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4 Votes

That One Guide on Sven (Troll)

September 2, 2015 by EpicDinosaur
Comments: 4    |    Views: 21297    |   

Build 1
Build 2

Battle Fury Rush

DotA2 Hero: Sven

Hero Skills

Vanquisher (Innate)

Storm Hammer

1 12 13 14

Great Cleave

2 4 5 7


3 8 9 10

God's Strength

6 11 16


15 17 18

That One Guide on Sven (Troll)

September 2, 2015


Hello, and thank you for taking the time to read this guide. My name is EpicDinosaur and I play casually. REMEMBER! THIS IS FOR LOW MMR PUB MATCHES. NOT FOR PRO GAMES/HIGH MMR GAMES. This is purely a fun build. Remember, adjust the build to the game. Any "pros" who wanna hate on this build, just remember, us low MMR folks wanna have fun.

Table of Contents

1. Introduction
2. Table of Contents (Why do I need this on here)
3. Pros and Cons of Build
4. Skill Explanation
5. Items
6. Gameplay
7. Guide Progress

Pros and Cons

Insane Cleave Damage
Insane Right Click Damage with Ultimate
Extremely Tanky
Like a Kunkka
Easy Double/Triple/Ultra Kills, and Rampages
Great in Teamfights
Good Strength Gain

Needs Farm
Loses the Early Game advantage that Sven has over other Carries
Not as Good 1v1 as a normal Sven
Tiny Intelligence Gain
Requires a team that communicates, and a support who will listen to you. (Tri-Lanes are preferred)

Skill Explanation

Storm Hammer
Behavior: Unit Target
Affects: Enemy Units
Damage Type: Magical
Pierces Spell Immunity: No
Sven unleashes his magical gauntlet that deals damage and stuns enemy units.
DAMAGE: 100 / 175 / 250 / 325
Cooldown: 13
Mana Cost: 140

This skill is great for the 2 second stun at all levels. It's an AOE stun and is one of the best at level 1. Great for first blood attempts and escapes. We don't put skill points into it until later, because the extra damage is not as good as the Great Cleave and Warcry.

Great Cleave
Behavior: Passive
Pierces Spell Immunity: Yes
Sven strikes with great force, cleaving all nearby enemy units with his attack.
Cleave damage is reduced by armor type but not by armor value.
Cleave damage goes through spell immunity.
The cleave damages a circular area in front of Sven.
CLEAVE DAMAGE: 20% / 35% / 50% / 65%

This is the skill that this build is based on. The "Bread and Butter" skill of Sven. It allows him to do massive amounts of damage to many people at once. With this maxed out, farming is extremely quick, and towers will be pushed down extremely fast. Also the 35% percent cleave from Battle Fury stacks completely with Great Cleave. This will result in 100% cleave!!!!!! With just one more, Sven does more damage with cleave than with the actual right click.

Behavior: No Target
Sven's Warcry heartens his allies for battle, increasing their movement speed and armor. Lasts 8 seconds.
Fully stacks with other armor and speed granting abilities.
BONUS ARMOR: 5 / 10 / 15 / 20
Cooldown: 32,26,20,14
Mana Cost: 25

This skill is great for surviving throughout all the game. 20 armor early and mid game is ridiculous. The 12% movement speed boost will net you a kill more than once and will save you from death more than once as well. The low mana cost makes it spammable and also helps to make Sven push even better.

God's Strength
Behavior: No Target
Sven channels his rogue strength, granting bonus damage for 25 seconds.
Upgradable by Aghanim's Scepter.
Aghanim Upgrade: God's Strength grants bonus damage to allies in a 900 radius.
The bonus damage is based on base damage and the primary attribute of Sven.
BONUS DAMAGE: 100% / 150% / 200%
Cooldown: 80
Mana Cost: 100,150,200

This is the skill that makes Sven scale so well. Strength gives him both health and damage which in turn gives more damage when this is activated. So buying strength items gives Sven health and damage. Combine that with cleave and prepare for a satisfying RAMPAGE!


Battle Fury
With Great Cleave, this will make for insane cleave damage capable of wiping teams. Since cleave stacks fully, nothing is wrong with this.

Heart of Tarrasque
This will make you a tank, give damage, and increase the power of your ultimate. The health regen outside of battle also makes for a great item.

This also gives strength which is the same thing as the Heart of Tarrasque, and the lifesteal is insane.

Power Treads
Obviously movement speed, but tread switching and the attack speed is really helpful early game.

Silver Edge
The ability to disable passives is great and the bonus damage is also good. The strength is also good for the same reasons.

The crits are amazing and will save you in many 1v1 situations. This damage is amazing.

Moon Shard
This should not be bought until after core items (obviously), and should usually be eaten to save a slot. This will make your follow up after an initiation even better. Your damage will increase, again...

Aghanim's Scepter
If your team has many right click heroes, this will literally make the other team melt. The bonus damage is based on the primary attribute of the hero, so it does not matter if the heroes are strength or not.

Black King Bar
The Anti-Magic Bar can save you during team fights. That can mean the difference between a rampage and an instant death. Good item on any carry.

Blink Dagger
This allows you to have a quick follow up initiation, escape, and chase. It's a great item on just about every hero.


Try to get a Battle Fury as soon as possible. Have a support pull the wave since your cleave will push the wave. If your having trouble in lane, get treads and a bracer. Once you get Battle Fury, play like an Anti-Mage (ish). Farm every lane and jungle, and try to farm up all your items. Being in fights will be fine at this point because your damage is still extremely high.
With your items, try to force fights and have your initiator group them up. You can then blink in and cleave them to death.

This is a game where one of my friends played this build. Shoutout to BizarreCoconut for helping with this build. Some players might not be the best (*cough* BizarreCoconut *cough*), but this build is so much fun.


Guide Progress

- Guide Created
- Minor Changes based on Early Comments

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