Also, if he activates BKB before he holes, Doom him anyway. Rememeber, it goes through magic immunity.



Warlock can both initiate with his ultimate Chaotic Offering, as well as greatly bufff his teams damage with Fatal Bonds. Getting him with Doom before either of these will really help you.


No Chain Frost is a big deal and you won't have to worry about Lich at all since that is his only teamfight tool. However it's a powerful one.


Dooming omni is huge. He is 100% reliant on his abilities. With no Repel, Purification, or Guardian Angel the fight is now in your favor.



Dooming Lion means you won't have to worry about 2 really good disables and a 850 damage nuke.

Shadow Shaman

Another disabler, you'll get rid of a Hex and Shackles. No Mass Serpheny Wards is another plus as it can act as another soft disable.


Both Last Word and Global Silence will be gone. As will his damage from Glaives of Wisdom essentially making him worthless.


Highly reliant on his spells for anything, dooming him will remove a-lot of of good spells that invoker has like his many CC spells.



Tinker is 100% reliant for his nukes, Rearm, and all his active ability items. With Doom you get rid of all of these.


Same as above. Without his spells he can't do much of anything.


Same as above.



Without his defensive abilities, Weaver is extremely vulnerable with his **** health pool. He can be focused down quickly and easily.


Similar to weaver, without Skeleton Walk you"ll see just how fragile Clinkz is. Also, he can't carry without Searing Arrows or [Strafe]].


No permanent invisibility? No Smoke Screen? Riki is mincemeat when doomed.

Faceless Void

Chronosphere is out, and so his Time Lock. Without those two abilities his ability to carry is essentially gone.


He really needs Rage to get things dons. Without it he can be stunned, kited, and have pretty mediocre attack speed.

Doom Bringer patch updates

6.74 (Dota 1)
-Level Death bonus damage increased from 250 to 275
-New build, Artstyle's pusher build.

Not in Dota 2 yet, but I will update it when it does move.

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