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about bony he s best as a support/roaming ganker role i think best hero to gank enemy midlaner or some low hp **** with no escape (sniper,draw,dazz,witch etc come to mind)
i like the guide.i recently started expanding my hero pool since higher mmr rank demands it so i ended up reading bunch of guides.
bony sound like good sitational pick sometimes and destroying sf and invoker mid is fun...or any other mid with no early escape like sniper.upvoted
about bony he s best as a support/roaming ganker role i think best hero to gank enemy midlaner or some low hp **** with no escape (sniper,draw,dazz,witch etc come to mind)
i like the guide.i recently started expanding my hero pool since higher mmr rank demands it so i ended up reading bunch of guides.
bony sound like good sitational pick sometimes and destroying sf and invoker mid is fun...or any other mid with no early escape like sniper.upvoted
Also, keep in mind, if you're going to pick
Also, I always gank mid when the people on my lane are missing, even if a more tanky hero, still good if the guy mid helps you.
before i could play 2-3games a day now after 1 game i feel realy tilted for another one.
Well i dewarded as riki a lot i even get my own gem to counter enemy wards and constantly switching lanes i think i could do the same with bonty.
people are baning my most played **** so now i have to have plan b and c and d.if you know what i mean.
my magnus is banned in like every single game so i m forced to play void or tide but its not the same thing
Against sven all you need to do is get ghoust scepter ez solution and it go well with dagon build (e blade) later halbred makes him tear his eyes out.
cleave is a bit of a problem,consider geting blink for his stunn you can disjoint it if you time it right.
bkb can do same thing as well.
Sven hates few things stunn,bkb,disarm,basher and abbysal blade,e blade and ghoust scepter,strong heals annoy the hell out of him like mek or guardian boots (but if he s fed late no heal can save you tho).
and check his ancients stack and murder the bastard when he is low and take his stack.
Hope it helps
Perhaps you also want to put this.
Perhaps you also want to put this.
I actually knew about
I added this to the guide, also thank you because I didn't know that
Oh you may also want to note the recent mana cost nerf (patch 6.88e) to
Also, the
If against supports with disables that aren't that great and with low HP/no escape I still prefer
I get your point, but
Also there's a magic item for ganking, called
If you are a
Then let's look at SB cooldown.
It's annoying and unsurprisingly realistic in pubs. I just speak this from experience, both from facing him and using him himself. In competitive, he is definitely played differently, but in pubs he is always played like this.
SB for
Oh and waste that mana thing? when you switch Agi treads to Int treads, cast, then switch back, Slark practically cast the ability for free. (about 10 mana cost only)
This is all in a normal quick ganking/teamfight scenario, where the timing you broke down doesn't apply, since you will do all of this in a window of around what, 5 seconds? Imagine getting a kill on a
If you are talking about a longer teamfight, then yes, you can probably still use SB to escape, and it would go down roughly as you explained. And that has nothing to do with being a good or a bad Slark, since a good Slark will still gank the one target and get away with it by usage of SB only to initiate - and that's how he's played both by normal leveled pubs and by high level/pro.
Now since we are clearly talking from low skill level to low skill level, you'd want to just make sure people learn that SB main purpose is not escaping but initiating, since that is one of the most common mistakes of low skill players :)
As for the mana, I was referring to teamfights. You're also a Slark player right? In that case you know the downside of having the longer teamfights he loves so much for the stats is he runs out of mana - and you don't generally thread switch in the middle of a teamfight, because you have many other things to be worried about/clicking. So basically if you track him in the beggining of a teamfight and he purges it off, track him again 4 seconds later anyway, that's what I mean. It will **** him up, and between all the spells he has, if it's around the mid game, he will struggle to have mana for everything he wants to use - example, after a teamfight he has to dark pact a second time to purge Track, he's probably not gonna have enough mana to SB out now.
Axe,magnus,tide,shaker,bane,lion,mirana,etc can deal with him easy way.
bloodseeker ult can keep him in place.
Hero is fine people are stupid and can t deal with him,and his skills do no pierce bkb so that makes him a walking creep pasive atribute steal mean nothing if he cant pounce you and nuke with his first skill.
slark is just another hit and kill ganker/escape artist like puck or qop.
Can be killed with lockdown and detection.
This isn't a bad idea, it's great for the mana, and the health for escaping, and it doesn't costs much, but I would say it's not worth it, I'll test it later then maybe add, also, thanks for the help with images, I'll update this guide and make ones for other heroes I like to play, like Techies, Nyx Assassin and Clinkz.