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19 Votes

The counter to everyone

August 1, 2012 by ERMAC__#172623
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Zedek | August 30, 2013 11:37am
"This is not an optimal item to get on doom. Doom's damage will mostly come from Radiance which he can get early and is FAR FAR better than armlet at that stage in the game. Armlet is somewhat wasted on him with his farming power. Doom is a G, with lot's of money. Why get an armlet? That's for poor people who can't farm as fast as doom can."

I completely disagree with your assessment of Armlet. I don't understand how anyone could say it's sub-optimal yet still advocate getting *Vanguard*. I'm not saying that people should buy Armlet after Vanguard; I'm saying people should buy Armlet instead of Vanguard.

First, let me ask a question: Why is Assault Cuirass a very common item on Doom? Obviously, it addresses two of his main weaknesses; his poor attack speed and his low armor. Now why do people get Vanguard? To increase his sustainability and durability right?

To me it makes all the sense in the world to buy an item that addresses all of those issues in one fell swoop.

For an additional 375g (total cost of 2600g, compared to Vanguards 2225g) we could have an item that grants Doom: +65 damage (25 of which is STR), 25 IAS, 5 armor, 7hp regen (Which is more than Vanguard), a temporary +475hp, and the ability to Armlet Toggle. An important note; in conjunction with Ring of Basilius, Doom now has +8 armor... that's a big deal.

This is so powerful and cost effective it's ridiculous. All you have to do is be a little attentive and turn it on/off when appropriate. If you've never torn through an enemy team with Armlet+Radiance (a whopping +125 damage), I highly recommend you at least give it a try because it's A LOT of fun.
ERMAC__#172623 (7) | August 1, 2012 8:54pm
Great F8 wrote:

+1/+Rep, have you tried Tranquil Boots on Doom yet? They're a huge help while farming for Radiance and can be dissembled into Phase Boots or Boots of Travel upon the completion of Radiance.

Actually I never did. I made this guide before TB were in Dota 2. I haven't played Doom in a while but when I do i'll try it. it seems feasible with the disassemble.
Great F8 (3) | August 1, 2012 8:34pm
+1/+Rep, have you tried Tranquil Boots on Doom yet? They're a huge help while farming for Radiance and can be dissembled into Phase Boots or Boots of Travel upon the completion of Radiance.
ERMAC__#172623 (7) | August 1, 2012 8:09pm
No it can't
reiz24 | April 17, 2012 9:23pm
Can DOOM's ulti be remove by TIDEHUNNAH's KRAKEN SHELL?
Mullins | April 13, 2012 8:37pm
This is GOOD!
ERMAC__#172623 (7) | March 29, 2012 11:03am
I went all fanboy an added the build Artstyle has used two games in a row wit DoomBringer, whom has just recently been seeing some play, and pretty much only by Darer.
ERMAC__#172623 (7) | February 23, 2012 7:53am
This got activity all of a sudden...

klamka.357 wrote:

"Your" is not "You're"

Yes I'm aware. Your is possessive, You're=you are. I haven't spell checked it nor have I looked over it in a few days so I apologize if my mix ups annoyed anyone.

Extremely comprehensive and makes my guide look like ****. +10 points.

Yours is still concise, which this one is not. Oh look, I think I used it right.

I think you should mention Midas. Devour + Midas allows you to simply pump out luxury items like nobody's business.

I thought about it at first, it was one of my situational items. I took it out because I don't see it that much and I was hesitant to include it on doom. I might as well mention it anyway, it's not like doom can't farm it.
Atlas (117) | February 23, 2012 7:23am
I think you should mention Midas. Devour + Midas allows you to simply pump out luxury items like nobody's business.
Booyah (2) | February 23, 2012 6:54am
Extremely comprehensive and makes my guide look like ****. +10 points.
klamka.357 | February 23, 2012 1:38am
"Your" is not "You're"
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