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Spanking and Ganking

December 17, 2016 by Phsc
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Mowen (17) | January 4, 2017 11:23am
Hey, looks like you're still using the old skilling order. Now you get ult at lvl 6/12/18 and you can put points into your talent selection to indicate what levels you take your talent at. :)
mr.dark gouki (1) | October 3, 2016 4:28pm
Well the guide is fantastic!!! Anyway i suggest to put axe on the enemy/counter list cuz his first skill and blademail realy **** up bony,i can t tell how many of them have fallen on my glory carnage.
about bony he s best as a support/roaming ganker role i think best hero to gank enemy midlaner or some low hp **** with no escape (sniper,draw,dazz,witch etc come to mind)
i like the guide.i recently started expanding my hero pool since higher mmr rank demands it so i ended up reading bunch of guides.
bony sound like good sitational pick sometimes and destroying sf and invoker mid is fun...or any other mid with no early escape like sniper.upvoted
Phsc (4) | October 3, 2016 5:29pm
Well the guide is fantastic!!! Anyway i suggest to put axe on the enemy/counter list cuz his first skill and blademail realy **** up bony,i can t tell how many of them have fallen on my glory carnage.
about bony he s best as a support/roaming ganker role i think best hero to gank enemy midlaner or some low hp **** with no escape (sniper,draw,dazz,witch etc come to mind)
i like the guide.i recently started expanding my hero pool since higher mmr rank demands it so i ended up reading bunch of guides.
bony sound like good sitational pick sometimes and destroying sf and invoker mid is fun...or any other mid with no early escape like sniper.upvoted

Well, Axe is one hell of a counter, but there's a few other heroes that are worse, Legion Commander destroys Bounty Hunter with Blade Mail and the ultimate Duel, and the high HP and the high regen also doesn't help, other tank heroes like Centaur Warrunner are like that, Slark can also be a problem, still not that much, and... Sven... that guy... oh my god, he's going to stun you and kill you with a few hits, and maybe even kill you with the cleave, I don't recommend picking Bounty Hunter when dealing with high HP strength heroes, I just forgot to put them here.
Also, keep in mind, if you're going to pick Bounty Hunter in a high lvl pub or ranked, probably there's going to be one or two supports, maybe even more, and that can be bad or good, the problem is wards, if they ward the jungle, the runes, and the lane, you can't gank, so that means you won't be able to be useful for your team, but the good thing is that most supports have low HP, so you can gank them easily without needing to be fed.
Also, I always gank mid when the people on my lane are missing, even if a more tanky hero, still good if the guy mid helps you.
mr.dark gouki (1) | October 5, 2016 3:45pm
Well yea i climbed from 1.4 k to 3.8 k with axe,magnus,enigma,sven,spectra and jugg and few others but problem is pool of 20 or 30 heroes is not enough anymore people couterpick a lot and games are harder i mean longer to win.
before i could play 2-3games a day now after 1 game i feel realy tilted for another one.
Well i dewarded as riki a lot i even get my own gem to counter enemy wards and constantly switching lanes i think i could do the same with bonty.
people are baning my most played **** so now i have to have plan b and c and d.if you know what i mean.
my magnus is banned in like every single game so i m forced to play void or tide but its not the same thing
Against sven all you need to do is get ghoust scepter ez solution and it go well with dagon build (e blade) later halbred makes him tear his eyes out.
cleave is a bit of a problem,consider geting blink for his stunn you can disjoint it if you time it right.
bkb can do same thing as well.
Sven hates few things stunn,bkb,disarm,basher and abbysal blade,e blade and ghoust scepter,strong heals annoy the hell out of him like mek or guardian boots (but if he s fed late no heal can save you tho).
and check his ancients stack and murder the bastard when he is low and take his stack.
Hope it helps
Croofe (1) | September 30, 2016 3:31am
Not only Diffusal Blade will purge Track. Manta Style's active also purged it. Guardian Greaves, Eul's Scepter of Divinity, and Lotus Orb (when used on self or an ally, when casted on ally, he/she will be the one that gets purged) also purge Track.

Perhaps you also want to put this.

Fortune's End, Kraken Shell, Dark Pact are abilities that can purge Track.

Fortunately Fortune's End are mostly used on enemies, so it doesn't effect much on countering Track. Kraken Shell also doesn't affect much since if when ganking Tidehunter, you should cast this ability many times on him anyway when he is about to die.

Dark Pact however is very annoying. Low cooldown, low mana cost, and pretty much makes ganking Slark a whole level of annoyance considering how slippery that guy is. you may want to put this as one of Track counters.
Phsc (4) | October 3, 2016 5:33pm
Croofe wrote:
Not only Diffusal Blade will purge Track. Manta Style's active also purged it. Guardian Greaves, Eul's Scepter of Divinity, and Lotus Orb (when used on self or an ally, when casted on ally, he/she will be the one that gets purged) also purge Track.

Perhaps you also want to put this.

Fortune's End, Kraken Shell, Dark Pact are abilities that can purge Track.

Fortunately Fortune's End are mostly used on enemies, so it doesn't effect much on countering Track. Kraken Shell also doesn't affect much since if when ganking Tidehunter, you should cast this ability many times on him anyway when he is about to die.

Dark Pact however is very annoying. Low cooldown, low mana cost, and pretty much makes ganking Slark a whole level of annoyance considering how slippery that guy is. you may want to put this as one of Track counters.

I actually knew about Manta Style, Kraken Shell and Dark Pact, the good thing is that most heroes that make Manta Style have low HP, and they won't use it when they get ganked, more like when pushing or during a teamfight, Dark Pact is really common, but a lot of people that play with Slark don't do that, anyway Slark isn't a tank so it's not that bad, the problem is that you're going to get less gold.
Tidehunter is a big problem, he has high strength, that means high HP, so you won't be able to kill him in the early-game, if someone picks him, I wouldn't recommend picking Bounty Hunter in this case.
I added this to the guide, also thank you because I didn't know that Fortune's End removed Track, and now when playing agaisn't Oracle I'll keep this in mind.
Croofe (1) | October 4, 2016 2:10am
Truly, everytime I'm facing Slark, they are always ******* smart enough to cast Dark Pact before using Shadow Blade whenever I Track, Amplify Damage, or even Dust of Appearance him. Maybe we are facing different kind of Slark?? Haha.

Oh you may also want to note the recent mana cost nerf (patch 6.88e) to Track. That nerf actually hits Bounty Hunter pretty hard because of his super low mana pool and I found Arcane Boots (when you are the solo carrier of said item) doesn't really help him that much now when you need to track many people rapidly. It also bites hard when you don't have Arcane Boots yet already hit level 6.
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LinaOnFire (1) | September 26, 2016 4:47am
This guide is great, but it's a bit tough to look at without pictures, so I would recommend adding some. Over HERE is a guide on how to do BB coding for Dotafire. Wish to see you more around here!
LinaOnFire (1) | September 26, 2016 4:49am
Also, can I ask if it's possible to bring a Magic Wand with Bounty Hunter?
Phsc (4) | September 26, 2016 8:05am
LinaOnFire wrote:
Also, can I ask if it's possible to bring a Magic Wand with Bounty Hunter?

This isn't a bad idea, it's great for the mana, and the health for escaping, and it doesn't costs much, but I would say it's not worth it, I'll test it later then maybe add, also, thanks for the help with images, I'll update this guide and make ones for other heroes I like to play, like Techies, Nyx Assassin and Clinkz.
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